Guess who foots the bill for Biden's student loan "forgiveness"?

One must make six figures to live even a decent life in america.

With respect, this is bullshit. Much depends of course on where you live, but I believe that in the vast majority of places, one does not require a 6 figure income to live a decent life. Too much emphasis is placed on income instead of on spending, one can live decently if one is prudent about how and where they buy stuff. I've lived my whole life not making 6 figures even once, but I knew how to save money by spending less of it.
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america stands for the $ above all else. He who had the most $ wins in america. Always been this way.
Now just try to get your mind around this insanity. The government CREATED the problem by subsidizing low interest student loans. Colleges quickly realized they could jack college costs up way beyond the rate of inflation and the college applications kept coming. So like any smart businessman, when you raise your prices and the customers keep buying, what do you do? Raise them some more!
Which should tell you don't try to run a college (or government) like a business. Free higher education and single payer health care lower the cost of living and doing business, Graduates with high levels of student debt find it impossible to buy houses and consume at levels sufficient to support a growing economy. Privatizing public services is the last gasp of a dying capitalism.
"Is Capitalism Dying?"

Simon Patten on Public Infrastructure and Economic Rent Capture | Michael Hudson
Now just try to get your mind around this insanity. The government CREATED the problem by subsidizing low interest student loans. Colleges quickly realized they could jack college costs up way beyond the rate of inflation and the college applications kept coming. So like any smart businessman, when you raise your prices and the customers keep buying, what do you do? Raise them some more!
Which should tell you don't try to run a college (or government) like a business. Free higher education and single payer health care lower the cost of living and doing business, Graduates with high levels of student debt find it impossible to buy houses and consume at levels sufficient to support a growing economy. Privatizing public services is the last gasp of a dying capitalism.
"Is Capitalism Dying?"

Simon Patten on Public Infrastructure and Economic Rent Capture | Michael Hudson
Free higher education and single payer health care lower the cost of living and doing business,
You know , they said the same thing in Venezuela and Cuba, both have starving people and they are eating zoo animals.

Venezuela's Starving People Are Now Eating The Zoo Animals - The Parisians Had The German Excuse (

The People of Venezuela Are in Dire Need of Toilet Paper (

A retard and his Socialist wet dreams...

That's right, you John and Joan Taxpayer. The appetizer Sneaky Joe has floated is a ten thousand dollar loan forgiveness program per student. But let's get real, that is not going to make a significant difference for anyone. The "real" plan is fifty thousand dollars per student.

Now just try to get your mind around this insanity. The government CREATED the problem by subsidizing low interest student loans. Colleges quickly realized they could jack college costs up way beyond the rate of inflation and the college applications kept coming. So like any smart businessman, when you raise your prices and the customers keep buying, what do you do? Raise them some more!

So 4 decades later, we have a 1.7 TRILLION DOLLAR disaster that the government created, and now they are planning on STICKING YOU with the bill. Is there a taxpayer out there who thinks this is fair? How about making the colleges fund a relief package out of the mega billions they have in endowments and other assets? That's what gets my vote, fuck this taxpayer bailout for a government created nightmare.

Wrong question.

Correct question: Who benefits from Biden’s student loan forgiveness program?

Answer: the American people.

The thread premise illustrates a sharp and fundamental divide between liberal and conservative.

Liberals correctly understand that it’s perfectly appropriate and warranted for citizens to contribute via their tax dollars to programs that will benefit the nation as a whole.

Conservatives, by contrast, are short-sighted and closed-minded as to such benefits; indeed, freed from the burden of student debt, Americans will have the financial resources available to participate in our consumer-driven economy and facilitate economic recovery.

The thread premise is yet another example of why conservatives are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
Wacko alert, wacko alert!!
Now just try to get your mind around this insanity. The government CREATED the problem by subsidizing low interest student loans. Colleges quickly realized they could jack college costs up way beyond the rate of inflation and the college applications kept coming. So like any smart businessman, when you raise your prices and the customers keep buying, what do you do? Raise them some more!
Which should tell you don't try to run a college (or government) like a business. Free higher education and single payer health care lower the cost of living and doing business, Graduates with high levels of student debt find it impossible to buy houses and consume at levels sufficient to support a growing economy. Privatizing public services is the last gasp of a dying capitalism.
"Is Capitalism Dying?"

Simon Patten on Public Infrastructure and Economic Rent Capture | Michael Hudson
And who pays the teachers, institutions, etc, etc for all this free stuff there looney?
Which should tell you don't try to run a college (or government) like a business. Free higher education and single payer health care lower the cost of living and doing business, Graduates with

Their running up a debt at college is their problem not the tax payers.




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That's right, you John and Joan Taxpayer. The appetizer Sneaky Joe has floated is a ten thousand dollar loan forgiveness program per student. But let's get real, that is not going to make a significant difference for anyone. The "real" plan is fifty thousand dollars per student.

Now just try to get your mind around this insanity. The government CREATED the problem by subsidizing low interest student loans. Colleges quickly realized they could jack college costs up way beyond the rate of inflation and the college applications kept coming. So like any smart businessman, when you raise your prices and the customers keep buying, what do you do? Raise them some more!

So 4 decades later, we have a 1.7 TRILLION DOLLAR disaster that the government created, and now they are planning on STICKING YOU with the bill. Is there a taxpayer out there who thinks this is fair? How about making the colleges fund a relief package out of the mega billions they have in endowments and other assets? That's what gets my vote, fuck this taxpayer bailout for a government created nightmare.

Wrong question.

Correct question: Who benefits from Biden’s student loan forgiveness program?

Answer: the American people.

The thread premise illustrates a sharp and fundamental divide between liberal and conservative.

Liberals correctly understand that it’s perfectly appropriate and warranted for citizens to contribute via their tax dollars to programs that will benefit the nation as a whole.

Conservatives, by contrast, are short-sighted and closed-minded as to such benefits; indeed, freed from the burden of student debt, Americans will have the financial resources available to participate in our consumer-driven economy and facilitate economic recovery.

The thread premise is yet another example of why conservatives are incapable of sound, responsible governance.


Just because you co-signed for your kids loan doesn't mean the rest of us are going to bail you out.

Suck it up and get that second or third or fourth mortgage on the house, sell some of those retirement IRA's, and get a second job, so you can pay off those loans.


That's right, you John and Joan Taxpayer. The appetizer Sneaky Joe has floated is a ten thousand dollar loan forgiveness program per student. But let's get real, that is not going to make a significant difference for anyone. The "real" plan is fifty thousand dollars per student.

Now just try to get your mind around this insanity. The government CREATED the problem by subsidizing low interest student loans. Colleges quickly realized they could jack college costs up way beyond the rate of inflation and the college applications kept coming. So like any smart businessman, when you raise your prices and the customers keep buying, what do you do? Raise them some more!

So 4 decades later, we have a 1.7 TRILLION DOLLAR disaster that the government created, and now they are planning on STICKING YOU with the bill. Is there a taxpayer out there who thinks this is fair? How about making the colleges fund a relief package out of the mega billions they have in endowments and other assets? That's what gets my vote, fuck this taxpayer bailout for a government created nightmare.

And now you care? Trump increases deficits every year, and now you care? Funny stuff.

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