This Just Goes To Show That Trump Is Not A Sore Loser

My stock portfolio is doing great. Trump told me it was supposed to crash. What happened?
History will record Trump as the biggest sore loser in American history. The only President that refused to concede and the first to ruin our traditionally peaceful transition of power. he will be a stain and embarrassment for this country in all the history books. Schoolchildren will learn about his behavior and be shocked by his lack of ethics, class, and intelligence.
He just knew that if Biden would get elected that America would lose and it turns out that his prediction came true.

Refuses to concede he lost. Perpetuates the Big Lie. Fomented an insurrection.

Worst. Sore. Loser. Ever.

All anyone will remember about Trump 100 years from now is that he allowed hundreds of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily and was the only president to be impeached twice.

And that he was the worst. Sore. Loser. Ever.

So no one but other sore loses give a fuck what his opinion of Biden is.
Refuses to concede he lost. Perpetuates the Big Lie. Fomented an insurrection.

Worst. Sore. Loser. Ever.

All anyone will remember about Trump 100 years from now is that he allowed hundreds of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily and was the only president to be impeached twice.

And that he was the worst. Sore. Loser. Ever.
Uh oh. Big "thumbs down" for you.
He just knew that if Biden would get elected that America would lose and it turns out that his prediction came true.

Trump obliterated Biden and Dems in this video. Can you imaging the stuttering dementia patient Biden getting through an interview like this? Total disaster right. The USA is suffering the unfortunate luck of not living a Trump 2nd term right now.

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