Harry Reid To Lead Liberal Center for American Progress 'War Room' In 'All-Out' Opposition of Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Looking to build itself into a nerve center for the anti-Donald Trump resistance, the liberal Center for American Progress think tank is relaunching its advocacy-focused arm Thursday and bringing on a longtime senior aide to Sen. Harry Reid to help lead the charge.

Adam Jentleson, Reid’s deputy chief of staff, will work to steer the new war room at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, which its leaders hope will provide Democrats with a centralized resource to oppose the president-elect’s moves — starting with his Cabinet nominations."

Harry Reid is a dirty, cheating, lying SO, so you can bet if he is involved this group will unfairly go after Trump on eerything, valid or not, exposing liberals simply tefuse to accept their defeat.

Center for American Progress focuses on anti-Trump efforts

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