Gun control advocate criticizes Republicans for wearing pearl necklaces during hearing


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Not quite sure what to say (or think) about this other than I have always found the expression "clutching one's pearls" to be extremely funny and apropos

The leader of a gun control advocacy group criticized male Republican state lawmakers in New Hampshire for wearing pearl necklaces during a hearing for a bill that would allow courts to restrict some people from having guns.

Shannon Watts, who founded Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America after the deadly Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, said in a tweet the lawmakers were mocking volunteers from her group who were at the hearing on Tuesday. "Meanwhile, their constituents are in tears as they testify about gun suicides and domestic gun violence in their families," Watts tweeted.

Other critics on social media accused the men of insensitivity and sexism, saying the politicians thought gun control activists were "clutching their pearls" in outrage, The Washington Post reported.​

Gun control advocate criticizes Republicans for wearing pearl necklaces during hearing
Old news

The necklaces were handed out by the Women's Defense League of NH and worn to show support for that organization
Another moron mother who has no idea what she is talking about. Shut up and get a job moron.

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More frivolous gun control laws are an born failure....
Old news

The necklaces were handed out by the Women's Defense League of NH and worn to show support for that organization
A gun hugger organization showing support for more guns and more shootings. Body Counts Don`t Matter in their fucked up world.
When I think of a Republican wearing a pearl necklace, I think of alone time between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
Old news

The necklaces were handed out by the Women's Defense League of NH and worn to show support for that organization
A gun hugger organization showing support for more guns and more shootings. Body Counts Don`t Matter in their fucked up world.

Before you speak. Educate your. 99% of the guns your talking about are illegally obtained. Guns stop more crimes then they commit.

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When I think of a Republican wearing a pearl necklace, I think of alone time between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

When I see your name on a post I think of drunk homeless people.

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