GRAPHIC Video: Black Protesters Beat White Man with Hammer in Berkeley

No matter how badly you want to remain ignorant, the reality is that there are big problems in the black community, and it is NOT caused by the police or white people.

No matter how much you want to blame this all on black people, you're just going to have to accept that millions of people of all races are sick of police misconduct and are doing something about it.

If you aren't breaking the law by selling cigarettes illegally, etc., then you don't have problems with the police. It's easy. Don't break laws. Don't fight with police. If you have a problem with a law or an officer of the law, take the correct channels to fix the problem. Rioting, looting, assaulting, and being violent doesn't help anybody.

So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.


the choke hold was still inappropriate and against departmental policy, and using it should cost that officer his job.

Perhaps. He was not indicted though, so apparently they did not agree with that assessment, and there were black people on the grand jury too, so that counts for something. The liberals cannot say that it was due to racism or whatever.

I don't know what other options the police had available to them, given the size of this gentleman. He was quite enormous and probably not easy to take down.
No matter how much you want to blame this all on black people, you're just going to have to accept that millions of people of all races are sick of police misconduct and are doing something about it.

If you aren't breaking the law by selling cigarettes illegally, etc., then you don't have problems with the police. It's easy. Don't break laws. Don't fight with police. If you have a problem with a law or an officer of the law, take the correct channels to fix the problem. Rioting, looting, assaulting, and being violent doesn't help anybody.

So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.


the choke hold was still inappropriate and against departmental policy, and using it should cost that officer his job.

Perhaps. He was not indicted though, so apparently they did not agree with that assessment, and there were black people on the grand jury too, so that counts for something. The liberals cannot say that it was due to racism or whatever.

I don't know what other options the police had available to them, given the size of this gentleman. He was quite enormous and probably not easy to take down.


I don't think it was about racism, I think it was about the Blue Shield.

No, I mean their motive. How do you know what their motive was? Did you ask the attackers?

The "motive" is pretty clear - they were trying to rob a Radioshack, and he was trying to stop them.

It's pretty clear how badly you guys want it to be about race, but the reality of the situation doesn't back up your hysterics.

No matter how badly you want to remain ignorant, the reality is that there are big problems in the black community, and it is NOT caused by the police or white people.

No matter how much you want to blame this all on black people, you're just going to have to accept that millions of people of all races are sick of police misconduct and are doing something about it.

No one likes police misconduct, neither do I . but the problem is being over exaggerated, when you put into the context of the number of calls the police go on every day. Whens the last time you saw a News report about Police using restraint in the face of combative suspects ?
The Michael Brown Protests were driven by the belief from the very begining that it was about a White cop murdering a black kid. That belief was formed with false information, like Brown being shot in the back.

You think the problem is being over exaggerated because it doesn't happen to you.

That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, though.
I would also like to say that beating a person with a hammer for any reason is quite sick and demented.

I think choking out a man and ignoring his pleas for help just because he was selling cigarettes illegally is pretty sick and demented too.

It wasn't because he was selling cigarettes. It was because he was resisting arrest. The police cannot allow a person to resist because they do not know what that person is capable of. Perhaps he could pull out a gun and shoot someone?

Do you expect the police to just let people go who are breaking the law? :lol: Face it, because of the fact that he was fighting the police, he was just not innocent.
The "motive" is pretty clear - they were trying to rob a Radioshack, and he was trying to stop them.

It's pretty clear how badly you guys want it to be about race, but the reality of the situation doesn't back up your hysterics.

No matter how badly you want to remain ignorant, the reality is that there are big problems in the black community, and it is NOT caused by the police or white people.

No matter how much you want to blame this all on black people, you're just going to have to accept that millions of people of all races are sick of police misconduct and are doing something about it.

If you aren't breaking the law by selling cigarettes illegally, etc., then you don't have problems with the police. It's easy. Don't break laws. Don't fight with police. If you have a problem with a law or an officer of the law, take the correct channels to fix the problem. Rioting, looting, assaulting, and being violent doesn't help anybody.

So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.

So the officer was "forced" to use a dangerous and prohibited maneuver that's been banned for decades due to countless deaths to "take him down"?

Why did he need to be "taken down" at all for something that normally just gets a ticket?
If you aren't breaking the law by selling cigarettes illegally, etc., then you don't have problems with the police. It's easy. Don't break laws. Don't fight with police. If you have a problem with a law or an officer of the law, take the correct channels to fix the problem. Rioting, looting, assaulting, and being violent doesn't help anybody.

So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.


the choke hold was still inappropriate and against departmental policy, and using it should cost that officer his job.

Perhaps. He was not indicted though, so apparently they did not agree with that assessment, and there were black people on the grand jury too, so that counts for something. The liberals cannot say that it was due to racism or whatever.

I don't know what other options the police had available to them, given the size of this gentleman. He was quite enormous and probably not easy to take down.


I don't think it was about racism, I think it was about the Blue Shield.

Oh, so what are you suggesting? That the Grand Jury was corrupt? Where there police officers serving on the Grand Jury. Hmm. I didn't think that was allowed. Lol.
No matter how much you want to blame this all on black people, you're just going to have to accept that millions of people of all races are sick of police misconduct and are doing something about it.

If you aren't breaking the law by selling cigarettes illegally, etc., then you don't have problems with the police. It's easy. Don't break laws. Don't fight with police. If you have a problem with a law or an officer of the law, take the correct channels to fix the problem. Rioting, looting, assaulting, and being violent doesn't help anybody.

So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.


the choke hold was still inappropriate and against departmental policy, and using it should cost that officer his job.

Perhaps. He was not indicted though, so apparently they did not agree with that assessment, and there were black people on the grand jury too, so that counts for something. The liberals cannot say that it was due to racism or whatever.

I don't know what other options the police had available to them, given the size of this gentleman. He was quite enormous and probably not easy to take down.

Ma'am that's irrelevant. Department policy is "don't use this choke hold" you dont use it. No matter what.

That guy was enormous.

You know how you take a guy that big down to the ground without lethal force? You kick him right in the back of the knee. He WILL go down, I promise you.

Jesus , where was he going to go, they had him surrounded. That choke hold was completely unnecessary.

I was an MP , if one of my guys had done that, he'd have been guarding a hut in the North Pole by noon the next day.

If he'd have done it in front of witnesses, he'd have been guarding a rock .
No matter how badly you want to remain ignorant, the reality is that there are big problems in the black community, and it is NOT caused by the police or white people.

No matter how much you want to blame this all on black people, you're just going to have to accept that millions of people of all races are sick of police misconduct and are doing something about it.

If you aren't breaking the law by selling cigarettes illegally, etc., then you don't have problems with the police. It's easy. Don't break laws. Don't fight with police. If you have a problem with a law or an officer of the law, take the correct channels to fix the problem. Rioting, looting, assaulting, and being violent doesn't help anybody.

So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.

So the officer was "forced" to use a dangerous and prohibited maneuver that's been banned for decades due to countless deaths to "take him down"?

Why did he need to be "taken down" at all for something that normally just gets a ticket?

Because he had a lengthy criminal record. After so many times, they issue warrants for your arrest instead of messing around.
No matter how badly you want to remain ignorant, the reality is that there are big problems in the black community, and it is NOT caused by the police or white people.

No matter how much you want to blame this all on black people, you're just going to have to accept that millions of people of all races are sick of police misconduct and are doing something about it.

If you aren't breaking the law by selling cigarettes illegally, etc., then you don't have problems with the police. It's easy. Don't break laws. Don't fight with police. If you have a problem with a law or an officer of the law, take the correct channels to fix the problem. Rioting, looting, assaulting, and being violent doesn't help anybody.

So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.

So the officer was "forced" to use a dangerous and prohibited maneuver that's been banned for decades due to countless deaths to "take him down"?

Why did he need to be "taken down" at all for something that normally just gets a ticket?

Sir, the guy was on probation, that right there means if he gets stopped for jaywalking, he's going to jail. Do you not get that?
I would also like to say that beating a person with a hammer for any reason is quite sick and demented.

I think choking out a man and ignoring his pleas for help just because he was selling cigarettes illegally is pretty sick and demented too.

It wasn't because he was selling cigarettes. It was because he was resisting arrest. The police cannot allow a person to resist because they do not know what that person is capable of. Perhaps he could pull out a gun and shoot someone?

Do you expect the police to just let people go who are breaking the law? :lol: Face it, because of the fact that he was fighting the police, he was just not innocent.

This is what I'm talking about. He's not "innocent", so he must have deserved to die.

Guess what? No one is "innocent". You, me, and everyone else breaks laws every day.
If you aren't breaking the law by selling cigarettes illegally, etc., then you don't have problems with the police. It's easy. Don't break laws. Don't fight with police. If you have a problem with a law or an officer of the law, take the correct channels to fix the problem. Rioting, looting, assaulting, and being violent doesn't help anybody.

So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.


the choke hold was still inappropriate and against departmental policy, and using it should cost that officer his job.

Perhaps. He was not indicted though, so apparently they did not agree with that assessment, and there were black people on the grand jury too, so that counts for something. The liberals cannot say that it was due to racism or whatever.

I don't know what other options the police had available to them, given the size of this gentleman. He was quite enormous and probably not easy to take down.

Ma'am that's irrelevant. Department policy is "don't use this choke hold" you dont use it. No matter what.

That guy was enormous.

You know how you take a guy that big down to the ground without lethal force? You kick him right in the back of the knee. He WILL go down, I promise you.

Jesus , where was he going to go, they had him surrounded. That choke hold was completely unnecessary.

I was an MP , if one of my guys had done that, he'd have been guarding a hut in the North Pole by noon the next day.

If he'd have done it in front of witnesses, he'd have been guarding a rock .

Okay, I'm sure if they had done that and broken his knee, he would have a law suit by now.
So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.


the choke hold was still inappropriate and against departmental policy, and using it should cost that officer his job.

Perhaps. He was not indicted though, so apparently they did not agree with that assessment, and there were black people on the grand jury too, so that counts for something. The liberals cannot say that it was due to racism or whatever.

I don't know what other options the police had available to them, given the size of this gentleman. He was quite enormous and probably not easy to take down.


I don't think it was about racism, I think it was about the Blue Shield.

Oh, so what are you suggesting? That the Grand Jury was corrupt? Where there police officers serving on the Grand Jury. Hmm. I didn't think that was allowed. Lol.

I'm gonna suggest that being guilty of a crime isn't the same thing as being guilty of violating department policy. This guy has to and will be fired.
So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.


the choke hold was still inappropriate and against departmental policy, and using it should cost that officer his job.

Perhaps. He was not indicted though, so apparently they did not agree with that assessment, and there were black people on the grand jury too, so that counts for something. The liberals cannot say that it was due to racism or whatever.

I don't know what other options the police had available to them, given the size of this gentleman. He was quite enormous and probably not easy to take down.


I don't think it was about racism, I think it was about the Blue Shield.

Oh, so what are you suggesting? That the Grand Jury was corrupt? Where there police officers serving on the Grand Jury. Hmm. I didn't think that was allowed. Lol.

No, I think the DA protects their own. That's the way it goes.
I would also like to say that beating a person with a hammer for any reason is quite sick and demented.

I think choking out a man and ignoring his pleas for help just because he was selling cigarettes illegally is pretty sick and demented too.

It wasn't because he was selling cigarettes. It was because he was resisting arrest. The police cannot allow a person to resist because they do not know what that person is capable of. Perhaps he could pull out a gun and shoot someone?

Do you expect the police to just let people go who are breaking the law? :lol: Face it, because of the fact that he was fighting the police, he was just not innocent.

This is what I'm talking about. He's not "innocent", so he must have deserved to die.

Guess what? No one is "innocent". You, me, and everyone else breaks laws every day.

Nobody has said he deserved to die. We are saying that if you resist arrest and fight with the police, then you are at fault. You don't have to fight with the police. You can put your hands up and go with them and take care of your problems. That is what adults do.
So we'll put you in the "death penalty for selling illegal cigarettes" category then.

There's nothing funnier than watching so called "small govenrment" people blindly cheering on the police state.

After all, if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about, right?

I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.


the choke hold was still inappropriate and against departmental policy, and using it should cost that officer his job.

Perhaps. He was not indicted though, so apparently they did not agree with that assessment, and there were black people on the grand jury too, so that counts for something. The liberals cannot say that it was due to racism or whatever.

I don't know what other options the police had available to them, given the size of this gentleman. He was quite enormous and probably not easy to take down.

Ma'am that's irrelevant. Department policy is "don't use this choke hold" you dont use it. No matter what.

That guy was enormous.

You know how you take a guy that big down to the ground without lethal force? You kick him right in the back of the knee. He WILL go down, I promise you.

Jesus , where was he going to go, they had him surrounded. That choke hold was completely unnecessary.

I was an MP , if one of my guys had done that, he'd have been guarding a hut in the North Pole by noon the next day.

If he'd have done it in front of witnesses, he'd have been guarding a rock .

Okay, I'm sure if they had done that and broken his knee, he would have a law suit by now.

You kick the BACK of the knee, it folds and he goes down, no broken knee.
I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.


the choke hold was still inappropriate and against departmental policy, and using it should cost that officer his job.

Perhaps. He was not indicted though, so apparently they did not agree with that assessment, and there were black people on the grand jury too, so that counts for something. The liberals cannot say that it was due to racism or whatever.

I don't know what other options the police had available to them, given the size of this gentleman. He was quite enormous and probably not easy to take down.


I don't think it was about racism, I think it was about the Blue Shield.

Oh, so what are you suggesting? That the Grand Jury was corrupt? Where there police officers serving on the Grand Jury. Hmm. I didn't think that was allowed. Lol.

No, I think the DA protects their own. That's the way it goes.

Well, it wasn't the DA who decided not to indict. It was the Grand Jury.
No, I mean their motive. How do you know what their motive was? Did you ask the attackers?

The "motive" is pretty clear - they were trying to rob a Radioshack, and he was trying to stop them.

It's pretty clear how badly you guys want it to be about race, but the reality of the situation doesn't back up your hysterics.

No matter how badly you want to remain ignorant, the reality is that there are big problems in the black community, and it is NOT caused by the police or white people.

No matter how much you want to blame this all on black people, you're just going to have to accept that millions of people of all races are sick of police misconduct and are doing something about it.

No one likes police misconduct, neither do I . but the problem is being over exaggerated, when you put into the context of the number of calls the police go on every day. Whens the last time you saw a News report about Police using restraint in the face of combative suspects ?
The Michael Brown Protests were driven by the belief from the very begining that it was about a White cop murdering a black kid. That belief was formed with false information, like Brown being shot in the back.

definitely. I totally agree with that statement. It's basically what I said in my post too. This stuff is way overexaggerated by criminals who just don't want to go to jail or are looking for a law suit, IMO. I see no blatant police brutality at all.

I think it does happen, but also many times when someone is being arrested they fake brutality reports as you say, and this would skew the statistics.
I do believe in the New York city case, the cops should have backed off and helped the guy when they saw he was having trouble. That case aside though,
I have to believe the majority of police are trying to treat people decently and at the same time do their job which often requires them to be in someones face
or have someone be in their face, often with drugs or alcohol involved
I would also like to say that beating a person with a hammer for any reason is quite sick and demented.

I think choking out a man and ignoring his pleas for help just because he was selling cigarettes illegally is pretty sick and demented too.

It wasn't because he was selling cigarettes. It was because he was resisting arrest. The police cannot allow a person to resist because they do not know what that person is capable of. Perhaps he could pull out a gun and shoot someone?

Do you expect the police to just let people go who are breaking the law? :lol: Face it, because of the fact that he was fighting the police, he was just not innocent.

This is what I'm talking about. He's not "innocent", so he must have deserved to die.

Guess what? No one is "innocent". You, me, and everyone else breaks laws every day.

Speak for yourself
I'm against the death penalty. :) That was not the "death penalty." That was the police being forced to take down a suspect because he was a big man and was refusing to cooperate. He should have thought of the consequences of his actions before he decided to fight and waited until court to do it the right way. It is not anyone else's fault that he was ignorant.


the choke hold was still inappropriate and against departmental policy, and using it should cost that officer his job.

Perhaps. He was not indicted though, so apparently they did not agree with that assessment, and there were black people on the grand jury too, so that counts for something. The liberals cannot say that it was due to racism or whatever.

I don't know what other options the police had available to them, given the size of this gentleman. He was quite enormous and probably not easy to take down.

Ma'am that's irrelevant. Department policy is "don't use this choke hold" you dont use it. No matter what.

That guy was enormous.

You know how you take a guy that big down to the ground without lethal force? You kick him right in the back of the knee. He WILL go down, I promise you.

Jesus , where was he going to go, they had him surrounded. That choke hold was completely unnecessary.

I was an MP , if one of my guys had done that, he'd have been guarding a hut in the North Pole by noon the next day.

If he'd have done it in front of witnesses, he'd have been guarding a rock .

Okay, I'm sure if they had done that and broken his knee, he would have a law suit by now.

You kick the BACK of the knee, it folds and he goes down, no broken knee.

Okay, whatever. That is besides the point. The point is the guy fought and got taken down and died as a result. Is the police department's fault? Okay, maybe partially if he used an illegal maneuver. However, you and I don't know the extent of the evidence that was heard by the jury which decided to NOT indict the officer.

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