Greeniacs: Are They Sick or Warped?

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Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Or....both and worse????

1. Environmentalism is a spin-off of Leftism, and, as everyone knows, every Leftist political, based on this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution." now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."
Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????


Or....both and worse????

1. Environmentalism is a spin-off of Leftism, and, as everyone knows, every Leftist political, based on this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution." now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."
Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????
They're both sick AND warped. And DUMB, to boot!
Greeniacs and Climatards also have a low self-esteem. The reason why they're always wanting to "save the planet" is to give their miserable lives some sense of purpose and make them feel better about themselves.

Normal people aren't so empty inside, nor do they need to be constantly reminding themselves that they're not some part of an imaginary problem.
But no where is the Left more successful in the use of that magical word 'science' than in support of 'environmental science.'

Environmental activist, Professor Wallace Kaufman, spilled the beans in an interview with 'Mountain Xpress.' He reveals the typical human trait of being unable to pass us a pay day...

"Kaufman says he worries that the triumph of the environmental movement is about to infect our thinking with a wrong-headedness that will require decades to reverse. “I hope that, eventually, reason and education will triumph. We now have a lot of people who are dedicated to debunking the junk science of the environmental movement. But even among scientists I know in universities, they don’t want to tackle junk science, because it’s getting them grants to study these things.

In the meantime, they are willing to overlook a decay of scientific integrity, and I think that’s dangerous. I think the story is yet to be written whether these New Age pseudoscientists are going to become the politically correct censors of science, or whether scientists are going to be able to hold their own and produce work that has real integrity.”

Get that? "... scientists I know in universities, they don’t want to tackle junk science, because it’s getting them grants.... are willing to overlook a decay of scientific integrity..."
An environmentalist comes out of the woods

Remember that when Al Gore tells you 'the debate is over."
But no where is the Left more successful in the use of that magical word 'science' than in support of 'environmental science.'

Environmental activist, Professor Wallace Kaufman, spilled the beans in an interview with 'Mountain Xpress.' He reveals the typical human trait of being unable to pass us a pay day...

"Kaufman says he worries that the triumph of the environmental movement is about to infect our thinking with a wrong-headedness that will require decades to reverse. “I hope that, eventually, reason and education will triumph. We now have a lot of people who are dedicated to debunking the junk science of the environmental movement. But even among scientists I know in universities, they don’t want to tackle junk science, because it’s getting them grants to study these things.

In the meantime, they are willing to overlook a decay of scientific integrity, and I think that’s dangerous. I think the story is yet to be written whether these New Age pseudoscientists are going to become the politically correct censors of science, or whether scientists are going to be able to hold their own and produce work that has real integrity.”

Get that? "... scientists I know in universities, they don’t want to tackle junk science, because it’s getting them grants.... are willing to overlook a decay of scientific integrity..."
An environmentalist comes out of the woods

Remember that when Al Gore tells you 'the debate is over."

"Environmental science" is a crock. Those are the same people after all, who believe they can make a woman out of a man by means of surgical mutilation and drugs. Or the other way around.

That's as archaic as bloodletting with leeches or trepanation to let evil spirits out of someone's head.
Or....both and worse????

1. Environmentalism is a spin-off of Leftism, and, as everyone knows, every Leftist political, based on this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution." now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."
Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????

"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’

What would be a lot better for the environment and for the planet is if these Climate Activists INCLUDING Greta "Children of The Corn" Thunberg would ALL kill themselves, if they did that it would help to Save The Planet and then EVERYONE NORMAL on the planet could fix whatever is WRONG without all these Climate Activist maniacs STOPPING us from fixing things because of their Global Warming Hoax.
Or....both and worse????

1. Environmentalism is a spin-off of Leftism, and, as everyone knows, every Leftist political, based on this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution." now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."
Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????

That's the best the Russian think tanks can do? Seriously?

It brought you slithering in, didn't it.
Or....both and worse????

1. Environmentalism is a spin-off of Leftism, and, as everyone knows, every Leftist political, based on this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution." now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."
Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????

"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’

What would be a lot better for the environment and for the planet is if these Climate Activists INCLUDING Greta "Children of The Corn" Thunberg would ALL kill themselves, if they did that it would help to Save The Planet and then EVERYONE NORMAL on the planet could fix whatever is WRONG without all these Climate Activist maniacs STOPPING us from fixing things because of their Global Warming Hoax.

Or....both and worse????

1. Environmentalism is a spin-off of Leftism, and, as everyone knows, every Leftist political, based on this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution." now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."
Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????


someone actually wanting to NOT destroy the environment.....

how EVIL!

tell me....why do you want to kill people who want to protect and save the environment?

just how evil are YOU?
Or....both and worse????

1. Environmentalism is a spin-off of Leftism, and, as everyone knows, every Leftist political, based on this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution." now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."
Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????

That's the best the Russian think tanks can do? Seriously?

It brought you slithering in, didn't it.
Only because I'm constantly amazed at the low quality crap you Russian trolls put out.

Pssst.......that 'Russian's thing was old a long time ago.

You didn't hear about the Mueller Report????
1.First and foremost.....don't mistake 'environmentalism,' or the 'Green Movement' for a science-based conservation movement. What it is is an amalgam of a bizarre pagan earth-worship religion, communism, and a governmental power grab.
At the center, it sees mankind as a virus and a despoiler which must be controlled!

2. Now, to see an origin of the Insanity, there is Ernst Haeckel..." One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification. Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding.
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

3. Add a bit of red, Marxism, to the Greenists, and you have the modern environmentalist, and we have what has been called the 'Watermelon Movement'- green on the outside, red on the inside.

a. When the Soviet Union fell, many fellow travelers migrated to the environmental movement. So much so, that the movement is often referred to as the ‘Watermelon Movement”: green on the outside, red on the inside.

b. “Delingpole does an excellent job of cutting through he jargon and presenting the essentials. But where the book really shines is exposing the politics behind this manufactured crisis.”
From a review of “Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors
Or....both and worse????

1. Environmentalism is a spin-off of Leftism, and, as everyone knows, every Leftist political, based on this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution." now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."
Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????

That's the best the Russian think tanks can do? Seriously?

There are Greentards in Russia too. Never heard of Pussy Riot?
They actually advance an atavistic, ignorant approach championing primitive existence to modernity.

Lest one miss the atavism of Gaia worship, the "Insane Greenists" insist that primitive tribes be our model:

a. 'Green thinkers admire how tribal people live in harmony with their environment, taking care not to exhaust the land or use up the natural resources upon which they depend....'
Kerven, R., "Saving Planet Earth," p.25.

and this...

b. 'Ancient people knew that they depended on the natural world for survival and had a
close relationship with the forces of sky and earth...The people of ancient societies did
not regard the human community as separate from the world of nature. The Earth was
often seen as Mother,
the giver and nourisher of life...'
Pedersen, A., "The Kids' Environment Book," pp.12-13.

and this...

c. "...all [indigenous cultures] consider the Earth like a parent and revere it
accordingly...[They have} a perception, an awareness, that all of life - mountains, rivers,
skies, animals, plants, insects, rocks, people - are inseparably connected. Material and
spiritual worlds are woven together in one complex web, all living things imbued with a
sacred meaning..."
Burger, J., "The Gaia Atlas of First Peoples," pp.21 and 23.

This passes for insight and advanced thinking in academia...and totally accepted by our environmentalist pals, who probably go around in a loincloth.

“Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.” George Orwell
Or....both and worse????

1. Environmentalism is a spin-off of Leftism, and, as everyone knows, every Leftist political, based on this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution." now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."
Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????


someone actually wanting to NOT destroy the environment.....

how EVIL!

tell me....why do you want to kill people who want to protect and save the environment?

just how evil are YOU?

You're not "destroying the environment, nor are you "saving the environment." You couldn't "destroy the environment" or "save the environment" if you wanted to because frankly, you don't have that kind of influence or power over it.

It's arrogant and conceited to believe you actually have some control over something as massive and complicated as a planet's environment. Cooling and warming cycles have came and gone for eons. Glaciers have formed and melted and for the majority of that time, there was no human activity that changed anything.
Last edited:
Or....both and worse????

1. Environmentalism is a spin-off of Leftism, and, as everyone knows, every Leftist political, based on this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Yup....they hate people....see humans as a disease that must be eradicated.
Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”
The world's biggest problem? Too many people

2. Yup....atheistic pagans that they are, they work tirelessly to end mankinds damage to Gaia, mother-earth.

And, they admit it:
"Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’
The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet!

Climate activist Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira on coronavirus and its impacts: "Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time."

"There are also positive aspects. As said by the proverb, every cloud has a silver lining...We see a reduced production in Chinese industry, which has resulted in a huge drop in China's pollution." now deathly silent. What a respite for the Venetians! What good news for the ecologists and tourist-haters! This positively affects the reduction of CO2 emission and the whole wave the destruction associated with holiday and professional conference tourism...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment."
Climate activists celebrate ‘the benefits of coronavirus’: ‘It is fantastic for the environment’ – Economic slowdown is ‘good news for the ecologists’

What sort of morons actually follow these psychotics?????

That's the best the Russian think tanks can do? Seriously?

It brought you slithering in, didn't it.
Only because I'm constantly amazed at the low quality crap you Russian trolls put out.
Do you have any proof it is from Russia?

I looked it up and found out this information isn't.

In fact, Russia signed onto the Paris accord. Why would you write something so dumb, and demonstrably false? Soon, if not already, no one will take you any more seriously than Billy000 or rightwinger. . . .

Your hyper-partisanship is really getting in the way of your critical thinking. Why?
Look who the OP is.

Indeed, she has severe cognitive biases, as do us all.

. . . and yet, her posts usually identify for us who her stake holders are. And thus, her credibility far out ranks yours.

Thus, everyone knows, when you make your dumb ass Russia comments, we can source her posts, and see for ourselves, there is nothing Russian behind anything she is posting in this thread.

The first link from the LA times is connected to infamous Paul Ehrlich. Seriously? You think these folks are credible? They don't have much of a track record as far as American propagandists go.

". . .4. “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich confidently declared in the April 1970 issue of Mademoiselle. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”

5. “Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born,” wrote Paul Ehrlich in a 1969 essay titled “Eco-Catastrophe! “By…[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.”

6. Ehrlich sketched out his most alarmist scenario for the 1970 Earth Day issue of The Progressive, assuring readers that between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the “Great Die-Off.”

18 Spectacularly Wrong Predictions Made Around the Time of the First Earth Day In 1970. Expect More This Year. | Mark J. Perry

As far as your claim that her other sources are Russia? Are you lazy, or just a troll?

Climate Depot - SourceWatch

Marc Morano - SourceWatch

You are being triggered, and you can't handle the truth. Once I read the OP, of course it is self-evident truth, and it was hard to contradict. I was really curious if there was going to be someone dumb enough to contradict it. I wouldn't have thought you to be not only that stupid, but then to make something up, out of whole cloth?

Both neo-liberals and neo-conservatives have this fantasy of infinite growth. . . . on a finite planet? They worship materialism, and PoliticalChic doesn't even know she is a hypocrite. She chastises those folks that are worried about non-stop degradation and depletion of the environment, because, what? Material advancement for all, in a never ending economic way, is a good thing, at the expense of the very ecosystems that support life?


While I agree with the premise of the thread. .. there IS something missing. . .
The answer is NOT wishing for the death of humans or humanity, it is into changing what we value. . .
. . . and that is how we can be sure that this Greta Thunberg is a fraud, because she never focuses on THAT.

. . . and you can be sure, the last folks that will ever be doing that, will be the humanists, the atheists, etc. They have no love.

. . .and do not look for it among the nationalists that worship at the alters of commerce, building great towers, empires, multinational corporations and markets, dedicated to pleasing every desire up to the instant, either.

Their love is one based on ego, not on selflessness.
That's the best the Russian think tanks can do? Seriously?

Normally I would roll my eyes at something like this, but PC is one of two people on this forum that I think might legitimately be shilling. The way "she" brazenly and shamelessly distorts reality and misleads her retarded audience makes me wonder. You can take all the time needed to dismantle the nonsense she's spewing and she'll just pretend it never happened. She tries to win arguments by fatiguing people that can't be on this forum dissecting links and arguing with her all day because they have a life. It's kind of gross to watch.
That's the best the Russian think tanks can do? Seriously?

Normally I would roll my eyes at something like this, but PC is one of two people on this forum that I think might legitimately be shilling. The way "she" brazenly and shamelessly distorts reality and misleads her retarded audience makes me wonder. You can take all the time needed to dismantle the nonsense she's spewing and she'll just pretend it never happened. She tries to win arguments by fatiguing people that can't be on this forum dissecting links and arguing with her all day because they have a life. It's kind of gross to watch.

"...brazenly and shamelessly distorts reality and misleads her retarded audience ..."

As you have found, everything I post is documented, linked and sourced.

That's why I am always 100% correct, accurate and beyond dispute.
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