Hamas wants peace

You think dominated cultures should roll over like German JEWS? Yea, dude.. clearly someone forgot to tell America's Natives about that during Manifest Destiny. Hell, I'll see your holocaust and RAISE you the Irgun Attacks

During the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine against the British Mandate of Palestine the militant Zionist group the Irgun carried out sixty attacks against Arabs and British soldiers.[1] Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by the New York Times[2][3], the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry[4], and prominent world and Jewish figures, such as Winston Churchill[5], Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein, and many others[6]. Irgun launched a series of attacks which lasted until the beginning of World War II. All told, Irgun attacks against Arab targets resulted in at least 250 Arab deaths during this period.

Detroit, 1976 (roughly). It was called "Devil's Night" and was the night before Halloween.

uh, do you have evidence that this was an activity perpetuated BY BLACKS? Careful, I'm going to fucking choke slam you into the pavement if you can't find a source indicating that Devil's Night was a BLACK manifestation...

But, again, I'll go ahead and preempt you and RAISE you the LA Riots following the video of WHITE police officers beating the shit out of a Black motorist named Rodney King. Tell me, how many tanks should we have taken into LA that night? How many CIVILIANS should have been killed since they live in proximity to blacks reacting to racism?

Several. One tribe was the Nez Pierce up in the Northwest. After the Battle of Little Big Hole, Chief Joseph said that he would fight no more forever, and marched with his people down the Trail of Tears.

Look at your OWN fucking post. What does, "AFTER THE BATTLE" mean to you?

And.....just out of curiosity, how much do you REALLY know about the Jews? Did you know that they knew astronomy, astrology, ground lenses 3,000 years ago, as well as had a lot of other science?
Go on the web to the Universal Torah Network, and watch the series on the B'nei Noach.
But, just like Fat Albert and Bill Cosby said........
If you're not careful, you just may learn something.

whooptyfuckingdo. What do YOU know about arabs? From ALgebra to ALchemy does it change your fucking standard zionist reaction opinion of them despite knowing how much THEY have contributed? Fuck no it doesn't. Hell, how many Greek Gods are you willing to Kill in the name of just because Archemedis was a smart motherfucker? Give me abreak, dude. I'm not here to look for a hero race to worship. I'm more interested in the common humanity that we ALL share despite the god complex you people use to canonize jews.

PS, you didn't clarify my scenerio:

HOW would you react if I had your family living in a 5 foot squared cardboard box with no windows or doors and told them to shit in the corner and LIKE it? Are you going to REACT to me?
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a.. BLOG?

BRAVO, dude. fucking BRAV-O.


No, a lebanese blog.

My opinion wasn't good enough, right? A lebanese guy knows probably better then both of us.

nope. sorry. a blog is about as much evidence as any other Opinion editorial piece. Are you fucking new to this or something? Hell, at least I filter out blogs and other shit from MY links before posting them. Shit, I even post evidence from the fucking Jpost and Haaretz.. and you think a fucking BLOG will suffice?

damn, dude... thats sad.
You think dominated cultures should roll over like German JEWS? Yea, dude.. clearly someone forgot to tell America's Natives about that during Manifest Destiny. Hell, I'll see your holocaust and RAISE you the Irgun Attacks

So.....according to you, the Jews weren't dominated by the Germans?

During the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine against the British Mandate of Palestine the militant Zionist group the Irgun carried out sixty attacks against Arabs and British soldiers.[1] Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by the New York Times[2][3], the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry[4], and prominent world and Jewish figures, such as Winston Churchill[5], Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein, and many others[6]. Irgun launched a series of attacks which lasted until the beginning of World War II. All told, Irgun attacks against Arab targets resulted in at least 250 Arab deaths during this period.

Wait a minute.....You actually trust the New York Times?

uh, do you have evidence that this was an activity perpetuated BY BLACKS? Careful, I'm going to fucking choke slam you into the pavement if you can't find a source indicating that Devil's Night was a BLACK manifestation...

The Devil's Night manifestation in Detroit was mainly in the inner city slums. And, that area has always been populated by a 95 percent Black population. You do the math.

But, again, I'll go ahead and preempt you and RAISE you the LA Riots following the video of WHITE police officers beating the shit out of a Black motorist named Rodney King. Tell me, how many tanks should we have taken into LA that night? How many CIVILIANS should have been killed since they live in proximity to blacks reacting to racism?

While you're at it.....let's talk about the truck driver who was beaten in retaliation for the Rodney King incident.

Look at your OWN fucking post. What does, "AFTER THE BATTLE" mean to you?

They still went peacefully. Matter of fact Chief Joseph really didn't have to surrender, as he'd been doing pretty good up until then. One of the factors that caused him to stop was the weather.

whooptyfuckingdo. What do YOU know about arabs? From ALgebra to ALchemy does it change your fucking standard zionist reaction opinion of them despite knowing how much THEY have contributed? Fuck no it doesn't. Hell, how many Greek Gods are you willing to Kill in the name of just because Archemedis was a smart motherfucker? Give me abreak, dude. I'm not here to look for a hero race to worship. I'm more interested in the common humanity that we ALL share despite the god complex you people use to canonize jews.

Arabs came up with the concept of zero. But.....you also realize that it was Hagar and Ishamel who were kicked out of the tribe of Abraham that started the feud between Jews and Muslims, right?

PS, you didn't clarify my scenerio:

HOW would you react if I had your family living in a 5 foot squared cardboard box with no windows or doors and told them to shit in the corner and LIKE it? Are you going to REACT to me?

How would I react? I'd figure out a better way of doing things without letting you know. After all......as a military man I've been trained to adjust, adapt and overcome.

Harm them, and I harm you.
1) The germans did dominate jews but their example is not the sole example of a minority group being dominated by a majoirty group. Hell, we can bounce all over the globe and see how violent reactions to domination take place. Ask Nelson Mandela all about it.

2) The NYT didn't invent the Irgun violence. Read the article. You seem to think that holocaust jews are the only example of how a dominated sample of a population should respond. I'm showing you an ironic example of jews doing the same things you want so bad to demonize muslims for.

3) I'm not going to assume that Devil's night was a primarily BLACK behaviour. I would suggest you provide evidence for your assertion thereof if you want to continue using this as an example. Your bullshit non-sequiters are not proof of anything. You made the statement now support your position.

4) Sure, lets. In no way, shape or form was that beaten truck driver an excuse to bring the fucking military into LA and start killing civilians. His beating was wrong and his detractors should be prosecuted fully. But, that doesn't change the FACT that black america saw the racism of the Rodney King verdict and REACTED to being disenfranchised from a common society. Black poeople didn't beat his ass because he was WHITE until they saw that a black man getting beat by white cops ON VIDEO had been acquitted. Now, had there actually been justice to those cops we'd never have seen either those riots OR a beaten truck driver.

5) THEY WENT AFTER THEY FOUGHT THEIR ASSES OFF. Yes, the could NOT fight against white guys with superior weapons.. that DOESNT mean that some white dude rolled into the fucking tribe one day, showed him a French deed made out to the US, and then the whole fucking tribe said fuck it and pack up. THEY WERE as much refugees as palis ARE. Hell, tell the ghost of Geronimo about natives who rolled over for the sake of manifest destiny. Or, better yet, George Custer.

6) Dude, that whole "time of abraham" shit has no bearing on this conflict whatsoever. This is about as silly as your "allah is a demon" crap. This has nothing to do with the fucking Old Testament outside of raging jews who thing burning bushes make great real estate agencies. Hell, from Abraham to today there have been periods of pluralistic peace on that land. And, we could see that again if you people were not so hellbent on making excuses for zionist racism.

7) Harm them, and I harm you.

thanks for making my point. Now, if I lined your family up and shot them in the back, with the FULL support of my nation that holds my ethnicity more valuable than yours, are you going to pick up whatever weapon you can find and react VIOLENTLY? Even if I go to jail for murdering your family, would you be quick to act if you knew that i'd get paroled in 20 fucking years REGARDLESS of my sentence? With Conjigul visits in order to make MY OWN FAMILY, no less?

By all mean.. think about the image of me killing your wife and kids and tell me how YOU would react. Especially after I ALREADY had them locked in a fucking low resrource shanty....
a.. BLOG?

BRAVO, dude. fucking BRAV-O.


No, a lebanese blog.

My opinion wasn't good enough, right? A lebanese guy knows probably better then both of us.

nope. sorry. a blog is about as much evidence as any other Opinion editorial piece. Are you fucking new to this or something? Hell, at least I filter out blogs and other shit from MY links before posting them. Shit, I even post evidence from the fucking Jpost and Haaretz.. and you think a fucking BLOG will suffice?

damn, dude... thats sad.

Seriously, the "civil war" (BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hezbollah takes over west Beirut) that followed in Lebanon after the conflict shows that the Lebanese people were divided and were not all supporting Hezbollah. I really don't understand why it is so hard to believe that in general the lebanese people were not happy when thousand lebanese people die and for millions of dollars infrastructure damage happened. I don't even think it is hard to believe that a big number of Hezbollah militants (not "soldiers") were not pleased with having death family, destroyed houses, ... .
No, a lebanese blog.

My opinion wasn't good enough, right? A lebanese guy knows probably better then both of us.

nope. sorry. a blog is about as much evidence as any other Opinion editorial piece. Are you fucking new to this or something? Hell, at least I filter out blogs and other shit from MY links before posting them. Shit, I even post evidence from the fucking Jpost and Haaretz.. and you think a fucking BLOG will suffice?

damn, dude... thats sad.

Seriously, the "civil war" (BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hezbollah takes over west Beirut) that followed in Lebanon after the conflict shows that the Lebanese people were divided and were not all supporting Hezbollah. I really don't understand why it is so hard to believe that in general the lebanese people were not happy when thousand lebanese people die and for millions of dollars infrastructure damage happened. I don't even think it is hard to believe that a big number of Hezbollah militants (not "soldiers") were not pleased with having death family, destroyed houses, ... .

And you'd be right. While Hezbollah may be the largest single party in Lebanon, they have never had majority support in any election. Hezbollah's support come almost but not quite entirely from Shia, but with a smattering of support from Christians, Druze and Sunni, and not all Shia support Hezbollah. The Sunni, Christians and Druze usually form a loose coalition that outnumbers Hezbollah. What support Hezbollah does have is based largely on the arms it gets from Syria and Iran and the financial aid it gets from those countries and distributes to its followers. If the arms and cash from Iran were to stop coming, Hezbollah would fade into insignificance.

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