Graft, Bribery, and Selling Influence was a TRADEMARK of Clinton!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016

Favor factory? Huma emails reveal Clinton allies seeking jobs, meetings


Clinton allies seeking jobs, meetings

By Brooke SingmanPublished August 02, 2017
Fox News

Emails show Bill Clinton paid thousands for speech in Russia

Newly obtained emails from Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin reveal friends of the Clinton Foundation and political allies seeking personal favors from the Clinton State Department, Judicial Watch said Wednesday.

The batch of documents shows well-connected players, including a Clinton library donor, inquiring about meetings and job openings -- and Clinton aides carefully tending to those requests. The emails were among 1,606 pages the conservative watchdog group got from the State Department as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

“Pay to play, classified information mishandling, influence peddling, cover ups—these new emails show why the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s conduct must be resumed,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.

“It’s hard to tell where the Clinton State Department ended and the Clinton Foundation began,” Fitton told Fox News. “It was almost like a seamless operation—nowhere on these emails does anyone say ‘Mrs. Clinton is not involved in the foundation. Stop coming to us for favors.’”

Emails show Bill Clinton paid thousands for speech in Russia

Favor factory? Huma emails reveal Clinton allies seeking jobs, meetings


Clinton allies seeking jobs, meetings

By Brooke SingmanPublished August 02, 2017
Fox News

Emails show Bill Clinton paid thousands for speech in Russia

Newly obtained emails from Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin reveal friends of the Clinton Foundation and political allies seeking personal favors from the Clinton State Department, Judicial Watch said Wednesday.

The batch of documents shows well-connected players, including a Clinton library donor, inquiring about meetings and job openings -- and Clinton aides carefully tending to those requests. The emails were among 1,606 pages the conservative watchdog group got from the State Department as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

“Pay to play, classified information mishandling, influence peddling, cover ups—these new emails show why the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s conduct must be resumed,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.

“It’s hard to tell where the Clinton State Department ended and the Clinton Foundation began,” Fitton told Fox News. “It was almost like a seamless operation—nowhere on these emails does anyone say ‘Mrs. Clinton is not involved in the foundation. Stop coming to us for favors.’”

Emails show Bill Clinton paid thousands for speech in Russia
first they looted the White House.
I know !

lets impeach the bitch and throw her out of office !!
That was disgusting that they looted and trashed The White House. That should have told everyone what kind of scum The Clintons are way back then!

Favor factory? Huma emails reveal Clinton allies seeking jobs, meetings


Clinton allies seeking jobs, meetings

By Brooke SingmanPublished August 02, 2017
Fox News

Emails show Bill Clinton paid thousands for speech in Russia

Newly obtained emails from Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin reveal friends of the Clinton Foundation and political allies seeking personal favors from the Clinton State Department, Judicial Watch said Wednesday.

The batch of documents shows well-connected players, including a Clinton library donor, inquiring about meetings and job openings -- and Clinton aides carefully tending to those requests. The emails were among 1,606 pages the conservative watchdog group got from the State Department as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

“Pay to play, classified information mishandling, influence peddling, cover ups—these new emails show why the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s conduct must be resumed,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.

“It’s hard to tell where the Clinton State Department ended and the Clinton Foundation began,” Fitton told Fox News. “It was almost like a seamless operation—nowhere on these emails does anyone say ‘Mrs. Clinton is not involved in the foundation. Stop coming to us for favors.’”

Emails show Bill Clinton paid thousands for speech in Russia
first they looted the White House.

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