Harvard poll: 80% see border disaster, want Trump closure restored, reject teaching critical race theory


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The mess at the border is all on Biden-Harris. And the horrific conditions people are being kept in is too.

The Biden administration is failing big time with its inability to control illegal immigration, adding it to one of several issues that could doom Democrats if left unchecked.

In a new Harvard/Harris poll, an overwhelming 80% said that illegal immigration is a serious issue and one that needs more attention than what President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris are giving.

What’s more, 68% said that signals from Biden’s White House are encouraging illegal immigration, and 55% believe that former President Donald Trump’s border closing policies should have been left in place.


100%. Democrats are losing on HUGE issues like inflation, the economy, gas prices, the border, and CRIME and SAFETY.

They're gonna try to run on the "insurrection" and TDS right up 'til the Midterms. What else do they have?
100%. Democrats are losing on HUGE issues like inflation, the economy, gas prices, the border, and CRIME and SAFETY.

They're gonna try to run on the "insurrection" and TDS right up 'til the Midterms. What else do they have?

Their plan has been, IMO, to keep lockdowns going until 2022 then unleash the people and the economy and take credit for any economic boom.
America will not survive as a capitalist, welfare state if you lose your sovereignty and have massive dependence on your system.

A vital point, as America seems to have some who want to move away from Imperialism to be replaced as a Middle Power schlep for the socialists of the world. All of the worlds nations will abandon in rapid order their support of the U.S dollar as the global standard if your nation continues in it's current direction.

Some don't care as they are betting on this collapse for their own benefit. They are happy to get in on the ground floor in China and any future digital currency they implement to usurp Americas.

Ask yourself, how stupid some have to be to allow the relinquishing of global power in such a manner.
... Some don't care as they are betting on this collapse for their own benefit. They are happy to get in on the ground floor in China and any future digital currency they implement to usurp Americas.

Ask yourself, how stupid some have to be to allow the relinquishing of global power in such a manner.

Nike admits it.

Well, based on those numbers, it's easy to see that the GOP-run, mis- and disinformation propaganda machine is well-oiled and in high gear.

BTW: I coined a new phrase today: Tee-Gee-Pow-Lin - no, it's not native American or Chinese ...

More on that is here >>>
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