Gunfire reported at California veterans home

Hey....moron......there are millions of veterans who suffer from some form of PTSD, especially after our long fight against muslim terrorists....and those millions are not murdering other people....

Your post is exactly why we can't let you set up the rules for mental health background checks...all of our veterans would lose their 2nd Amendment Rights......

How about the right of VA Staffers to not be shot by a crazy person when they are having an office party? Or did the Founding Slave Rapists not think of that one?

Then you need better security and you need law enforcement to do their job....this guy did not just go nuts.....his doctors knew him and ignored him...that is on them, not law abiding gun owners......moron.
A decorated Army veteran with a high-powered rifle returned to the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, where he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress, and killed three mental health workers Friday, officials said.

He and the victims were found dead about 8 hours after he exchanged gunfire with a Napa County sheriff’s deputy, officials said.

The attack, just after 10 a.m., touched off a daylong lockdown at the nation’s largest veterans home, which occupies a sprawling 600-acre state campus. The victims died in a building where they worked with The Pathway Home, a private organization that helps traumatized veterans transition to civilian life.- Source

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff? was a democrat gun free zone...why don't you ask the democrats why they keep gun free killing zones open for business...
You want retirees and mental patients to all be armed? Yeah that's a catastrophe waiting to happen...

Bush signed the order for gun free zones-derpa...

Wrong! It was Bubba Clinton and only applied to schools. Check your sources. The original law, signed by G. H. W. Bush, was declared unconstitutional and was not corrected until 1996. Who was POTUS in 1996?

"The Supreme Court of the United States subsequently held that the Act was an unconstitutional exercise of Congressional authority under the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution in United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995). This was the first time in over half a century that the Supreme Court limited Congressional authority to legislate under the Commerce Clause.

Following the Lopez decision, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno proposed changes to 18 U.S.C. § 922(q) that were adopted in section 657 of the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997, Pub.L. 104–208, 110 Stat. 3009, enacted September 30, 1996"

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia
Yet Bush signed the first law and they changed it, it still means it had bipartisan support....And your point is as salient as a myopic dog...Recognize the facts if you want any damn respect from me....It's not and never has been a partisan issue till 2018....And the Goddamned pigs are armed that are assigned to schools so technically they have someone there to help protect....But it doesn't do any good to have arms if those with the arms are cowards....Pretty sad when a teen can outmaneuver a bunch of old fucks that can't do their jobs....
Again....millions of veterans, one guy shoots people......this is why we don't trust you...any excuse and you will use it to take Rights away from just can't fucking help yourselves.

When one child was killed with a lawn dart, we banned lawn darts.

When one guy failed to blow up a plane with a shoe bomb, we all had to take off our shoes and scan them.

11,000 gun murders, every year, and you guys don't take even the most obvious step to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people.

Probably because if we applied any kind of mental health standard to gun ownership, most NRA fanatics wouldn't pass.

The problem is you asswipes keep letting violent gun criminals out of jail...over and over again.......

The problem isn't John and Jane Q. Citizen who own guns to protect themselves from the criminals you let out of jail.....and we know this because as more Americans own and carry guns...our crime rates have gone down, not up....

which shows more guns = less 21 years of actual experience show....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Can someone explain to me what a "low-powered rifle" is because every journalist cannot help themselves but use "high-powered rifle" when describing any rifle? Surely one exists, but I have never heard of any use for one.
Technically, that is not a rifle as it does not spin the projectile, but I appreciate the thought!

Sad, people die and the left goes straight to their gun grabbing.

It's getting tiresome watching the loons politicize tragedy to further the agenda

Um, no, the sad thing was this mentally disturbed person was able to get a gun and kill people with it because it's too easy to get guns.

Sorry you don't see that.

It was in California, strict gun laws....don't YOU see that you befuddled twit?
A decorated Army veteran with a high-powered rifle returned to the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, where he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress, and killed three mental health workers Friday, officials said.

He and the victims were found dead about 8 hours after he exchanged gunfire with a Napa County sheriff’s deputy, officials said.

The attack, just after 10 a.m., touched off a daylong lockdown at the nation’s largest veterans home, which occupies a sprawling 600-acre state campus. The victims died in a building where they worked with The Pathway Home, a private organization that helps traumatized veterans transition to civilian life.- Source

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff? was a democrat gun free zone...why don't you ask the democrats why they keep gun free killing zones open for business...
You want retirees and mental patients to all be armed? Yeah that's a catastrophe waiting to happen...

Bush signed the order for gun free zones-derpa...

Wrong! It was Bubba Clinton and only applied to schools. Check your sources. The original law, signed by G. H. W. Bush, was declared unconstitutional and was not corrected until 1996. Who was POTUS in 1996?

"The Supreme Court of the United States subsequently held that the Act was an unconstitutional exercise of Congressional authority under the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution in United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995). This was the first time in over half a century that the Supreme Court limited Congressional authority to legislate under the Commerce Clause.

Following the Lopez decision, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno proposed changes to 18 U.S.C. § 922(q) that were adopted in section 657 of the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997, Pub.L. 104–208, 110 Stat. 3009, enacted September 30, 1996"

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia
Yet Bush signed the first law and they changed it, it still means it had bipartisan support....And your point is as salient as a myopic dog...Recognize the facts if you want any damn respect from me....It's not and never has been a partisan issue till 2018....And the Goddamned pigs are armed that are assigned to schools so technically they have someone there to help protect....But it doesn't do any good to have arms if those with the arms are cowards....Pretty sad when a teen can outmaneuver a bunch of old fucks that can't do their jobs....

The second law is a dodge also. The federal government has no right to dictate laws on school campuses based on Interstate Commerce.

By rights, I could build my own gun and take it on campus today of it was never involved in interstate commerce.

As for respect from you I don't need it, because you continuously show disrespect for yourself by publicly displaying your ignorance.
Can someone explain to me what a "low-powered rifle" is because every journalist cannot help themselves but use "high-powered rifle" when describing any rifle? Surely one exists, but I have never heard of any use for one.
Technically, that is not a rifle as it does not spin the projectile, but I appreciate the thought!

Sad, people die and the left goes straight to their gun grabbing.

It's getting tiresome watching the loons politicize tragedy to further the agenda

Um, no, the sad thing was this mentally disturbed person was able to get a gun and kill people with it because it's too easy to get guns.

Sorry you don't see that.

It was in California, strict gun laws....don't YOU see that you befuddled twit?

This one will be quietly forgotten by the media as it happened on a Friday and the news cycle is down for the weekend. There is nothing here for the gun-grabbers to gain.

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff? was a democrat gun free zone...why don't you ask the democrats why they keep gun free killing zones open for business...
You want retirees and mental patients to all be armed? Yeah that's a catastrophe waiting to happen...

Bush signed the order for gun free zones-derpa...

Wrong! It was Bubba Clinton and only applied to schools. Check your sources. The original law, signed by G. H. W. Bush, was declared unconstitutional and was not corrected until 1996. Who was POTUS in 1996?

"The Supreme Court of the United States subsequently held that the Act was an unconstitutional exercise of Congressional authority under the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution in United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995). This was the first time in over half a century that the Supreme Court limited Congressional authority to legislate under the Commerce Clause.

Following the Lopez decision, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno proposed changes to 18 U.S.C. § 922(q) that were adopted in section 657 of the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997, Pub.L. 104–208, 110 Stat. 3009, enacted September 30, 1996"

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia
Yet Bush signed the first law and they changed it, it still means it had bipartisan support....And your point is as salient as a myopic dog...Recognize the facts if you want any damn respect from me....It's not and never has been a partisan issue till 2018....And the Goddamned pigs are armed that are assigned to schools so technically they have someone there to help protect....But it doesn't do any good to have arms if those with the arms are cowards....Pretty sad when a teen can outmaneuver a bunch of old fucks that can't do their jobs....

The second law is a dodge also. The federal government has no right to dictate laws on school campuses based on Interstate Commerce.

By rights, I could build my own gun and take it on campus today of it was never involved in interstate commerce.

As for respect from you I don't need it, because you continuously show disrespect for yourself by publicly displaying your ignorance.

Yeah....I heard SJW pretending to be a Supreme Court Justice, David Souter, explain why he voted yes on that issue.....he said that because guns near schools scare students.....they won't learn as well, then they can't go to college, they won't get good jobs, and that will effect interstate commerce.....

I kid you not, that was what he said.....and that is why left wingers can't be allowed to sit on the Supreme Court.....Trump needs to win and we need to hold the Senate in 2018.
The problem is you asswipes keep letting violent gun criminals out of jail...over and over again.......

The problem isn't John and Jane Q. Citizen who own guns to protect themselves from the criminals you let out of jail.....and we know this because as more Americans own and carry guns...our crime rates have gone down, not up....

Our crime rates are still horrible for an advanced country... and if they are going down it's because as a population, we are getting older and less likely to do that kind of thing.

Yeah, the problem really is John Q Citizen shooting Jane over who ate the last strip of bacon. And John Q. Citizen shooting up his boss because he got fired. And John Q. Citizen shooting up a VA home because he was a nut who could get a gun.

It was in California, strict gun laws....don't YOU see that you befuddled twit?

Strict Gun laws are like arguing over which leper has the most fingers.

NONE of our gun laws are particularly effective when you can drive over to the next state and buy all the guns you want.
Then you need better security and you need law enforcement to do their job....this guy did not just go nuts.....his doctors knew him and ignored him...that is on them, not law abiding gun owners......moron.

No, it's on the fact he could buy a gun when he had no business owning a gun.

His doctors knew him.....they knew his issues but it was the VA, the health care system created by the government specifically to care for Veterans like him....and it failed......because the government can't run anything well......and people like you want all of us to have VA style healthcare......that is the problem...
His doctors knew him.....they knew his issues but it was the VA, the health care system created by the government specifically to care for Veterans like him....and it failed......because the government can't run anything well......and people like you want all of us to have VA style healthcare......that is the problem...

I've used the VA a bunch of times... they are actually pretty awesome.

But that's not the point here, this was a non-profit participating in a VA program, not the VA itself.

(I also wouldn't be surprised if this guy was never near a battlefield, he was just a nut who likes him some guns.)
The problem is you asswipes keep letting violent gun criminals out of jail...over and over again.......

The problem isn't John and Jane Q. Citizen who own guns to protect themselves from the criminals you let out of jail.....and we know this because as more Americans own and carry guns...our crime rates have gone down, not up....

Our crime rates are still horrible for an advanced country... and if they are going down it's because as a population, we are getting older and less likely to do that kind of thing.

Yeah, the problem really is John Q Citizen shooting Jane over who ate the last strip of bacon. And John Q. Citizen shooting up his boss because he got fired. And John Q. Citizen shooting up a VA home because he was a nut who could get a gun.

It was in California, strict gun laws....don't YOU see that you befuddled twit?

Strict Gun laws are like arguing over which leper has the most fingers.

NONE of our gun laws are particularly effective when you can drive over to the next state and buy all the guns you want.
Right, so lets pass some more useless laws, huh?
His doctors knew him.....they knew his issues but it was the VA, the health care system created by the government specifically to care for Veterans like him....and it failed......because the government can't run anything well......and people like you want all of us to have VA style healthcare......that is the problem...

I've used the VA a bunch of times... they are actually pretty awesome.

But that's not the point here, this was a non-profit participating in a VA program, not the VA itself.

(I also wouldn't be surprised if this guy was never near a battlefield, he was just a nut who likes him some guns.)
You frag your CO?
The problem is you asswipes keep letting violent gun criminals out of jail...over and over again.......

The problem isn't John and Jane Q. Citizen who own guns to protect themselves from the criminals you let out of jail.....and we know this because as more Americans own and carry guns...our crime rates have gone down, not up....

Our crime rates are still horrible for an advanced country... and if they are going down it's because as a population, we are getting older and less likely to do that kind of thing.

Yeah, the problem really is John Q Citizen shooting Jane over who ate the last strip of bacon. And John Q. Citizen shooting up his boss because he got fired. And John Q. Citizen shooting up a VA home because he was a nut who could get a gun.

It was in California, strict gun laws....don't YOU see that you befuddled twit?

Strict Gun laws are like arguing over which leper has the most fingers.

NONE of our gun laws are particularly effective when you can drive over to the next state and buy all the guns you want.

Yeah, the problem really is John Q Citizen shooting Jane over who ate the last strip of bacon. And John Q. Citizen shooting up his boss because he got fired. And John Q. Citizen shooting up a VA home because he was a nut who could get a gun.

No.....normal citizens are not shooting each other over breakfast.....that is a lie, perpetuated by people like you to ban guns....this is the truth....

JURIST - The Criminology of Firearms

In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications and some empirical research of its own about guns. The Academy could not identify any gun restriction that had reduced violent crime, suicide or gun accidents.

Why don't gun bans work? Because they rely on voluntary compliance by gun-using criminals. Prohibitionists never see this absurdity because they deceive themselves into thinking that, as Katherine Christoffel has said: "[M]ost shootings are not committed by felons or mentally ill people, but are acts of passion that are committed using a handgun that is owned for home protection."

Christoffel, et al., are utterly wrong. The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies. Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."

Roy Exum: How We Stop The Bullets

David Kennedy, a renowned criminal justice professor and co-chair of the National Network for Safe Communities, believes that places like the 1500 block of East 50th Street where Deontrey was killed, or Central Avenue where two other Chattanoogans were shot around the same time, aren’t necessarily bad areas. Good people live in those areas, just as the overwhelming numbers of those who live in our inner city are decent and law-abiding citizens.

No, our new focus isn’t on neighborhoods like Alton Park or East Chattanooga but instead on “hot” places” and “hot” people. In an article entitled, “The Story Behind the Nation’s Falling Body Count,” Kennedy writes, “Research on hot spots shows violence to be concentrated in ‘micro’ places, rather than ‘dangerous neighborhoods,’ as the popular idea goes.

Blocks, corners, and buildings representing just five or six percent of an entire city will drive half of its serious crime.”

The same is true about people. “We now know that homicide and gun violence are overwhelmingly concentrated among serious offenders operating in groups: gangs, drug crews, and the like representing under half of one percent of a city's population who commit half to three-quarters of all murders.”
Read it once more: “ … under half of one percent … commit half to three-quarters of all murders.”

The problem is you asswipes keep letting violent gun criminals out of jail...over and over again.......

The problem isn't John and Jane Q. Citizen who own guns to protect themselves from the criminals you let out of jail.....and we know this because as more Americans own and carry guns...our crime rates have gone down, not up....

Our crime rates are still horrible for an advanced country... and if they are going down it's because as a population, we are getting older and less likely to do that kind of thing.

Yeah, the problem really is John Q Citizen shooting Jane over who ate the last strip of bacon. And John Q. Citizen shooting up his boss because he got fired. And John Q. Citizen shooting up a VA home because he was a nut who could get a gun.

It was in California, strict gun laws....don't YOU see that you befuddled twit?

Strict Gun laws are like arguing over which leper has the most fingers.

NONE of our gun laws are particularly effective when you can drive over to the next state and buy all the guns you want.

NONE of our gun laws are particularly effective when you can drive over to the next state and buy all the guns you want.

Australia and Britain, their gun crime is going to drive across their border...oh yeah, you can't, they're islands....dittos Puerto Rico.......where their gun murder rate is one of the highest in the world even though they have strict gun control...

And the funny thing....the cities with the most gun violence, have strict gun control

.....are surrounded by states with lower gun violence where they have guns all over the place...

Nothing you post is even remotely true or accurate...
Then you need better security and you need law enforcement to do their job....this guy did not just go nuts.....his doctors knew him and ignored him...that is on them, not law abiding gun owners......moron.

No, it's on the fact he could buy a gun when he had no business owning a gun.

No law aimed at law-abiding citizens will stop that. There's a law against having Heroin.
His doctors knew him.....they knew his issues but it was the VA, the health care system created by the government specifically to care for Veterans like him....and it failed......because the government can't run anything well......and people like you want all of us to have VA style healthcare......that is the problem...

I've used the VA a bunch of times... they are actually pretty awesome.

But that's not the point here, this was a non-profit participating in a VA program, not the VA itself.

(I also wouldn't be surprised if this guy was never near a battlefield, he was just a nut who likes him some guns.)
You frag your CO?

No...that would take at least a tiny bit of competence in knowing how to pull the pin on the grenade and enough strength to throw it....neither of which joe is capable of...
So....this guy could have used a 6 shot revolver to kill those women.......

Didn't need an AR-15 civilian and police rifle...didn't need 10 round magazines....

But let's ban those anyway...right?

Oh...and they will take revolvers, lever action rifles, bolt action rifles and while we are at it....muzzle loaders too...
Then you need better security and you need law enforcement to do their job....this guy did not just go nuts.....his doctors knew him and ignored him...that is on them, not law abiding gun owners......moron.

No, it's on the fact he could buy a gun when he had no business owning a gun.

No law aimed at law-abiding citizens will stop that. There's a law against having Heroin.
Everyone behind bars was once a "law-abiding citizen". Letting anyone who wants a gun have a gun isn`t going so well.
Then you need better security and you need law enforcement to do their job....this guy did not just go nuts.....his doctors knew him and ignored him...that is on them, not law abiding gun owners......moron.

No, it's on the fact he could buy a gun when he had no business owning a gun.

No law aimed at law-abiding citizens will stop that. There's a law against having Heroin.
Everyone behind bars was once a "law-abiding citizen". Letting anyone who wants a gun have a gun isn`t going so well.

Turning Mental Health patients out into the street isn't, either. Neither is teaching children there's no God and not setting boundaries for them.

This instance here is a result of turning Mental Health patients out into the street.

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