Great News For Tax Payers About the IRS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Inspector General’s report: IRS has rehired dozens of potentially corrupt employees

"The Internal Revenue Service is continuing to rehire employees who were previously terminated from the agency for serious conduct and/or performance issues, according to a report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.

The TIGTA report, released at the end of July, found that 213 of around 2,000 former employees rehired by the IRS between January 2015 and March 2016 had committed possible offenses — including either serious violations of IRS policy or outright crimes — while working at the department. Some of these employees had access to sensitive taxpayer information."

Where the hell is the oversight?

Never mind....Guess what criminal di@khead is STILL in charge of the IRS?!

Makes me sick to my stomach. Sort of like Lois Lerner that was floated around the govt., even though she was found to be inept and biased.

They were able to counter with, what has happened to those involved? We fired them, never revealing they were at that moment being processed for rehire.
Makes me sick to my stomach. Sort of like Lois Lerner that was floated around the govt., even though she was found to be inept and biased.

They were able to counter with, what has happened to those involved? We fired them, never revealing they were at that moment being processed for rehire.
Standard government procedure. This is news to you?
Well, it became known over the last 8 years.
Makes me sick to my stomach. Sort of like Lois Lerner that was floated around the govt., even though she was found to be inept and biased.

They were able to counter with, what has happened to those involved? We fired them, never revealing they were at that moment being processed for rehire.
Standard government procedure. This is news to you?
Well, it became known over the last 8 years.
Makes me sick to my stomach. Sort of like Lois Lerner that was floated around the govt., even though she was found to be inept and biased.

They were able to counter with, what has happened to those involved? We fired them, never revealing they were at that moment being processed for rehire.
Standard government procedure. This is news to you?
You have no clue, it's been around a LOT longer than that.
Having been too busy previously and knowing no govt workers personally, I was truly in the dark.
Well, it became known over the last 8 years.
Makes me sick to my stomach. Sort of like Lois Lerner that was floated around the govt., even though she was found to be inept and biased.

They were able to counter with, what has happened to those involved? We fired them, never revealing they were at that moment being processed for rehire.
Standard government procedure. This is news to you?
You have no clue, it's been around a LOT longer than that.
Having been too busy previously and knowing no govt workers personally, I was truly in the dark.
Well, it became known over the last 8 years.
Makes me sick to my stomach. Sort of like Lois Lerner that was floated around the govt., even though she was found to be inept and biased.

They were able to counter with, what has happened to those involved? We fired them, never revealing they were at that moment being processed for rehire.
Standard government procedure. This is news to you?
You have no clue, it's been around a LOT longer than that.
Move to the DC Metro area and work for the government or a contractor for a while......... Both the wife and I did mid to high level contract work for years (seems like eons). Blue badges are temporarily expendable, contractors are permanently expendable on the whim of a blue badge or to satisfy the ire of politicians and the American public.
Koskinen is Obama's hand-picked co-conspirator in only the 2nd time in US history the IRS was ever illegally used as a political weapon against Americans (both times / Presidents being Democrats - Clinton and Obama).

Koskinen was even caught perjuring himself under oath. (It was awesome watching the little roach squirm as Gowdy played back his earlier testimony, exposing his perjury.)

Obama and Holder protected him then from indictment / firing...who knows why the SOB hasn't been canned by Trump already. This should add more fuel to the fire to do so...
Inspector General’s report: IRS has rehired dozens of potentially corrupt employees

"The Internal Revenue Service is continuing to rehire employees who were previously terminated from the agency for serious conduct and/or performance issues, according to a report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.

The TIGTA report, released at the end of July, found that 213 of around 2,000 former employees rehired by the IRS between January 2015 and March 2016 had committed possible offenses — including either serious violations of IRS policy or outright crimes — while working at the department. Some of these employees had access to sensitive taxpayer information."

Where the hell is the oversight?

Never mind....Guess what criminal di@khead is STILL in charge of the IRS?!

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Exactly why has The TRUMP ADMINISTRATION kept this douchebag around?
Why not hire back Lois Lerner too?


It's my personal opinion that the whole Russian Collusion strategy was put in place to disable The Trump Administration from purging too many Obama Appointees.


Mueller and McCabe are running the FBI
Rosenstein is running the DOJ.
Koskinen is running the IRS

These are Obama Appointees.
Having been too busy previously and knowing no govt workers personally, I was truly in the dark.
Well, it became known over the last 8 years.
Makes me sick to my stomach. Sort of like Lois Lerner that was floated around the govt., even though she was found to be inept and biased.

They were able to counter with, what has happened to those involved? We fired them, never revealing they were at that moment being processed for rehire.
Standard government procedure. This is news to you?
You have no clue, it's been around a LOT longer than that.
The other major problem has to do with the size of the available labor pool. The IRS typically needs people who are somewhat specialized, that labor pool isn't that big. The same problem with the VA, low pay, lots of work and a highly competitive market for health care providers all over the nation. The VA is horribly short staffed so occasionally has to bring back those who may have been fired for incompetence or laziness because no one else is available to do the work.
Koskinen is Obama's hand-picked co-conspirator in only the 2nd time in US history the IRS was ever illegally used as a political weapon against Americans (both times / Presidents being Democrats - Clinton and Obama).

Koskinen was even caught perjuring himself under oath. (It was awesome watching the little roach squirm as Gowdy played back his earlier testimony, exposing his perjury.)

Obama and Holder protected him then from indictment / firing...who knows why the SOB hasn't been canned by Trump already. This should add more fuel to the fire to do so...
You left out FDR who along with THE IRS, and FEDERAL RESERVE worked to GRANT BOTH Organizations Asset Forfeiture Rights.

The IRS & Federal Reserve then went on a Krystallacht devastating the American Economy, Intentionally causing The GREAT DEPRESSION, and then went about Confiscating Trillions of Dollars in Treasury Notes, Gold, Silver, 30,000 Banks Foreclosed upon, countless Farms, Homes, Businesses, all acquired by THE IRS and FEDERAL RESERVE.

Then they left AMERICA with these little slips of paper as an "YOU OWE US" called DEBT-CREDIT instruments where if you used one, you were actually agreeing to go in to debt, with the promise of paying back the Federal Reserve for their "GENEROUS LOAN" in the form of Indentured Servitude, Excessive Taxation, and Forced to Pay Interest on Money you were loaning yourself every time you spent a $DOLLAR.

And that is what we do, every day today and for the rest of our lives as long as Federal Reserve Notes are The Unconstitutional Currency we use as PAPER FIAT MONEY which only has value so long as The American Taxpayer can take increasing loads of debt upon themselves, and funnel our debt payments through THE IRS to pay THE LOAN SHARKS at THE FEDERAL RESERVE.
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