Gretchen's Plan to Steal Michigan for the Democrats Just May Work

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
The unholy trinity of the Michigan Demonrat Party (governor, SOS, AG -- all witches) illegally sent out requests for absentee ballots to every registered voter, including animals and, of course, the dead.

Michigan's total population, including children is just under 10 million.

They got 2 million requests for absentee ballots so far (did I mention this is ILLEGAL?)

Assuming HALF the population is below the voting age, roughly 40% of the adult population wants to vote by mail.

Even without the usual Demonrat voter fraud, making voting this effortless cheapens the vote and allows the most uninformed Democrats a say in the form of Godvernment we will all be forced to live under.
This is how Demonrats/Marxists gain control of legitimate "democracies."

We arent the only state working day and night to drag the blue corpse across the finish line

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The unholy trinity of the Michigan Demonrat Party (governor, SOS, AG -- all witches) illegally sent out requests for absentee ballots to every registered voter, including animals and, of course, the dead.

Michigan's total population, including children is just under 10 million.

They got 2 million requests for absentee ballots so far (did I mention this is ILLEGAL?)

Assuming HALF the population is below the voting age, roughly 40% of the adult population wants to vote by mail.

Even without the usual Demonrat voter fraud, making voting this effortless cheapens the vote and allows the most uninformed Democrats a say in the form of Godvernment we will all be forced to live under.
This is how Demonrats/Marxists gain control of legitimate "democracies."
We arent the only state working day and night to drag the blue corpse across the finish line

"Steal" a state where Rump couldn't win the pop vote in the first place?
You should have Voter Fraud investigated...

Oh, yea... they did and found nothing....

So now you just raving because you are going to loose...
These RWNJs are just preparing for Trump’s loss so they could rant and rave about voter fraud afterward. Friggin loons.
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I would not be surprised in the least if she becomes our first female president ever in the future,she is as demonic as they come and those are the only kind of people that get to be potus.
The unholy trinity of the Michigan Demonrat Party (governor, SOS, AG -- all witches) illegally sent out requests for absentee ballots to every registered voter, including animals and, of course, the dead.

Michigan's total population, including children is just under 10 million.

They got 2 million requests for absentee ballots so far (did I mention this is ILLEGAL?)

Assuming HALF the population is below the voting age, roughly 40% of the adult population wants to vote by mail.

Even without the usual Demonrat voter fraud, making voting this effortless cheapens the vote and allows the most uninformed Democrats a say in the form of Godvernment we will all be forced to live under.
This is how Demonrats/Marxists gain control of legitimate "democracies."
We arent the only state working day and night to drag the blue corpse across the finish line

"Steal" a state where Rump couldn't win the pop vote in the first place?

Trump won the popular vote in Michigan. I imagine Obama may still be a drag and Biden not making many if any visits won't help but he should still pull off the win. Trump hasn't done anything more for Michigan than Obama did.
The unholy trinity of the Michigan Demonrat Party (governor, SOS, AG -- all witches) illegally sent out requests for absentee ballots to every registered voter, including animals and, of course, the dead.

Michigan's total population, including children is just under 10 million.

They got 2 million requests for absentee ballots so far (did I mention this is ILLEGAL?)

Assuming HALF the population is below the voting age, roughly 40% of the adult population wants to vote by mail.

Even without the usual Demonrat voter fraud, making voting this effortless cheapens the vote and allows the most uninformed Democrats a say in the form of Godvernment we will all be forced to live under.
This is how Demonrats/Marxists gain control of legitimate "democracies."
We arent the only state working day and night to drag the blue corpse across the finish line

"Steal" a state where Rump couldn't win the pop vote in the first place?

Trump won the popular vote in Michigan.

No, he absolutely did not,

He couldn't win the PV in Pennsylvania either, Or Wisconsin.
Or Florida, Or AridZona,

He couldn't even win the PV in friggin' Utah,

Go ahead, Check me,
The unholy trinity of the Michigan Demonrat Party (governor, SOS, AG -- all witches) illegally sent out requests for absentee ballots to every registered voter, including animals and, of course, the dead.

Michigan's total population, including children is just under 10 million.

They got 2 million requests for absentee ballots so far (did I mention this is ILLEGAL?)

Assuming HALF the population is below the voting age, roughly 40% of the adult population wants to vote by mail.

Even without the usual Demonrat voter fraud, making voting this effortless cheapens the vote and allows the most uninformed Democrats a say in the form of Godvernment we will all be forced to live under.
This is how Demonrats/Marxists gain control of legitimate "democracies."

We arent the only state working day and night to drag the blue corpse across the finish line

Republicans have done the same thing. If uninformed voters couldn't vote, Trump would be wiped out. He relies on uninformed voters.
The unholy trinity of the Michigan Demonrat Party (governor, SOS, AG -- all witches) illegally sent out requests for absentee ballots to every registered voter, including animals and, of course, the dead.

Michigan's total population, including children is just under 10 million.

They got 2 million requests for absentee ballots so far (did I mention this is ILLEGAL?)

Assuming HALF the population is below the voting age, roughly 40% of the adult population wants to vote by mail.

Even without the usual Demonrat voter fraud, making voting this effortless cheapens the vote and allows the most uninformed Democrats a say in the form of Godvernment we will all be forced to live under.
This is how Demonrats/Marxists gain control of legitimate "democracies."

We arent the only state working day and night to drag the blue corpse across the finish line

This is all going to wind up in court and you can bet neither side is going to cave like Gore did in 2000.
The unholy trinity of the Michigan Demonrat Party (governor, SOS, AG -- all witches) illegally sent out requests for absentee ballots to every registered voter, including animals and, of course, the dead.

Michigan's total population, including children is just under 10 million.

They got 2 million requests for absentee ballots so far (did I mention this is ILLEGAL?)

Assuming HALF the population is below the voting age, roughly 40% of the adult population wants to vote by mail.

Even without the usual Demonrat voter fraud, making voting this effortless cheapens the vote and allows the most uninformed Democrats a say in the form of Godvernment we will all be forced to live under.
This is how Demonrats/Marxists gain control of legitimate "democracies."
We arent the only state working day and night to drag the blue corpse across the finish line

"Steal" a state where Rump couldn't win the pop vote in the first place?

Trump won the popular vote in Michigan.

No, he absolutely did not,

He couldn't win the PV in Pennsylvania either, Or Wisconsin.
Or Florida, Or AridZona,

He couldn't even win the PV in friggin' Utah,

Go ahead, Check me,

No idea what you are ranting on about.
The way this former resident of the Buckeye state sees it, Michigan just can't help themselves when it comes to avoiding its own stupidity.

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, announced Tuesday that the state mailed absentee ballot application to 7.7 million registered ahead of Michigan’s August primary and November election.​
Benson said mailing the applications cost the state $4.5 million, covered with funds from the federal coronavirus relief package.​

I believe I saw something in the last few days where their governor was crying about the lack of federal coronavirus relief funds. Total idiots.

The way this former resident of the Buckeye state sees it, Michigan just can't help themselves when it comes to avoiding its own stupidity.

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, announced Tuesday that the state mailed absentee ballot application to 7.7 million registered ahead of Michigan’s August primary and November election.​
Benson said mailing the applications cost the state $4.5 million, covered with funds from the federal coronavirus relief package.​

I believe I saw something in the last few days where their governor was crying about the lack of federal coronavirus relief funds. Total idiots.

Who is the idiot? The (D)'s lost Michigan last time because Obama refused to help them out when they asked for help over their poisoned water.

Ignoring Michigan is most certainly not in Trump's best interest.
You should have Voter Fraud investigated...

Oh, yea... they did and found nothing....

So now you just raving because you are going to loose...
Then we all lose. And that is vengeance. Nothing like Hitler type extreme feminist Prog women who are post menopausal in charge. What disappointments. All these years and we get female versions of the same old wanna be potentates. We were supposed to see better people. And we get people in that if you criticize them the howls of hate will be heard far and wide. And more then that. We have increased poverty of males. Which is always a good thing for unrest that leads to massive violence through revolutions or wars.
Who is the idiot? The (D)'s lost Michigan last time because Obama refused to help them out when they asked for help over their poisoned water.

Ignoring Michigan is most certainly not in Trump's best interest.

I certainly won't argue that Michigan voters probably aren't bright enough to understand that their state leadership pissed away $4½ million of federal COVID-19 relief funds to help their re-election chances. Money intended to be put to use for the citizens' best interest. It should be an easy lesson for GOP state campaign organizers to teach the state's voters.
The unholy trinity of the Michigan Demonrat Party (governor, SOS, AG -- all witches) illegally sent out requests for absentee ballots to every registered voter, including animals and, of course, the dead.

Michigan's total population, including children is just under 10 million.

They got 2 million requests for absentee ballots so far (did I mention this is ILLEGAL?)

Assuming HALF the population is below the voting age, roughly 40% of the adult population wants to vote by mail.

Even without the usual Demonrat voter fraud, making voting this effortless cheapens the vote and allows the most uninformed Democrats a say in the form of Godvernment we will all be forced to live under.
This is how Demonrats/Marxists gain control of legitimate "democracies."
We arent the only state working day and night to drag the blue corpse across the finish line

"Steal" a state where Rump couldn't win the pop vote in the first place?

Trump won the popular vote in Michigan.

No, he absolutely did not,

He couldn't win the PV in Pennsylvania either, Or Wisconsin.
Or Florida, Or AridZona,

He couldn't even win the PV in friggin' Utah,

Go ahead, Check me,

No idea what you are ranting on about.

Numbers. Ain't rocket surgery.
The cool thing about numbers is, they're quantifiable.
The unholy trinity of the Michigan Demonrat Party (governor, SOS, AG -- all witches) illegally sent out requests for absentee ballots to every registered voter, including animals and, of course, the dead.

Michigan's total population, including children is just under 10 million.

They got 2 million requests for absentee ballots so far (did I mention this is ILLEGAL?)

Assuming HALF the population is below the voting age, roughly 40% of the adult population wants to vote by mail.

Even without the usual Demonrat voter fraud, making voting this effortless cheapens the vote and allows the most uninformed Democrats a say in the form of Godvernment we will all be forced to live under.
This is how Demonrats/Marxists gain control of legitimate "democracies."

We arent the only state working day and night to drag the blue corpse across the finish line

Looks like Dorothy's house, in the form of the Court, landed on her.

Michigan Court Steps in And Makes It A Little More Difficult For Dems To Steal The Election By Preventing Last Minute 14-Day Absentee Ballot Extension

NBC New York
Absentee ballots must arrive by Election Day to be counted, the Michigan Court of Appeals said Friday, blocking a 14-day extension that had been ordered by a lower court and embraced by key Democratic officials in a battleground state.
The Activist Lower Court tried to arrogate the authority of the elected branches by writing new law shortly before the election that would let the election thieves know how many votes short they were and give them two weeks to "find" enough additional ballots to steal the election.

Thankfully the legal squads for Electoral Integrity fought this theft got a ruling that will prevent the thieves from stealing YOUR vote!

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