Green energy is not green....


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

I'm just started to go through this site info

But I do know already that it takes a lot of energy to do this "green" stuff... We are not ready for what the dims are trying to shove down our throats, but hey... since when did those bas**^%$# care about... you know.. logic, common sense, wisdom in gummit (ha ha... so hilarious, that last one)
Green Energy is just another scam to tax the populace. And I'd be willing to bet that Pelosi and other leeches of her ilk bought plenty of stock in the Green Energy market (racket) before she helped pass laws supporting that industry. She certainly didn't get rich on a Rep's salary.
The deceitfulness of capitalism's "green agenda" is clear as daylight when you see the pleasure with which the Eurogreens and the Financial international are pouring bottomless billions into the biggest ecological disaster in Ukraine. And not a peep from these vile creatures.
That is, the capitalists aren't converting people to grasshopper and mealworm fodder to "save the planet," otherwise the "greens" would be foaming at the mouth every day demanding that the war be stopped.
No, the businessmen are destroying meat consumption idea, so they can spend less on the poor, for their stinking profit margin.

"The Coalition to Prevent Euthanasia Canada estimates that euthanasia is already the third
leading cause of death in Quebec, 7% of all deaths. Canada legalized assisted suicide in 2016."

Eat up, lovers of "proper capitalism," don't get sick of it
The deceitfulness of capitalism's "green agenda" is clear as daylight when you see the pleasure with which the Eurogreens and the Financial international are pouring bottomless billions into the biggest ecological disaster in Ukraine. And not a peep from these vile creatures.
That is, the capitalists aren't converting people to grasshopper and mealworm fodder to "save the planet," otherwise the "greens" would be foaming at the mouth every day demanding that the war be stopped.
No, the businessmen are destroying meat consumption idea, so they can spend less on the poor, for their stinking profit margin.

"The Coalition to Prevent Euthanasia Canada estimates that euthanasia is already the third
leading cause of death in Quebec, 7% of all deaths. Canada legalized assisted suicide in 2016."

Eat up, lovers of "proper capitalism," don't get sick of it
Interestingly, the "shade" of "capitalist" of which you speak are actually Globalist Communists.
It is no coincidence that the propagandists of capitalism stick the label "communism" on any bastard they themselves generate. Guess why.
There's a difference between small "c," free market capitalists (regular folks trading with one another unhindered by government regulation) and large "C" capitalists, which love to regulate their competition out of business. The Communist Chinese are growing in economic power because of the practice of capitalism.

It's like recycling paper will not save the planet. It won't. Ever.

Trucks have to take thousands and million of tons of paper to the plant every year. That takes energy and resources to do.

The plant uses energy for the manufacturing equipment to grind up, pulp, bleach, press and cut the material to turn it back into paper again.

There is a lot of waste from bleaching and pulling paper so it can be reused.

Then those same trucks have to take those thousands of millions of tons of paper back out so it can be sold again, again using more energy.

Then you have all the energy and resources used to make all the recycling containers.

Then all the time, energy, resources and money spent on the people who make it all happen.

Recycling is bullshit and so is green energy. The few people who get rich from green energy and recycling lie to everyone else telling them we need to keep doing it so they get to stay rich.

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