Hannity: FBI plotted to destroy President Trump - 'We Almost Lost America'

Who can forget the time Hannity was fact-checked on live TV and decided to cut to a car chase because he didn't have any bullshit talking points to deflect with..

1st post
You would have been better served to claim it was a spell check mistake but when you are under the gun reasonable lies dont come to you easily.
Like using a proper punctuation mark, like you just did?
We're talking about spelling not punctuation. I freely admit I dont use apostrophes unless it causes confusion in words like we're and were. :rolleyes:
I don't have a problem with admitting that I do not always spell things correctly or even use the correct word but the gist of whatever it is generally understood by those who are not petty pricks. Does that help you?
See if you had just said that instead of lying about it then I wouldnt have mocked you. However you lied in order to convince people on the internet. First you claimed you hit the wrong keys. Then you said you werent paying attention. Just be truthful.
One in the same, I didn't pay attention and hit the wrong keys. That is not a lie you lil 'anti' 'hater' 'prick' but you say and think whatever you like as you will anyhow.
'One In The Same': An Eggcorn
Who can forget the time Hannity was fact-checked on live TV and decided to cut to a car chase because he didn't have any bullshit talking points to deflect with..

Yea, that was great. That said it all about Hannity. Lol! I wonder if he covered it the next day, or did he continue with the car chase?
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5th post
I love posting this kind of material....just watching all the ABNORMALS losing their pea sized minds is political entertainment at its finest. The HATRED and VENOM exudes from their fingertips....makes one wonder just how thoroughly sick these people truly are.....but please continue I will be monitoring this one all afternoon....but


Can anyone refute anything Sean said or you just attack the source because you can't attack the content?

Unlike CNN, Sean doesn't create the news. He always speaks about his sources. He doesn't hide anything. Last night was a very damning monologue. And none of it was proven untrue.
I love posting this kind of material....just watching all the ABNORMALS losing their pea sized minds is political entertainment at its finest. The HATRED and VENOM exudes from their fingertips....makes one wonder just how thoroughly sick these people truly are.....but please continue I will be monitoring this one all afternoon....but


Lol! Chief, you should be monitoring yourself if you are the OP?
The leftist trolls all took notice quickly and put in there worthless comments.

have you contracted any vaccine preventable diseases lately, you dumbo fraud..?? :itsok:

What is the Difference betweeen There and Their?
Are you taking your vaccines like a good little drone?
We are not crazies who want to share deadly diseases with children....
You're not? Funniest thing I've read all day.

Two words for you. Open Borders.
Can anyone refute anything Sean said or you just attack the source because you can't attack the content?

Unlike CNN, Sean doesn't create the news. He always speaks about his sources. He doesn't hide anything. Last night was a very damning monologue. And none of it was proven untrue.
His source is conjecture talking points. There is nothing fact based. Of course we can refute, when most of his commentary comes from opinion based sources.
10th post
Apparently, what we're supposed to learn from this thread is that getting vaccines to prevent diseases and the proper spelling of a word are of greater import than whether the FBI is truly trying to protect America(!), or covering up its involvement in oppositional research.

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear people don't really want to talk about the FBI.
Apparently, what we're supposed to learn from this thread is that getting vaccines to prevent diseases and the proper spelling of a word are of greater import than whether the FBI is truly trying to protect America(!), or covering up its involvement in oppositional research.

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear people don't really want to talk about the FBI.
They don't want to really talk about the vaccines damaging children either but they really think they have something to gripe about.
Apparently, what we're supposed to learn from this thread is that getting vaccines to prevent diseases and the proper spelling of a word are of greater import than whether the FBI is truly trying to protect America(!), or covering up its involvement in oppositional research.

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear people don't really want to talk about the FBI.
When you have documentation that actually discredits the FBI, you be sure to provide that documentation the next time you post. And opinions don't count. Is that fair enough?

Unless Trump brings these traitors to justice, we did lose America.

We're one democrat President away from Fascism

It didn't bother the Dems too much or anyone in the media when it was revealed that Ted Kennedy asked the Russians to help defeat Reagan. Such hypocrisy is very telling as to any honorable intentions they had then or may try to imply that they have now.
15th post

Unless Trump brings these traitors to justice, we did lose America.

We're one democrat President away from Fascism

It didn't bother the Dems too much or anyone in the media when it was revealed that Ted Kennedy asked the Russians to help defeat Reagan. Such hypocrisy is very telling as to any honorable intentions they had then or may try to imply that they have now.

They spent all of October 2016 getting their jackboots shined up for the Progressive Jihad on Republicans
Think on this current events board we should spend our time picking on the poor spellers, but only if they belong to the other party.

Unless Trump brings these traitors to justice, we did lose America.

We're one democrat President away from Fascism

It didn't bother the Dems too much or anyone in the media when it was revealed that Ted Kennedy asked the Russians to help defeat Reagan. Such hypocrisy is very telling as to any honorable intentions they had then or may try to imply that they have now.

They spent all of October 2016 getting their jackboots shined up for the Progressive Jihad on Republicans

says the jack booted fascist who is loading his gun for the conservative jihad on everyone else.

or will you spare moderates and rinos?

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