Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party

Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?

What's that got to do with hating free speech, Liberty and our Constitution? TODAY the House has a leftist inspired bill to ABOLISH ICE. Repubs are gonna force a VOTE on it and the weak kneed charlatans that sponsored it are crying foul. Because they are playing to mobs who have NO fucking idea what ICE does.

You have the assistant director of the DNC wearing a "I don't believe in borders" tee shirt to a parade. and the DIRECTOR of the DNC stating that a fluke 28 year candidate who ran on Socialist platitudes --- "IS THE FUTURE OF OUR PARTY"..

It's clear that the motives for BOTH parties for TOO long has been simply about owning the keys to the megagiant power they've created. And the Dems in particular --- haven't run on ISSUES in so long that MATTER to most Americans -- that they don't KNOW where their principals lie anymore.

It's obvious. Got nothing to do with Kim or Putin or Duarte or people eating bark in Venezuela.
I don't believe in borders is the name of the band man LOL
... BrBreaking For silly dupes... nobody wants open borders
Is it?
Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?

What's that got to do with hating free speech, Liberty and our Constitution? TODAY the House has a leftist inspired bill to ABOLISH ICE. Repubs are gonna force a VOTE on it and the weak kneed charlatans that sponsored it are crying foul. Because they are playing to mobs who have NO fucking idea what ICE does.

You have the assistant director of the DNC wearing a "I don't believe in borders" tee shirt to a parade. and the DIRECTOR of the DNC stating that a fluke 28 year candidate who ran on Socialist platitudes --- "IS THE FUTURE OF OUR PARTY"..

It's clear that the motives for BOTH parties for TOO long has been simply about owning the keys to the megagiant power they've created. And the Dems in particular --- haven't run on ISSUES in so long that MATTER to most Americans -- that they don't KNOW where their principals lie anymore.

It's obvious. Got nothing to do with Kim or Putin or Duarte or people eating bark in Venezuela.
You have Dems wanting to abolish ICE and Republicans kidnapping children. And you only question the Dem principles?

Whoa... Slow that pony down. Kidnapping children? I thought the COURTS were fully in control of what happens to the children. Isn't that the whole reason that family refugee facilities NOW have to be built?

Can't discuss "kidnapping children".. One of the reasons for SEPARATION at the border is to ACTUALLY ENSURE that the kids are NOT kidnapped. Did you KNOW that?
And unfortunately it is being ABUSED. What ever happened to reasonable cause? Fortunately a judge is keeping the pressure on them. Deporting 19 mothers without their children is inconsciable. If all those mothers are traffickers I would damn well like to see the evidence. Fortunately the judge feels the same. Refusing to make an effort to reunite those is kidnapping. Endorsed and applauded by the party of family values and rights.

You come to this country have
Dale Barmy continues to confuse the Board on this subject, probably because he is confused himself.

The OP in no way shape or form has shown that its premise is of any significance in terms of number of hardness of impact.

It's an alt right troll talking point, nothing more.
People should be leaving the republicans, in droves. Only cronies, don't.
Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?

What's that got to do with hating free speech, Liberty and our Constitution? TODAY the House has a leftist inspired bill to ABOLISH ICE. Repubs are gonna force a VOTE on it and the weak kneed charlatans that sponsored it are crying foul. Because they are playing to mobs who have NO fucking idea what ICE does.

You have the assistant director of the DNC wearing a "I don't believe in borders" tee shirt to a parade. and the DIRECTOR of the DNC stating that a fluke 28 year candidate who ran on Socialist platitudes --- "IS THE FUTURE OF OUR PARTY"..

It's clear that the motives for BOTH parties for TOO long has been simply about owning the keys to the megagiant power they've created. And the Dems in particular --- haven't run on ISSUES in so long that MATTER to most Americans -- that they don't KNOW where their principals lie anymore.

It's obvious. Got nothing to do with Kim or Putin or Duarte or people eating bark in Venezuela.
10USC246 is simply more important.

The right wing are simply lousy capitalists. We should be Making money under Capitalism not Losing money.
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.
Dale Barmy continues to confuse the Board on this subject, probably because he is confused himself.

The OP in no way shape or form has shown that its premise is of any significance in terms of number of hardness of impact.

It's an alt right troll talking point, nothing more.
People should be leaving the republicans, in droves. Only cronies, don't.

That's not an explanation.

To do a descent job, you have to take your partisan hack glasses off, which in your case might be tough as they appear to be glued to your face.
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word liberal does not apply to socialism.
Some are starting to look around the Dem party and realizing that they are total hypocrites. The left has shown just how hateful and intolerant they are, all the while pointing their fingers at others. They've done nothing for minorities. They've kept them down by making it nearly impossible for them leave the liberal plantation. The left preaches one thing and does another.

They hate freedom of speech. They hate liberty. They hate our rights. They hate America.

They love communist countries and evil dictators. They bash Trump and all Republicans yet sang the praises of Castro and his ilk for decades. They used to praise Russia.

Now they are completely unglued because their plan to destroy America and replace it with an Oligarchy has been derailed. And they will continue to demonstrate pure hatred for Trump and all who voted for him. The "deplorables" stopped them. Now, the violence and propaganda have increased because they are desperate to regain some power so they can get their evil agenda back on track. I am hoping that more people have awakened to see what the Dem party has really become. Most don't hide their true vision anymore. Hillary was open about One World Government. For years, liberals rolled their eyes when this was bought up. The liberals also denied that they wanted socialism or communism for years and bashed anyone who suggested otherwise. Now, we know. The "conspiracy theorists" were right all along.

Some Dems are starting to feel betrayed by the party because they can see that it stands for everything they hate.

Great video at bottom explaining the reasons for the growing movement.

"Manipulating Fear

Straka, who grew up in a small town in Nebraska, was on board with the fear and loathing campaign around Trump until he began asking people back home why they had voted for him. To his astonishment, they told him about Obama-era regulations that had crippled their small businesses.

He started to research media canards like the one about Trump supposedly mocking a disabled reporter. When he found that it was a total distortion, he kept going, his anger rising.

He eventually became “completely ‘red-pilled.'” And isolated. He told himself that he would have to give up his lifelong dream of becoming an actor if he hit the “publish” button on his video, but, encouraged by one conservative gay friend, he decided to go ahead.

“This was a matter of the media specifically using and manipulating people’s deepest fears, based on legitimate traumas,” he explained.

“Many gay people have experienced very serious homophobia and even physical violence. Can you imagine manipulating a domestic violence survivor’s fears just for political purposes? It’s insane.

“I was afraid of losing all my friends. As I began posting about these things on social media, people started attacking me and unfriending me.

“But I thought, ‘You know what, this is too important.’ Maybe it’s the fact that I’m a gay man and I’ve already been through this—people making up lies about what it means to be gay and trying to shame me. I was like, ‘I’m not doing it. I’m not doing this twice.’

“The more resentment I received, the stronger I got. Finally, I thought, ‘To hell with it. I’m just going to blow the lid off this whole thing and make this video.’”


“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth.”

And then this devastating line—the Rosa Parks moment of the video:

“I reject hate.”

If Democratic strategists were still able to watch the rest of the video without suffering a nervous breakdown, they’d see that it quickly got worse.

“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”

Tidal Wave

Meet Brandon Straka, the unlikely liberator and new face of the “silent minority” of Americans who’ve been cast out by family and friends, fired from jobs, and forced into silent social ghettos for their failure to “get it” about how hateful and dangerous Donald Trump is, and why he and all his supporters should be subjected to an ever-expanding social and professional fatwah.

Since Straka published his confessional video on May 26, his life as a New York City hairdresser and aspiring actor has been overtaken by a tidal wave.


Viral 'Walk Away' Videos Highlight Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party

The right has even less to offer.

The left has less than nothing to offer.

the right wing has a short term memory, and they claim to not even smoke pot.

the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform.

the right has nothing but repeal.

This assumes government can do something right.

Just looking at the clowncar we have in D.C., you should know better.

And we put them in charge of our health insurance system.

the right wing is all talk. let take a vote on it. end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; let's Privatize them Because, the right wing alleges, the Government can't do anything right.
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word liberal does not apply to socialism.
only in right wing Special Pleading.
The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word liberal does not apply to socialism.
only in right wing Special Pleading.

Liberals do not like big government.

Our founders are a classic example of that.

The left wing (you) suck on it's symbolic dick every day.
The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word liberal does not apply to socialism.
only in right wing Special Pleading.
You don't understand what liberal means
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word liberal does not apply to socialism.
only in right wing Special Pleading.

Liberals do not like big government.

Our founders are a classic example of that.

The left wing (you) suck on it's symbolic dick every day.
Only cronies complain about anyone else.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Sun Devil 92 sounds confused again today. That makes no sense.

Liberalism today is not the classic liberalism of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Neither is conservatism today.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word liberal does not apply to socialism.
only in right wing Special Pleading.
You don't understand what liberal means
I know it more than Any right winger. None of you seem very liberal.
Liberal socialism is the left.

National Socialism is the right.

They are both Big Government Progressive political, social, cultural, and economic movements trying to use big government to make changes nationally.
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

This thread had NOTHING to do with the "right" but the "WRONG" of the growing socialistic trend of the Democrat party is showing it's affect on the upcoming mid-term elections.
Screen Shot 2018-07-14 at 9.02.00 AM.png

CNN poll: Democrats' 2018 advantage is nearly gone - CNNPolitics
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word liberal does not apply to socialism.
only in right wing Special Pleading.
You don't understand what liberal means
I know it more than Any right winger. None of you seem very liberal.

Oh....there it is....that left winger mentality.

You "know" it better......a dead giveaway.

Well, there are some things you don't seems.

Like how not to totally blow an easy election.

Have fun making that next SCOTUS pick.

what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word liberal does not apply to socialism.
only in right wing Special Pleading.

Liberals do not like big government.

Our founders are a classic example of that.

The left wing (you) suck on it's symbolic dick every day.
Only cronies complain about anyone else.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Love the article.

Who gives them that welfare.......????

C'mon can do it.
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word liberal does not apply to socialism.
only in right wing Special Pleading.
You don't understand what liberal means
I know it more than Any right winger. None of you seem very liberal.

Oh....there it is....that left winger mentality.

You "know" it better......a dead giveaway.

Well, there are some things you don't seems.

Like how not to totally blow an easy election.

Have fun making that next SCOTUS pick.

lol. so what; we have more than, nothing but repeal.

tax breaks for the rich, won't help you very much.
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word liberal does not apply to socialism.
only in right wing Special Pleading.

Liberals do not like big government.

Our founders are a classic example of that.

The left wing (you) suck on it's symbolic dick every day.
Only cronies complain about anyone else.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Love the article.

Who gives them that welfare.......????

C'mon can do it.
Which Christian hypocrites complain about the Poor?

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