Greece: The Next Detroit?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
While Detroit had the state of Michigan to bail it out by appointing an emergency manager, Greece has no such thing, although the IMF and Europe tried. Instead, Greece, being a sovereign state, has elected a government which aims to resolve its financial crises with more spending.

Finance Minister, Yannis Varufakis, thinks he can have the German tax-payer support Greek socialism.

I am a Greek citizen, and find the upcoming Greek fiasco "Detroit" on a national scale, and needless to say, the complete collapse of a once-proud nation.

Sometimes insanity is defined as doing the same thing repeatedly, and expecting different results. The Greek electorate has learned almost nothing from decades of almost complete socialist rule.
Greece fucked themselves royally. Capital Flight, producers fleeing, it's a nation full of Useful Idiots

Maybe the AGWCult can teach them all the benefits of a lowered carbon footprint when the last business finally leaves for good
Greece fucked themselves royally. Capital Flight, producers fleeing, it's a nation full of Useful Idiots

Maybe the AGWCult can teach them all the benefits of a lowered carbon footprint when the last business finally leaves for good
That is not exactly fair. Greece have gone through a very rough patch of late, but instead of bearing down through it, they have chosen instead to find solace in the populism that brought them here in the first place. Their parents didn't take responsibility, so now obviously, the next generation wiiil. It's a cycle of poverry.

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