Governor Cuomo Resigning Or Impeached, Bad For Democracy!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
All these media personalities, politicians and others that have a public megaphone on this issue calling for the New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign or be impeached over the New York Attorney General's report finding that there were eleven incidents of sexual harassment by the Governor which the AG's Office found to be credible are ignoring or not upholding a fundamental principle of our Democracy which is the will of the people should be honored and respected in an election. The citizens of New York voted Andrew Cuomo to be Governor of the State of New York, nothing has transpired to justify thwarting their will. Governor Cuomo has not committed any crime of sexual harassment, the NY District Attorneys currently mulling over bringing charges if they are fair and faithful to their duty to be responsible prosecutors would treat the Governor like any other citizens and conclude the facts are not egregious enough to warrant criminal prosecution! Respecting voters votes is critically important there is at least four different types of candidates that run for political office at the state and national level in America: fully left, center-left, center right and fully right candidates; and there is a meaningful and material difference between each of these groups and the other it is not being faithful to America's Democracy allowing the powers-that-be to substitute their preferred type of candidate for the type of candidate selected by the citizens in an official election! The American people need to appreciate what is going on here, that is, the new standard that is being established here; the new standard is that if an elected official commits civil sexual harassment, it is important to note that the new threshold is civil not criminal, that such elected official should be removed from office meaning that the will of the people that voted for that elected official into office is ignored, negated and deemed to be completely disregarded. A lot of effects that don't best serve the American people will follow from the establishment of this new standard; our society promotes and facilitates excessive drinking of alcohol such excessive drinking can impair judgment readily to the point where an intoxicated person could foreseeably say or touch another person that when the intoxicated person is an authority figure like an elected official and the target of the attention is one of the elected official's staff the behavior amounts to sexual harassment resulting in a lot of really good representatives having to leave office undermining our Democracy where citizens chooses who govern them and the service of these good and talented people! Moreover, this new standard opens the door to mischief from people that want to get an elected official out of office whose policies they don't agree or with whom they have an axe to grind they can cause to be placed or recruit or actually become a staff member on the elected officials staff that will bait the elected official into saying or doing something that they can then claim is sexual harassment bringing about the removal of that elected official from office - this opening of the door to scheming to remove elected officials from office greatly weakens and undermines America's Democracy! I am not saying that the behavior outlined in the AG's report is meaningless or should be ignored, it is completely damning in regards to providing Andrew Cuomo a track record which would facilitate him wining a future state level or national election. The report provides compelling evidence that Andrew Cuomo has a character problem where he doesn't have the respect for women that an elected official should have, he doesn't recognize the boundaries that society sets forth in regards to sexuality and he is somewhat of a bully in regards to blocking women seeking to have their civil rights to be free from sexual harassment in the work place being upheld!
All these media personalities, politicians and others that have a public megaphone on this issue calling for the New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign or be impeached over the New York Attorney General's report finding that there were eleven incidents of sexual harassment by the Governor which the AG's Office found to be credible are ignoring or not upholding a fundamental principle of our Democracy which is the will of the people should be honored and respected in an election. The citizens of New York voted Andrew Cuomo to be Governor of the State of New York, nothing has transpired to justify thwarting their will. Governor Cuomo has not committed any crime of sexual harassment, the NY District Attorneys currently mulling over bringing charges if they are fair and faithful to their duty to be responsible prosecutors would treat the Governor like any other citizens and conclude the facts are not egregious enough to warrant criminal prosecution! Respecting voters votes is critically important there is at least four different types of candidates that run for political office at the state and national level in America: fully left, center-left, center right and fully right candidates; and there is a meaningful and material difference between each of these groups and the other it is not being faithful to America's Democracy allowing the powers-that-be to substitute their preferred type of candidate for the type of candidate selected by the citizens in an official election! The American people need to appreciate what is going on here, that is, the new standard that is being established here; the new standard is that if an elected official commits civil sexual harassment, it is important to note that the new threshold is civil not criminal, that such elected official should be removed from office meaning that the will of the people that voted for that elected official into office is ignored, negated and deemed to be completely disregarded. A lot of effects that don't best serve the American people will follow from the establishment of this new standard; our society promotes and facilitates excessive drinking of alcohol such excessive drinking can impair judgment readily to the point where an intoxicated person could foreseeably say or touch another person that when the intoxicated person is an authority figure like an elected official and the target of the attention is one of the elected official's staff the behavior amounts to sexual harassment resulting in a lot of really good representatives having to leave office undermining our Democracy where citizens chooses who govern them and the service of these good and talented people! Moreover, this new standard opens the door to mischief from people that want to get an elected official out of office whose policies they don't agree or with whom they have an axe to grind they can cause to be placed or recruit or actually become a staff member on the elected officials staff that will bait the elected official into saying or doing something that they can then claim is sexual harassment bringing about the removal of that elected official from office - this opening of the door to scheming to remove elected officials from office greatly weakens and undermines America's Democracy! I am not saying that the behavior outlined in the AG's report is meaningless or should be ignored, it is completely damning in regards to providing Andrew Cuomo a track record which would facilitate him wining a future state level or national election. The report provides compelling evidence that Andrew Cuomo has a character problem where he doesn't have the respect for women that an elected official should have, he doesn't recognize the boundaries that society sets forth in regards to sexuality and he is somewhat of a bully in regards to blocking women seeking to have their civil rights to be free from sexual harassment in the work place being upheld!
Democrats don't care about any of that and will vote him in again. He murdered people to help get Biden elected. That alone would get high praise from democrats . Plus I'm sure he has the goods on many of his democrat cronies. So he is probably safe from consequences.
He isn't going to resign, so they will have no choice but to impeach him.
the New York Attorney General's report finding that there were eleven incidents of sexual harassment by the Governor which the AG's Office found to be credible are ignoring or not upholding a fundamental principle of our Democracy which is the will of the people should be honored and respected in an election.
Hi, Jim. Welcome to the America that Dems built in an effort to destroy and remove a duly-elected president that they despised. I see that you have absolutely no sense of irony or self-awareness. Your crew up in DC used every lever of government power, including the illegal use of intelligence assets, to spy on and obfuscate a duly elected president. Where were your concerns about the "will of the people" being attacked for four years?

While I loathe men who do what Cuomo seems to have done over and over, I can't muster a huge amount of outrage for the women who put themselves within his reach. Cuomo is responsible for the deaths of over 10 thousand old folks who had no one to protect them. You don't seem concerned at all with that. Take your tears of outrage to someone who cares.
Called that one
It will be interesting to see if this unrepentant turd of a human being ever apologizes. It will be even MORE interesting to watch the media around the nation and see how they put this whole outrage down the memory hole. My guess is that Fredo will be out soon, as well. I wish that family would disappear from America's memory, completely.
Cumo being forced to step down over his years of inappropriate actions toward women, but nothing in regards to his covid action sending infected people to nursing homes. Now there is your true crime.
Cumo being forced to step down over his years of inappropriate actions toward women, but nothing in regards to his covid action sending infected people to nursing homes. Now there is your true crime.
Well the CIA controlled media never mentions the real crime of course.reminds me of when Clinton was in office when they were talking of impeaching Clinton the media only wanted to talk about his blowjob with Monica,they didn’t want to talk about his grub ripunning with George bush and all the deaths he was behind of people he offer fir knowing too much about his drug running activities,you never heard a peep out of that,the msm media was only interested in attracting the well documented Clinton chronicles fir speaking the truth.

btw notice thst the demorat loving shills are all evading this
All these media personalities, politicians and others that have a public megaphone on this issue calling for the New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign or be impeached over the New York Attorney General's report finding that there were eleven incidents of sexual harassment by the Governor which the AG's Office found to be credible are ignoring or not upholding a fundamental principle of our Democracy which is the will of the people should be honored and respected in an election. The citizens of New York voted Andrew Cuomo to be Governor of the State of New York, nothing has transpired to justify thwarting their will. Governor Cuomo has not committed any crime of sexual harassment, the NY District Attorneys currently mulling over bringing charges if they are fair and faithful to their duty to be responsible prosecutors would treat the Governor like any other citizens and conclude the facts are not egregious enough to warrant criminal prosecution! Respecting voters votes is critically important there is at least four different types of candidates that run for political office at the state and national level in America: fully left, center-left, center right and fully right candidates; and there is a meaningful and material difference between each of these groups and the other it is not being faithful to America's Democracy allowing the powers-that-be to substitute their preferred type of candidate for the type of candidate selected by the citizens in an official election! The American people need to appreciate what is going on here, that is, the new standard that is being established here; the new standard is that if an elected official commits civil sexual harassment, it is important to note that the new threshold is civil not criminal, that such elected official should be removed from office meaning that the will of the people that voted for that elected official into office is ignored, negated and deemed to be completely disregarded. A lot of effects that don't best serve the American people will follow from the establishment of this new standard; our society promotes and facilitates excessive drinking of alcohol such excessive drinking can impair judgment readily to the point where an intoxicated person could foreseeably say or touch another person that when the intoxicated person is an authority figure like an elected official and the target of the attention is one of the elected official's staff the behavior amounts to sexual harassment resulting in a lot of really good representatives having to leave office undermining our Democracy where citizens chooses who govern them and the service of these good and talented people! Moreover, this new standard opens the door to mischief from people that want to get an elected official out of office whose policies they don't agree or with whom they have an axe to grind they can cause to be placed or recruit or actually become a staff member on the elected officials staff that will bait the elected official into saying or doing something that they can then claim is sexual harassment bringing about the removal of that elected official from office - this opening of the door to scheming to remove elected officials from office greatly weakens and undermines America's Democracy! I am not saying that the behavior outlined in the AG's report is meaningless or should be ignored, it is completely damning in regards to providing Andrew Cuomo a track record which would facilitate him wining a future state level or national election. The report provides compelling evidence that Andrew Cuomo has a character problem where he doesn't have the respect for women that an elected official should have, he doesn't recognize the boundaries that society sets forth in regards to sexuality and he is somewhat of a bully in regards to blocking women seeking to have their civil rights to be free from sexual harassment in the work place being upheld!
Good because we are a republic.

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