Haiti Devastated by Quake.

I have relatives in Haiti. An aunt that's lived there for the past two years, and many relatives on my father's side, who's a native of Haiti. I've been to Port-au-Prince, even though I was to young to remember. This has been tragic just to watch. We just recently got a hold of my aunt who lives in the capital and works for the US government. Luckily she's still alive and is trying to find a way to a friend of her's home in the Dominican Republic so she can eventually make it back to the states. The others she and our family in the states haven't been able to contact. They live in Petionville and she's told us she is trying to get there before she leaves the country to find out if any of them have survived.

The hardest thing to watch is seeing the presidential palace ruined. Growing up I lived in my Haitian great-aunt's house for three years with seven other children within our family she took in her home, she had a huge pucture in her dinning room of that beautiful palace. Seeing it destroyed, something I saw everyday from age 7 to 10... it's hard. For Haitians in the states that was our symbol of the strength of our people. No hurricane could ever wipe it out. It survive political turmoil. It saw president after president. It couldn't survive this.

Looking at this, the best thing we must take out of it is not to put our trust in the power and might of man, but rather in the all-knowing hand of God. It takes something like this to make people across the world realize how blessed they truly are, Democrat or Republican... we are blessed as a nation. Pray for Haiti. The Haitian people are strong. Haiti was on the virge of rebirth and they're nation was healing. Let's not forget the people in this nation. They're my people and my family, I love Haiti and it's people. This is so hard to watch.
International aid pledges

The United Nations is releasing $10 million from its emergency funds.

The Irish telecommunications company Digicel said it would donate $5 million to aid agencies and help repair the damaged phone network.

The European Commission has approved $4.37 million with more funds likely.

Spain has pledged $4.37 million, and sent three planes with rescue teams and 100 tons of emergency relief equipment.

The Netherlands has donated $2.91 million and will send a 60-person search-and-rescue team.

Germany gave $2.17 million and sent an immediate response team. Another team with 20 rescue dogs is on standby.

China will donate $1 million, according to Xinhua News Agency.
Sweden has offered $850,000 along with tents, water purification equipment and medical aid.

Venezuela has sent doctors, firefighters and rescue workers.

Mexico will send doctors, search-and-rescue dogs and infrastructure damage experts.

France is sending two planes with doctors, food and medical equipment. Britain has sent 64 firefighters with search-and-rescue dogs and 10 tons of equipment

Iceland is sending 37 search-and-rescue specialists.

Taiwan is flying in 23 rescue personnel and 2 tons of aid and equipment.
Israel is sending an elite army rescue unit including engineers, rescue workers, doctors and medics.

Source: The Associated Press

thanks for something positive. I hope the money, aid, and people get there asap

Oh, so do I. These poor people cannot wait for help. They need it now.
I have relatives in Haiti. An aunt that's lived there for the past two years, and many relatives on my father's side, who's a native of Haiti. I've been to Port-au-Prince, even though I was to young to remember. This has been tragic just to watch. We just recently got a hold of my aunt who lives in the capital and works for the US government. Luckily she's still alive and is trying to find a way to a friend of her's home in the Dominican Republic so she can eventually make it back to the states. The others she and our family in the states haven't been able to contact. They live in Petionville and she's told us she is trying to get there before she leaves the country to find out if any of them have survived.

The hardest thing to watch is seeing the presidential palace ruined. Growing up I lived in my Haitian great-aunt's house for three years with seven other children within our family she took in her home, she had a huge pucture in her dinning room of that beautiful palace. Seeing it destroyed, something I saw everyday from age 7 to 10... it's hard. For Haitians in the states that was our symbol of the strength of our people. No hurricane could ever wipe it out. It survive political turmoil. It saw president after president. It couldn't survive this.

Looking at this, the best thing we must take out of it is not to put our trust in the power and might of man, but rather in the all-knowing hand of God. It takes something like this to make people across the world realize how blessed they truly are, Democrat or Republican... we are blessed as a nation. Pray for Haiti. The Haitian people are strong. Haiti was on the virge of rebirth and they're nation was healing. Let's not forget the people in this nation. They're my people and my family, I love Haiti and it's people. This is so hard to watch.

I hope your family and friends are alright. I'm sure we will all continue to pray for the people of Haiti and contribute to the help they need so desperately. God bless.
why is fox news completely ignoring this? seriously im just confused why they arent spending anytime on quite an extreme event.

I don't know.....Haiti is getting a major portion of the coverage. So I don't know what you're watching.

Also we've noticed that Obama called together all of the Congressional leaders yesterday to talk about a very important subject behind closed doors......health care of course. They had what was reported to be a marathon session Wednesday in hopes that they can get it to the floor and voted on if they lose their 60 vote monopoly in the Senate next Tuesday. The lack of media coverage of the health care negotiations is getting the heat off of their backs thanks to the Haiti coverage.

Never let a crisis go to waste.
I would recommend CARE as Red Cross operational money is about 20% of the donation whereas CARE is only 10%.

UNICEF is a UN program that it seems has siphoned money to terrorist organisations.

Most of these charitable groups only spend 20% of what they get on disaster victims. The rest goes to pay their administration expenses.....which is their salaries, setting up their operations, paperwork, traveling expenses, paying for armed guards in these countries they're trying to help, rental of the secure compounds they occupy, and so-on.
:rolleyes: on asartis and dharma for complaining about political comments and then making some of their own.

My point has been that this is a disaster but the usual suspects are going to try to take advantage of it, claim that anyone who criticizes Obama during it is making it political.

I'm just pointing out what the Democrats in Washington always do. Obama is using this disaster to push through his health care bill in secrecy. And at the same time he's claiming he's working on saving lives in Haiti. He's meeting again with them today. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01/14/obama-urge-dems-yeild-key-health-issues/?test=latestnews

Some interesting things to note. American Victims are being sent to that Hell Hole GITMO for medical treatment, for food, and a safe place to stay.

Sure glad Obama didn't shut GITMO down...HUH????
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I would recommend CARE as Red Cross operational money is about 20% of the donation whereas CARE is only 10%.

UNICEF is a UN program that it seems has siphoned money to terrorist organisations.

Most of these charitable groups only spend 20% of what they get on disaster victims. The rest goes to pay their administration expenses.....which is their salaries, setting up their operations, paperwork, traveling expenses, paying for armed guards in these countries they're trying to help, rental of the secure compounds they occupy, and so-on.

Which is why I'm going to use this one to contribute to:


Food For The Poor | Helping the Poor, Charitable Giving, International Relief | Serving the Poorest of the Poor
lots of people are born in lots of places,, ever hear of "immigration"?
Where? Lots of them try to immigrate and are turned down...though this may make the US give them hardship waivers.

so the USA is the ONLY place in the whole world to immigrate too? Were they a French colony at one time?

Most of them are children from people who were slaves brought over 400 years ago. They could always walk over the mountains to the Dominican Republic but most of them are kept in the dark because of the dictatorships that have ruled their country. They just wait around for foreign aid. A perfect welfare state. Democrats must love Haiti.
i would recommend care as red cross operational money is about 20% of the donation whereas care is only 10%.

unicef is a un program that it seems has siphoned money to terrorist organisations.

Most of these charitable groups only spend 20% of what they get on disaster victims. The rest goes to pay their administration expenses.....which is their salaries, setting up their operations, paperwork, traveling expenses, paying for armed guards in these countries they're trying to help, rental of the secure compounds they occupy, and so-on.

which is why i'm going to use this one to contribute to:


110% ?
Unbelievable...you guys are arguing over shit and people need our help. Put the bullshit aside on this thread please.
Actually, we are discussing the best way to help Haiti...or to not help them, depending.

Best thing is for Washington to stay out of it.

Send your money where you think it'll be used properly.

After things calm down go ahead and volunteer.

Otherwise there's not much you can do now.
psssst...there were just as many White victims as Black victims from Katrina.

You must have fallen for the media driven Urban Legend that Bush hates Black people.

psssst. where do you get your "facts"?
New Orleans was the site of most of Katrina's fatalities; the state reported that 76% of storm deaths statewide occurred in the city. Of the 380 bodies from New Orleans that have been formally identified, a moderately disproportionate number are white. New Orleans' population was 28% white, yet 33% of the identified victims in the city are white and 67% black.

Katrina Killed Across Class Lines - Los Angeles Times - Page 2

Urban legend indeed.

Disproportionate number??? You want to go on percentages instead of actual numbers?

What an ass!!!

Do you think we should assure that there are a proportionate amount of dead whites in relation to dead blacks??

What kind of asshole are you!!!

And another thing....victims aren't always the dead. The living lose their homes and become victims as well. Hundreds of thousands of Alabama residents homes were flattened by Katrina. Aren't they victims too?

So PWND! :clap2:
unicef is a un program that it seems has siphoned money to terrorist organisations.

Most of these charitable groups only spend 20% of what they get on disaster victims. The rest goes to pay their administration expenses.....which is their salaries, setting up their operations, paperwork, traveling expenses, paying for armed guards in these countries they're trying to help, rental of the secure compounds they occupy, and so-on.

which is why i'm going to use this one to contribute to:


110% ?

That last number is 0.6% go to website.
unicef is a un program that it seems has siphoned money to terrorist organisations.

Most of these charitable groups only spend 20% of what they get on disaster victims. The rest goes to pay their administration expenses.....which is their salaries, setting up their operations, paperwork, traveling expenses, paying for armed guards in these countries they're trying to help, rental of the secure compounds they occupy, and so-on.

which is why i'm going to use this one to contribute to:


110% ?

Emma... It's either too early or too late for you to be doing Math... ;)


psssst. where do you get your "facts"?
New Orleans was the site of most of Katrina's fatalities; the state reported that 76% of storm deaths statewide occurred in the city. Of the 380 bodies from New Orleans that have been formally identified, a moderately disproportionate number are white. New Orleans' population was 28% white, yet 33% of the identified victims in the city are white and 67% black.

Katrina Killed Across Class Lines - Los Angeles Times - Page 2

Urban legend indeed.

Disproportionate number??? You want to go on percentages instead of actual numbers?

What an ass!!!

Do you think we should assure that there are a proportionate amount of dead whites in relation to dead blacks??

What kind of asshole are you!!!

And another thing....victims aren't always the dead. The living lose their homes and become victims as well. Hundreds of thousands of Alabama residents homes were flattened by Katrina. Aren't they victims too?

So PWND! :clap2:

My God Zona, you are a Douchebag...



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