Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll: Trump Would Crush Biden in an Election Right Now

occupado said:
There is pretty good chance Trump will be under indictment for several crimes in differnt jurisdictions from NY to GA. Still going to vote for him?

what? you're on year five of that now aren't ya? LOL

Hey...there's some happiness for ya lefties. Looks like Murphy pulled off the cheat by 1000 votes. See. Ya held onto NJ although why anyone would want NJ at this point is beyond me.
It's sad that every time I think I have firm grasp of just how stupid the right is you all say: "Hold my beer". Wanting a man for President that will be neck deep in legal battles is stupid. Don't you have anyone else? It's also stupid to put all your hopes on one man.
“Keeping Trump neck deep in legal battles“ is the current plan the democrats and the establishment republicans will use to try to stop Trump from running. I think it has a good chance to succeed but if it does Trump will just endorse another outsider. That outsider will win in a landslide.
“Keeping Trump neck deep in legal battles“ is the current plan the democrats and the establishment republicans will use to try to stop Trump from running. I think it has a good chance to succeed but if it does Trump will just endorse another outsider. That outsider will win in a landslide.
I do not think Trump's foolish pride will let him endorse someone else to sit in his chair. No he is going to attack anyone who might take away his followers. There can be only one.
81 million votes.
Yeah, riiiiight……
Not that many would have buyers remorse so quickly.

Or would they?

Trump couldn't crush ANYONE in an election right now. The same people who voted for Republicans last night, still won't vote for Trump for any office, ever again.
Trump couldn't crush ANYONE in an election right now. The same people who voted for Republicans last night, still won't vote for Trump for any office, ever again.

The way you talk about people as though they move in a bloc? That is just you projecting.

If enough people realize that they were lied to, to vote against Trump in 2020, then Trump can win again.
I do not think Trump's foolish pride will let him endorse someone else to sit in his chair. No he is going to attack anyone who might take away his followers. There can be only one.
You are probably right. Trump does have an enormous ego.

I wonder if the establishment GOP will try to push Jeb Bush again.
Take your bullshit excuses and shove them up your ass.
Some part of you certainly knew he was a con-man. After all he was a Manhattan real estate developer. It just didn't matter. An honest man of principle would never commit the hard-right fascist outrage you think will somehow make America great.
Some part of you certainly knew he was a con-man. After all he was a Manhattan real estate developer. It just didn't matter. An honest man of principle would never commit the hard-right fascist outrage you think will somehow make America great.

Fuckard. The rest of the gop pack, had either failed or were on the wrong side of hte issues. Trump was the obvious choice there.

Fucking Hillary, and libtards like her, are actively hostile to me and mine. A con man who just wants to steal money and inflate his fame and ego, would still be better than someone personally AND ideologically committed to waging war against me and mine.

And that would have been the WORST case scenario and Trump was much better than that.

So go fuck yourself.
Trump couldn't crush ANYONE in an election right now. The same people who voted for Republicans last night, still won't vote for Trump for any office, ever again.
Virginia is now RED thanks to Brandon. Trifecta wins.
Meet our new Lt Governor
Fuckard. The rest of the gop pack, had either failed or were on the wrong side of hte issues. Trump was the obvious choice there.

Fucking Hillary, and libtards like her, are actively hostile to me and mine. A con man who just wants to steal money and inflate his fame and ego, would still be better than someone personally AND ideologically committed to waging war against me and mine.

And that would have been the WORST case scenario and Trump was much better than that.

So go fuck yourself.
Really I get it. You want the kind of man who will commit atrocity for a good cause. The right just likes the kind of man who could slaughter Indians all week and then walk into church on Sunday and look the preacher in the eye.
So most people don’t want those things? Or you’re just happy to say fuck off pay double the gas price, deal with unemployment and inflation, an open border and fuck off. That’s your plan. You may have missed what happened last night.
I buy diesel at almost $4.00 a gallon. Do I wish it were cheaper? Yes. Do I whine about it like a little bitch with a skinned knee? No. Magaturds like you do.

I don't 'deal with unemployment', because I work.

The border situation has been festering my whole life. Somehow, it always gets worse, whether a D or an R is running the country. Do you have something besides the same old magaturd bullshit talking points you're going to use to tell me about it? No.

Stop talking pal.
Really I get it. You want the kind of man who will commit atrocity for a good cause. The right just likes the kind of man who could slaughter Indians all week and then walk into church on Sunday and look the preacher in the eye.

Take that shit you are talking and shove it back up your ass, where you pulled it from.

Trump ran as a political unknown. He was a gamble. But considering the weakness or outright hostility of the other choices, such as fucking Hillary,

Trump; was the obvious choice.

And, in the real world, he did pretty well.

I know in your world, where he was a w.s. and an authoritarian strongman and had mobs of violent thugs rioting in the streets, burning and killing, that, he was scary or some such shit.

BUT IN REALITY? He was fine.

You people, you need to stop expecting people like me, to treat your delusions with respect.

Stop being such a fucking loon and asshole.
Take that shit you are talking and shove it back up your ass, where you pulled it from.

Trump ran as a political unknown. He was a gamble. But considering the weakness or outright hostility of the other choices, such as fucking Hillary,

Trump; was the obvious choice.

And, in the real world, he did pretty well.

I know in your world, where he was a w.s. and an authoritarian strongman and had mobs of violent thugs rioting in the streets, burning and killing, that, he was scary or some such shit.

BUT IN REALITY? He was fine.

You people, you need to stop expecting people like me, to treat your delusions with respect.

Stop being such a fucking loon and asshole.
If you were only voting against Hillary we would not be having this conversation. There really is no need to jump to his defense.
If you were only voting against Hillary we would not be having this conversation. There really is no need to jump to his defense.

That is not what I said. Try to fucking read what I fucking wrote, instead of listening to the voices in your head.

I saw in Trump's first term, a mostly good faith attempt to follow though with the gist of his platform.

That is really all that any voter can expect from a Presidential candidate.

Your talk of "authoritarianism" or "wacism" is just stupid shit that you should save for late night drinking sessions with your lib buddies. No one else buys that shit. (And, fyi? Most of them know it is shit too, they just enjoy playing along. )

Because it is complete shit.

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