Hamas Denies Holocaust


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Denial of the Holocaust is official Hamas policy.
It is based on their fear that truth and knowledge will somehow corrupt their children.
UNRWA, it must be noted, is responsible for the welfare of the 1 million "refugees" among Gaza's 1.4 million residents.

"One writer for the pro-Hamas Palestine Information Center warned that "some circles within UNRWA... have been trying to introduce 'the holocaust' [sic] into Palestinian school curricula in the Gaza Strip". He suggested that these efforts indicated "a virulent Zionist propensity to brainwash Palestinians, particularly young generations, into accepting or at least understanding Zionism, a hateful fascist political ideology."

"The Hamas–UNRWA Holocaust dispute erupted on 31 August 2009 following a perception in the Gaza Strip that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) planned to include a course on human rights that speaks about the Holocaust in the eighth-grade curriculum of preparatory schools it runs in the territory. Militant Islamic movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, protested, calling the Holocaust "a lie made up by the Zionists" and demanding the removal of the offending content from the curriculum."

"Hamas spiritual leader Yunis al-Astal said teaching children about the Nazi genocide of Jews would be "marketing a lie", and characterized the possible introduction of the subject into Gaza schools as a "war crime"."

So, it is illegal to teach Al Nakba in Israel. They claim it never happened.
Hamas promotes islam-----naturally the school curriculum is islamic You would be amazed at that which is taught to muslim children. I first encoutered the product of "islamic education WAY BACK ---in the 60s (quite a bit before 1967) The product was the son of a pakistani diplomate (to the UN---ie the kid lived in the USA -----but was very inculcated with the ISLAMIC POV) Later on I encountered young muslim professionals from various islamic lands--------somehow---they all seemed to be the product of the same approach-----even muslims who grew up in INDIA ---went to their own schools. What HOLOCAUST? the information about the "holocaust" that muslim kids are taught to parrot chapter and verse is that version written by nazi war criminals who escaped to egypt and syria. Most interestingly-----even though INDIAN MUSLIMS know the "escaped the nuremburg trials" version-----Hindus from India -----seemed not to know it at all
So, it is illegal to teach Al Nakba in Israel. They claim it never happened.

what is "AL NAKBA"? I have known many Israelis----they all seem to know that arabs left during the era of the 1948 war. In fact my husband remembers when and how they left-----he lived near an arab village ------right near-----in hearing distance------a few blocks away and remembers the event vividly. Your comment is silly Tinnie---Israel is a small place------if a kid's grandfather does not remember the fact of arabs leaving Israel------his friend's grandfather does. Do you have a list of people jailed for discussing that which they witnessed first hand? Can you provide me with some evidence of your claim that Israeli history books deny the fact that arabs left Israel ? For that matter can you cite some cases of people jailed for discussing the event at Deir Yassin? I heard about it-----more than 50 years ago from a teacher-----who happened by coincidence to be an ardent zionist Interestingly enough he told us kids about "the lovon" affair too, but he made it seem a lot worse than it was. In fact he even discussed that "forbidden" topic------the ISRAELI NUCLEAR PROGRAM-------I was a kid ----it was way back in the 60s Your concept of reality is hilarious Remember----the nuclear reactor at Dimona which islamo nazis claim was a TOP SECRET ? For the record---the teacher to whom I refer was no "insider" ------simply an average guy educated in the USA.---------public school history teacher You should stop concentrating on PIC as your source of reality
Hamas Denies Holocaust

Denial of the Holocaust is official Hamas policy.
It is based on their fear that truth and knowledge will somehow corrupt their children.
UNRWA, it must be noted, is responsible for the welfare of the 1 million "refugees" among Gaza's 1.4 million residents.

"One writer for the pro-Hamas Palestine Information Center warned that "some circles within UNRWA... have been trying to introduce 'the holocaust' [sic] into Palestinian school curricula in the Gaza Strip". He suggested that these efforts indicated "a virulent Zionist propensity to brainwash Palestinians, particularly young generations, into accepting or at least understanding Zionism, a hateful fascist political ideology."

So, it is illegal to teach Al Nakba in Israel. They claim it never happened.

Camel crap. You just manufacture your "facts" to suit your needs.
Nakba is also known as Israel's War of Independence and is taught in Israeli schools.
No one in Israel is unaware that some 700,000 Arabs left or were expelled prior to and during that war.
Arabs in Gaza and elsewhere deny the Holocaust and your attempt at equivocation is typically lame. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
I felt so sorry for those little Palestinian children crying when those Zionists rubbed out their teacher & hero Farfur.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3VfZ7tJkGE]Farfur, the Palestinian Mickey Mouse, is killed by Israel - YouTube[/ame]

So, it is illegal to teach Al Nakba in Israel. They claim it never happened.
I felt so sorry for those little Palestinian children crying when those Zionists rubbed out their teacher & hero Farfur.

Farfur, the Palestinian Mickey Mouse, is killed by Israel - YouTube

So, it is illegal to teach Al Nakba in Israel. They claim it never happened.

Tinnie tells the story of FARFUR to ---children-----at bedtime----whenever possible so that they will be WELL EDUCATED and to foil the evil zionists who ------seem to dispute the TRUTH
So, it is illegal to teach Al Nakba in Israel. They claim it never happened.

Who told you that stupid thing?:mad:
Tinmore's hookah sprung a leak and he gets the full effect of the carpet sweepings and camel dung he smokes.

Leave Tinnie alone----he is CITING -----experts in the field uhm -----from PIC and Press TV I have no doubt that he can cite a SOURCE for all of his "FACTS"
Are we supposed to give a fuck that they don't want Israel to control what's in their schools now too?
Hamas should never let the holocaust be taught until the Nakba is taught in Israeli schools
Israeli kids are taught all about the details of history and have access to EYEWITNESSES of the fact that arabs packed up their donkeys and took a walk They also have access to the SURVIVORS of the filth and stink of shariah shit holes Knowlege denied muslim children ----thruout the world. I have encountered muslims who know nothing about dhimmia
UNRWA gets that shit right from Israel. Israel tells them to fuck around. Fuck Israel they can kiss our asses. Those filthy people want to control everything.
Everyone in Gaza already knows what the holocaust was. That doesn't make Israel innocent

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