graphic and heart breaking

gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them
You're an idiot. It's Christians that are fleeing. I blame Obama for that child's death.
1. What is this tragedy got to do with Obama?
2. What difference does it make if Christians, Muslims, Jehovah, Asian blacks or whatever the fuck you call it. But they are drowning.
3. This just show you are heartless asshole.
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them
You're an idiot. It's Christians that are fleeing. I blame Obama for that child's death.
1. What is this tragedy got to do with Obama?
2. What difference does it make if Christians, Muslims, Jehovah, Asian blacks or whatever the fuck you call it. But they are drowning.
3. This just show you are heartless asshole.

not exactly----the fact that Christians and muslims are both desperate with no place to go is a very important issue. It is a sociologic phenomenon-----the middle east is not ----short of space and it is not actually short of wealth and the overwhelming wealth and space is controlled by MUSLIMS who now spit and shit on their own bretheren. It would be nice if muslims took care of their own
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

We cannot save the world the way you people want without destroying ourselves. It simply cannot be done. What with the losers on this planet being the prime reproducers, those who contribute to society are becoming outnumbered by those who merely take.

Unfortunate, but that's a fact. We need to see to our own interests first.

He didn't say help others only if you have extra cash on hand.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Horrific indeed. Since the child was from Syria and had already found his way to the relatively safe country of Turkey, why did his parents risk his life to get to Europe, especially w/o even a life-jacket?

As children we are almost totally dependent on out parents for out survival. This poor child was dealt a very bad hand.
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

We cannot save the world the way you people want without destroying ourselves. It simply cannot be done. What with the losers on this planet being the prime reproducers, those who contribute to society are becoming outnumbered by those who merely take.

Unfortunate, but that's a fact. We need to see to our own interests first.

He didn't say help others only if you have extra cash on hand.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Horrific indeed. Since the child was from Syria and had already found his way to the relatively safe country of Turkey, why did his parents risk his life to get to Europe, especially w/o even a life-jacket?

As children we are almost totally dependent on out parents for out survival. This poor child was dealt a very bad hand.

Kurds are oppressed in Turkey------it could very well be that he would find no refuge there. In Turkey it is actually ---somehow----illegal for Kurds to use their own language----all sorts of sick rules imposed on Kurds
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

We cannot save the world the way you people want without destroying ourselves. It simply cannot be done. What with the losers on this planet being the prime reproducers, those who contribute to society are becoming outnumbered by those who merely take.

Unfortunate, but that's a fact. We need to see to our own interests first.

He didn't say help others only if you have extra cash on hand.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Horrific indeed. Since the child was from Syria and had already found his way to the relatively safe country of Turkey, why did his parents risk his life to get to Europe, especially w/o even a life-jacket?

As children we are almost totally dependent on out parents for out survival. This poor child was dealt a very bad hand.

Kurds are oppressed in Turkey------it could very well be that he would find no refuge there. In Turkey it is actually ---somehow----illegal for Kurds to use their own language----all sorts of sick rules imposed on Kurds
What makes you think the child and the swarms of immigrants from Syria washing upon the shores of Greece are Kurds? My understanding is the vast majority are ethnic Arabs and Muslim.
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

We cannot save the world the way you people want without destroying ourselves. It simply cannot be done. What with the losers on this planet being the prime reproducers, those who contribute to society are becoming outnumbered by those who merely take.

Unfortunate, but that's a fact. We need to see to our own interests first.

He didn't say help others only if you have extra cash on hand.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Horrific indeed. Since the child was from Syria and had already found his way to the relatively safe country of Turkey, why did his parents risk his life to get to Europe, especially w/o even a life-jacket?

As children we are almost totally dependent on out parents for out survival. This poor child was dealt a very bad hand.

Kurds are oppressed in Turkey------it could very well be that he would find no refuge there. In Turkey it is actually ---somehow----illegal for Kurds to use their own language----all sorts of sick rules imposed on Kurds
What makes you think the child and the swarms of immigrants from Syria washing upon the shores of Greece are Kurds? My understanding is the vast majority are ethnic Arabs and Muslim.

the dead baby in the sand is a kurd. his name is ---uhm I forgot how they spelled it QUORDI (?) --- ----IT MEANS ---a kurd. Most Kurds are muslims-----probably now in Syria----all. It is not entirely clear to me who is called "KURD" and by whom. There are some jews called "kurd" because they used to live up there in the hills -----in little separate enclaves of "Kurdistan" Up there in the hills seems to be something like the lifestyle of our APPALACHIANS -----don't quote me
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

We cannot save the world the way you people want without destroying ourselves. It simply cannot be done. What with the losers on this planet being the prime reproducers, those who contribute to society are becoming outnumbered by those who merely take.

Unfortunate, but that's a fact. We need to see to our own interests first.

He didn't say help others only if you have extra cash on hand.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Horrific indeed. Since the child was from Syria and had already found his way to the relatively safe country of Turkey, why did his parents risk his life to get to Europe, especially w/o even a life-jacket?

As children we are almost totally dependent on out parents for out survival. This poor child was dealt a very bad hand.

Kurds are oppressed in Turkey------it could very well be that he would find no refuge there. In Turkey it is actually ---somehow----illegal for Kurds to use their own language----all sorts of sick rules imposed on Kurds
What makes you think the child and the swarms of immigrants from Syria washing upon the shores of Greece are Kurds? My understanding is the vast majority are ethnic Arabs and Muslim.

the dead baby in the sand is a kurd. his name is ---uhm I forgot how they spelled it QUORDI (?) --- ----IT MEANS ---a kurd. Most Kurds are muslims-----probably now in Syria----all. It is not entirely clear to me who is called "KURD" and by whom. There are some jews called "kurd" because they used to live up there in the hills -----in little separate enclaves of "Kurdistan" Up there in the hills seems to be something like the lifestyle of our APPALACHIANS -----don't quote me
"Kurd" means nomad in Farsi. Regardless, it was incumbent on his parents to protect him. Instead of trying to take him to safe haven in Kurd-held Northern Iraq or leave him in Turkey where Kurds are not being systematically slaughtered. Instead, they put him on some kind of rickety boat with no life jacket. I doubt anyone in the family knew how to swim in the first place.

I understand the need for a better life, but at what cost?
Isn't Saudi Arabia relatively safe? (For Muslims, I mean. It's a death trap for Jews and Christians) Isn't Qatar one of the wealthiest countries in the world? These "migrants" would be so much safer and better off if they went there.
1) There are thousands of miles of open space.
One question that needs to be answered - Is Obama's "Arab Spring" in any way responsible for the present Syrian refugee crisis?

Obama has equipped and armed the Syrian rebels and discounted ISIS as a "JV Team", in a series of questionable decisions.

If you look at the countries where Obama demanded a change in leadership: Mubarek in Egypt, Qaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria; all have been a testament to Obama's inexperience and has led to the suffering and misery for millions in those countries.

What should Obama do to help the refugees?

Isn't Saudi Arabia relatively safe? (For Muslims, I mean. It's a death trap for Jews and Christians) Isn't Qatar one of the wealthiest countries in the world? These "migrants" would be so much safer and better off if they went there.
1) There are thousands of miles of open space.

Which begs the same question as to why the dead boy's family risked crossing the sea to escape the "safe-haven" they found in Turkey: why are these refugees leaving the "Muslim World" and dying to get to Europe?
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I don't know of any solutions to this problem. What is going to happen to all of these people?
I help a lot unfortunate people here in Florida and California for decades and wounded veterans in last 8 years.
This refugee situation bleed my heart and I feel helpless. I'm not sure how can I help or others how to do ease the situation.
Been trying to get a hold of my friend that works for UN stationed in Jordan since yesterday but no avail. I will keep trying as soon as I hear from him I will update you ChrisL.
As far as I know UN only react after something happened not before it happen.

Well, thank you very much. That would be quite interesting to get some first-hand information. :)
One question that needs to be answered - Is Obama's "Arab Spring" in any way responsible for the present Syrian refugee crisis?

Obama has equipped and armed the Syrian rebels and discounted ISIS as a "JV Team", in a series of questionable decisions.

If you look at the countries where Obama demanded a change in leadership: Mubarek in Egypt, Qaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria; all have been a testament to Obama's inexperience and has led to the suffering and misery for millions in those countries.

What should Obama do to help the refugees?


he'd probably try to slip them in to south dakota or minnesota to colonize and leech welfare/assistance/benefits.

That's his standard operating procedure to try to destabilize those areas.
is that what jesus would do....i just want yall to admit the obvious....once they are out of the womb you could care less....

admit it...
I don't remember Jesus teaching on government policies. In fact he stressed repeatedly that his was the kingdom of heaven, not the kingdoms of men. Twats like you have no idea what Jesus would do. Your plastic dashboard pot smoking hippie jesus does not exist.
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

We cannot save the world the way you people want without destroying ourselves. It simply cannot be done. What with the losers on this planet being the prime reproducers, those who contribute to society are becoming outnumbered by those who merely take.

Unfortunate, but that's a fact. We need to see to our own interests first.

He didn't say help others only if you have extra cash on hand.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

I love it when a Democrat throws Christianity as a weapon.

Helping the poor is a matter of conscience and personal charity, not a matter of a government stealing at the barrel of a gun and redistributing at its whim.
Isn't Saudi Arabia relatively safe? (For Muslims, I mean. It's a death trap for Jews and Christians) Isn't Qatar one of the wealthiest countries in the world? These "migrants" would be so much safer and better off if they went there.
1) There are thousands of miles of open space.

Which begs the same question as to why the dead boy's family risked crossing the sea to escape the "safe-haven" they found in Turkey: why are these refugees leaving the "Muslim World" and dying to get to Europe?

Desperation? Like any other refugees?
We cannot save the world the way you people want without destroying ourselves. It simply cannot be done. What with the losers on this planet being the prime reproducers, those who contribute to society are becoming outnumbered by those who merely take.

Unfortunate, but that's a fact. We need to see to our own interests first.

He didn't say help others only if you have extra cash on hand.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Horrific indeed. Since the child was from Syria and had already found his way to the relatively safe country of Turkey, why did his parents risk his life to get to Europe, especially w/o even a life-jacket?

As children we are almost totally dependent on out parents for out survival. This poor child was dealt a very bad hand.

Kurds are oppressed in Turkey------it could very well be that he would find no refuge there. In Turkey it is actually ---somehow----illegal for Kurds to use their own language----all sorts of sick rules imposed on Kurds
What makes you think the child and the swarms of immigrants from Syria washing upon the shores of Greece are Kurds? My understanding is the vast majority are ethnic Arabs and Muslim.

the dead baby in the sand is a kurd. his name is ---uhm I forgot how they spelled it QUORDI (?) --- ----IT MEANS ---a kurd. Most Kurds are muslims-----probably now in Syria----all. It is not entirely clear to me who is called "KURD" and by whom. There are some jews called "kurd" because they used to live up there in the hills -----in little separate enclaves of "Kurdistan" Up there in the hills seems to be something like the lifestyle of our APPALACHIANS -----don't quote me
"Kurd" means nomad in Farsi. Regardless, it was incumbent on his parents to protect him. Instead of trying to take him to safe haven in Kurd-held Northern Iraq or leave him in Turkey where Kurds are not being systematically slaughtered. Instead, they put him on some kind of rickety boat with no life jacket. I doubt anyone in the family knew how to swim in the first place.

I understand the need for a better life, but at what cost?

they took a chance-----so did the 'pilgrims' on the Mayflower

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