Government is needed


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

in every aspects of our lives to protect, inspect, regulate, etc and the bigger the better. It has become better out of necessity. We have made it a necessary. We need government to protect us from big bad terrorist. Protect, inspect or regulate our water, food and drug supply,etc,
How long would we survive without our dependence on government? Private sector do not care about your baby’s health and safety, you dog or you. They care about making a profit. Without our military, FDA, FAA, our food, water, law enforcement and homeland security, military, what your child see and hear. Too many to list. GOD help us if we had to depend on private sector or ourselves instead of government.
We have seen what happens when private get pass government. Death and destruction and soon complete and total destruction of the human race. If government went on strike, we would not survive a day. We would self destruct pronto. Anyone who is anti-GOD and anti-government is a complete fool.
We live in the best country in the world because of our government that we complain about.
We live in the best country in the world because of our government that we complain about.

Don't you realize that appreciating your government is...........SOCIALISM????
Well said. Government, the right tells us to get rid of it and is the first to complain when it is not doing exactly what they want it to.
Democrats have owned the Senate for over 70% of time since WWII, and 78% of the House since WWII, so clearly the failure to have healthcare at this day and age must be the fault of Democrats who have had a monopoly on legislation in this nation for decades and decades. It's always been pretty convenient to blame the lack of something on the GOP.

I have little faith in the GOP to return to it's fiscally conservative roots, but the truth is Democrats are the leading cause of failure in our government with that much control over the last century.

Why is it anyone who opposes THIS corrupt government is assumed to be seeking anarchy?

That response is almost as absurd as assuming liberals founded and guided our nation, or wanted THIS government for us today.
Why is it anyone who opposes THIS corrupt government is assumed to be seeking anarchy?

Can you provide specific examples of corruption?

Holding a different political view does not constitute corruption. "We the People" elected President Obama and he is doing what he was elected to do. The fact that the right wing pouts about no longer being in power is not relevant
That response is almost as absurd as assuming liberals founded and guided our nation,

Liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 18th Century, in America, the first modern liberal state was founded, without a monarch or a hereditary aristocracy.[6] The American Declaration of Independence, includes the words (which echo Locke) "all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to insure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."[7]
Government is needed but "the bigger the better" is simply untrue.

There is an optimal size for government.

If government is not big enough to physically protect our our country, we run the risk of invasion, or other aggression. Government should be just large enough to protect our Constitutional rights and enforce the laws that enable us to exercise those rights.

When government conforms to this limited size and narrowly defined powers, the people and the country prosper.


When government grows beyond the scope of protecting our freedoms (rights, liberty etc) prosperity diminishes as more and more of the labor of the people is used to expand governmental power and authority and with the expansion of governmental power, the difficulty to exercise our rights, both civil and economic are diminished.

Today, we have government costs at better than 40% of GDP. That level of governmental growth is what is stifling not promoting prosperity. Government is simply too big to get out of its own, and our, way. Freedom, entrepreneur-ism and the resulting prosperity are all being hampered by the very government that was designed to protect them.
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in every aspects of our lives to protect, inspect, regulate, etc and the bigger the better. It has become better out of necessity. We have made it a necessary. We need government to protect us from big bad terrorist. Protect, inspect or regulate our water, food and drug supply,etc,
How long would we survive without our dependence on government? Private sector do not care about your baby’s health and safety, you dog or you. They care about making a profit. Without our military, FDA, FAA, our food, water, law enforcement and homeland security, military, what your child see and hear. Too many to list. GOD help us if we had to depend on private sector or ourselves instead of government.
We have seen what happens when private get pass government. Death and destruction and soon complete and total destruction of the human race. If government went on strike, we would not survive a day. We would self destruct pronto. Anyone who is anti-GOD and anti-government is a complete fool.
We live in the best country in the world because of our government that we complain about.

Of course we need some government, but not the severely bloated one we are now saddled with.

The only people that need this big government you speak of are the useless that can/will not look out for themselves, and their family.
I am completely 100% sure that myself and my family, would be much better off with a government about 1/4 the size it is now.
Of course the baby machine, (and various other groups of lazy fucks), that makes a career off of getting all they can from the public dole might not have it as good, but I have very little sympathy for those leaches of society.
That response is almost as absurd as assuming liberals founded and guided our nation,

Liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 18th Century, in America, the first modern liberal state was founded, without a monarch or a hereditary aristocracy.[6] The American Declaration of Independence, includes the words (which echo Locke) "all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to insure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."[7]

You still haven't learned the difference between liberals in 18th Century America and liberals of today. There are several people here who can explain it to you. Just let us know when you are ready to learn.
"Of course the baby machine, (and various other groups of lazy fucks), that makes a career off of getting all they can from the public dole might not have it as good, but I have very little sympathy for those leaches of society."

I wonder, who or what is the "baby machine"? Using set theory I can only guess you mean the class of all parents. Or, maybe, the class of all single mothers. All single mothers who have two or more children?
Who or what are you referring to ba1614? You must have a defined class in mind, please share. And while you're at it, define a lazy fuck. Is that when the man or women lets their partner do all the work?
In actuality, the costs to take care of our people are a minute percentage of our federal budget. I know Obama promised truth in government and openness. Let's take a look at the homes many liberals found with huge salaries running SCHIPs around this nation. Or pick a different program, who cares, let's see the salaries and the administrative costs, and the job functions of these folks. Like any bill a Democrat promotes it's one tenth for "the children", a nice selling point for folks not paying attention, and nine tenths promoting more government and high salaries plus benefits for the elitist class at the expense of the lower and middle class people.
If I look at the polls for our government for the last multiple decades, we haven't had a government which reflects the "consent of the governed". In fact, we have been moving in the wrong direction for decades according to the "governed".
"Of course the baby machine, (and various other groups of lazy fucks), that makes a career off of getting all they can from the public dole might not have it as good, but I have very little sympathy for those leaches of society."

I wonder, who or what is the "baby machine"? Using set theory I can only guess you mean the class of all parents. Or, maybe, the class of all single mothers. All single mothers who have two or more children?
Who or what are you referring to ba1614? You must have a defined class in mind, please share. And while you're at it, define a lazy fuck. Is that when the man or women lets their partner do all the work?

"Baby machine" refers to the assholes out there spitting out 3, 4, 5, and up kids to keep their welfare checks rolling in. Why should I have sympathy for some dumb bitch that has a few kids by a few different daddies when they know full well they can't support that kid without the welfare checks? The ones that shack up with someone who might have a job, but they don't tell their welfare worker about it because that would reduce, or fuckup their "paycheck".

Lazy fuck is someone who doesn't want to work, but is completely able too.
No, when the man or women lets their partner do all the work that's a choice, and as long as they're paying their own bills I don't give a fuck how their domestic relationship is structured.
900 gazillion dollar support for Democrats by the healthcare industry, and we are watching the people being sold out by corrupt Democrats on an epic scale. Decades of control, and no healthcare for all. Shame on Democrats for their failure to the American people. We've been waiting for reform and cost cutting measures, and this is what Democrats came up with after decades of planning: a power grab for one fifth of our economy.

And the lie that preventive healthcare will reduce costs has already been shot down by the CBO as another fabrication. The costs of healthcare for a healthy person living to age 70 plus will exceed the costs of healthcare for the bottle of vodka and three packs a day clown who dies young. So Pelosi and Obama need a different tactic. That one shot down.

in every aspects of our lives to protect, inspect, regulate, etc and the bigger the better. It has become better out of necessity. We have made it a necessary. We need government to protect us from big bad terrorist. Protect, inspect or regulate our water, food and drug supply,etc,
How long would we survive without our dependence on government? Private sector do not care about your baby’s health and safety, you dog or you. They care about making a profit. Without our military, FDA, FAA, our food, water, law enforcement and homeland security, military, what your child see and hear. Too many to list. GOD help us if we had to depend on private sector or ourselves instead of government.
We have seen what happens when private get pass government. Death and destruction and soon complete and total destruction of the human race. If government went on strike, we would not survive a day. We would self destruct pronto. Anyone who is anti-GOD and anti-government is a complete fool.
We live in the best country in the world because of our government that we complain about.

Next you will have the government paying for your groceries, your car insurance, your rent and mortgage, your car payment, your oil changes, your maintanence on your home and auto, your child care, THEY WILL PAY FOR EVERYTHING!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!! Only thing is, is that the government TAKES money from hard working citizens to give it to people like you.

Winston Churchill, " If you are 20 and not a liberal, you don't have a heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal you don't have a brain."

Margaret Thatcher, " Socialism works fine until you run out of other people's money."
Of, for and By the people.

When you say our government cant do anything right you are insulting the American people directly.

Has government done things wrong ? of course just look at the Bush two terms and its result.

To merely claim that government cant do anything right is an idiots statement.

without the goverenment this whole country would not even exsist.
I should add that I do think we need a welfare system. Shitty stuff happens to people and there needs to be a system in place to lend a helping hand when needed.
The leaches I'm referring to are the career, and generational collectors of welfare, abusing the country's generosity.

We need de jure government to protect us from force and fraud.......and that's it.

And they don't even discharge that duty with any kind of decent level of effectiveness.

You dont get to deside all by your little self what this government does.

Its a democracy (much to your chagrin) and all the people will deside

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