Tommy Tainant
Diamond Member
Why alt-right trolls shouted down Donald Trump Jr.
The “Groyper Army” and the war over college campus conservatism, explained.
Dear me it can get very confusing in the swamp. Trump Jnr being ambushed by riht wingers and so on. The saintly Chalie Kirk under attack.
The two main players are the Groypers and the rest of the GOP. They seem to believein similar stuff but there are two main bones of contention between the two.
Firstly The Jews. Fuentes and his incel mates despise the Jews and seem to focus on this in their war.
Secondly every other minority. Fuentes and his mates despise them ll. Sodo the GOP but they make a better show of covering it up.. There is a lot of money at stake in all of this. Despite living with his parents Fuentes claims to be a millionaire. I doubt that Kirk is short of cash either.
Where will this nonsense actually end. Is it necessary for Trump Jnr to hate Israel because of an accident 60 yeass ago ?
Gosar and Greene have obviously made their decision. As has that neo nazi guy Steve Something who used to visit European Nazis in his holiday.
Popcorn time for those folk on Planet Normal.