Happy Tale.

poor wittle diddling willow twee

You are a freak of nature. Sorry for ya. You have all the pity I can muster.. ZERO.

If you're as ugly outside as you are inside (I've no doubt you are) it should be a crime for you to be within 200ft of any cute kitten.

*just my not so humble opinion
poor wittle diddling willow twee

You are a freak of nature. Sorry for ya. You have all the pity I can muster.. ZERO.

If you're as ugly outside as you are inside (I've no doubt you are) it should be a crime for you to be within 200ft of any cute kitten.

*just my not so humble opinion

very few people on this earth give a shit about you opinion.. that's so sad donchyathink?
DuperDude figured out how to bust out of his little cat door. I put him in the laundry room and moved the red locks ot on. in just a bit a heard a big old "POW" and went into the kitchen to check and he was sitting there looking all smart assed and everything the red lock was laying in the middle of the kitchen floor.so much for flappy cat door that you can lock.. :cool:

LOL. an escape artist! Have fun, you two.
I dont allow Pretties in my bed with me either. Shes MEAN. If I try to turn over, she bites me and hisses. So..I made her a bed next to mine. Bitch stole my bathroom as her blankie.
I dont allow Pretties in my bed with me either. Shes MEAN. If I try to turn over, she bites me and hisses. So..I made her a bed next to mine. Bitch stole my bathroom as her blankie.

I had a cat, Charmine. Interesting story, her owner named her ass-wipe, and I cleaned it up when I got her. She used to sleep in my bed and pet my head.

One I picked up I named Prudence. She got preggos, it seemed, by the whole neighborhood, and had a litter that looked like all the local toms. A misnomer...

Nine kids, all of them need new sneakers, and NONE of their fathers want to help...:lol:
lol. Love the names you gave them. Prudence?
I had one named Itta. Her middle name was Puddy. Last name..Tatt, of course. Snicker.
I had a baby pig one time too. The mom commenced to eat her brood and we heard them screaming so we ran out to the field and the sow was munching away so while my friend held her off with a big ol rake, I jumped in and grabbed the last two left alive and not chewed on. We named them Aviance and Ambience. Both grew up to live on a farm and never be eaten..by anyone or anything. That was years ago so Im sure they are in Pig Heaven by now. They sure were cute. Mom got served as breakfast a few weeks later, from what I heard. :(
lol. Love the names you gave them. Prudence?
I had one named Itta. Her middle name was Puddy. Last name..Tatt, of course. Snicker.
I had a baby pig one time too. The mom commenced to eat her brood and we heard them screaming so we ran out to the field and the sow was munching away so while my friend held her off with a big ol rake, I jumped in and grabbed the last two left alive and not chewed on. We named them Aviance and Ambience. Both grew up to live on a farm and never be eaten..by anyone or anything. That was years ago so Im sure they are in Pig Heaven by now. They sure were cute. Mom got served as breakfast a few weeks later, from what I heard. :(

And Itta Puddy Tat is a mad cool name for a cat!
lol. Love the names you gave them. Prudence?
I had one named Itta. Her middle name was Puddy. Last name..Tatt, of course. Snicker.
I had a baby pig one time too. The mom commenced to eat her brood and we heard them screaming so we ran out to the field and the sow was munching away so while my friend held her off with a big ol rake, I jumped in and grabbed the last two left alive and not chewed on. We named them Aviance and Ambience. Both grew up to live on a farm and never be eaten..by anyone or anything. That was years ago so Im sure they are in Pig Heaven by now. They sure were cute. Mom got served as breakfast a few weeks later, from what I heard. :(

Cat names I have used (or someone in my family has used):
My Kitty
Ki Ki
Dum Dum
Titches (Stitches)

And about 5 named "Mama".
How adorable! I want a kitty cat...but we have three dogs...and at one point in time we had a cat and two dogs...the cat didn't really like the dogs, she kept hissing at them...
Dufus just went into the bedroom and slammed the door shut.. now theire is a pitty pat little rhythm on the door while he tries to figure out how to open it. :lmao:

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