Gov Cuomo is a Typical Leftist Hypocrite

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Always looking for a handout from the feds. He is so lucky we now have an adult president.

During an interview on Fox News Tuesday, Trump questioned Cuomo's decision not to fill the state's stockpile before the coronavirus hit New York.

"He had a chance to buy in 2015 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down. I’m not blaming him or anything else. But he shouldn’t be talking about us. He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators. We are going to help," the president said.

He continued, "If you think about it, Gov. Cuomo, we are building him four hospitals. We are building him four medical centers. We're working very, very hard for the people of New York. We're working along with him. And then, I watch him on the show complaining. And he had 16,000 ventilators that he could have had at a great price, and he didn’t buy them."

In a press conference just before Trump spoke, Cuomo called the 400 ventilators the federal government had sent New York a "pat on the back" because they needed 30,000. However, Vice President Mike Pence soon after announced that the federal government will have sent 4,000 ventilators to the state by Wednesday

Speaking the truth always hurts the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats. In this particular case Trump is correct. Cuomo preferred to invest in failing Solar and Wind technology in Buffalo rather than invest in Public Health Planning. Like all loser gamblers now he blames others for his decisions and losses....
Speaking the truth always hurts the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats. In this particular case Trump is correct. Cuomo preferred to invest in failing Solar and Wind technology in Buffalo rather than invest in Public Health Planning. Like all loser gamblers now he blames others for his decisions and losses....
During the great Obama Solar Scam
NY has more TRUMPvirus cases than any other state.
Yet Congress spreads the money out to states with minimal infections.
Always looking for a handout from the feds. He is so lucky we now have an adult president.

During an interview on Fox News Tuesday, Trump questioned Cuomo's decision not to fill the state's stockpile before the coronavirus hit New York.

"He had a chance to buy in 2015 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down. I’m not blaming him or anything else. But he shouldn’t be talking about us. He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators. We are going to help," the president said.

He continued, "If you think about it, Gov. Cuomo, we are building him four hospitals. We are building him four medical centers. We're working very, very hard for the people of New York. We're working along with him. And then, I watch him on the show complaining. And he had 16,000 ventilators that he could have had at a great price, and he didn’t buy them."

In a press conference just before Trump spoke, Cuomo called the 400 ventilators the federal government had sent New York a "pat on the back" because they needed 30,000. However, Vice President Mike Pence soon after announced that the federal government will have sent 4,000 ventilators to the state by Wednesday

AND he's QUITE stupid, to boot. Even dumber are the ones who keep voting him into office. They deserve exactly what they get.
Always looking for a handout from the feds. He is so lucky we now have an adult president.

During an interview on Fox News Tuesday, Trump questioned Cuomo's decision not to fill the state's stockpile before the coronavirus hit New York.

"He had a chance to buy in 2015 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down. I’m not blaming him or anything else. But he shouldn’t be talking about us. He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators. We are going to help," the president said.

He continued, "If you think about it, Gov. Cuomo, we are building him four hospitals. We are building him four medical centers. We're working very, very hard for the people of New York. We're working along with him. And then, I watch him on the show complaining. And he had 16,000 ventilators that he could have had at a great price, and he didn’t buy them."

In a press conference just before Trump spoke, Cuomo called the 400 ventilators the federal government had sent New York a "pat on the back" because they needed 30,000. However, Vice President Mike Pence soon after announced that the federal government will have sent 4,000 ventilators to the state by Wednesday

AND he's QUITE stupid, to boot. Even dumber are the ones who keep voting him into office. They deserve exactly what they get.
Cuomo is a great Governor

Making the hard decisions in desperate times
Yet the trump regime sends then 400 masks when they asked for 30,000

instead of dealing with it as an emergency , he takes jabs at Cuomo while people are catching this virus which puts everyone at risk if it is not contained.

Is he deflecting why they didn't send more masks or is there a shortage. He should be working on that issue instead of doing promos

yet after Cuomo complained , they will now be sending 4000 more

well why didn't you send them before, are you playing politics with this issues.

which is more important (what happen 5 years ago is important or the issue of containment now)

its an election year and trump feels that what happen 5 years ago is important now
Cuomo is a great Governor

Making the hard decisions in desperate times
Like NOT investing in public health back when it was easy to do so? Is that one of his "hard" decisions?

Maybe if Cuomo was half as interested in insuring his public is protected instead of pouring money into
changing bridge and highway names to honor his wonderful daddy NY would be better protected right now.

This is why people rightfully consider you an ignorant clown.
Btw, Cuomo himself said he thought Trump was handling the Wu Han flu epidemic very well.
Always looking for a handout from the feds. He is so lucky we now have an adult president.

During an interview on Fox News Tuesday, Trump questioned Cuomo's decision not to fill the state's stockpile before the coronavirus hit New York.

"He had a chance to buy in 2015 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down. I’m not blaming him or anything else. But he shouldn’t be talking about us. He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators. We are going to help," the president said.

He continued, "If you think about it, Gov. Cuomo, we are building him four hospitals. We are building him four medical centers. We're working very, very hard for the people of New York. We're working along with him. And then, I watch him on the show complaining. And he had 16,000 ventilators that he could have had at a great price, and he didn’t buy them."

In a press conference just before Trump spoke, Cuomo called the 400 ventilators the federal government had sent New York a "pat on the back" because they needed 30,000. However, Vice President Mike Pence soon after announced that the federal government will have sent 4,000 ventilators to the state by Wednesday

It sounds like he's doing a good job. New York is such a hot spot. I doubt if he's getting much sleep.
Speaking the truth always hurts the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats. In this particular case Trump is correct. Cuomo preferred to invest in failing Solar and Wind technology in Buffalo rather than invest in Public Health Planning. Like all loser gamblers now he blames others for his decisions and losses....

In 2014, New York “partnered” with Soraa, a California light-bulb company, to build a $90 million factory outside Syracuse. Soraa promised to bring more than 400 jobs to the region and agreed to rent the facility for $1 annually. Just as the finishing touches were put on the plant, Soraa pulled out of the deal, leaving New York’s taxpayers with an empty light-bulb factory.

Gov. Cuomo announced in 2016 a $600 million investment in a computer chip factory in Utica, to be run by Austrian technology company Ams AG. Six months after a celebrated groundbreaking, Ams cited “delays” as their reason for saying goodbye to upstate. The state is “working tirelessly on potential alternatives” for the site.

Cuomo launched the infamous Syracuse Film Hub, which was funded with $15 million of public money and built by Cor Development — whose executive Steve Aiello was convicted of bribery in the Percoco case. “Hollywood comes to Onondaga!” exclaimed Cuomo. “Who would have ever guessed?”

Nobody, as it turned out: The Film Hub was a flop and is now being taken over by Onondaga County, which is hoping to get state money to fund the operating expenses on the mostly empty soundstage.

After learning that the state's stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo came to a fork in the road in 2015. He could have chosen to buy more ventilators. Instead, he asked his health commissioner, Howard Zucker to assemble a task force and draft rules for rationing the ventilators they already had.

That task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will have the highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst) depending on a "triage officer's" decision. In truth, a death officer. Let's not sugarcoat it. It won't be up to your own doctor.

Cuomo could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece or a total of $576 million in 2015. It's a lot of money but less than the $750 million he threw away on a boondoggle "Buffalo Billion" solar panel factory.

Always looking for a handout from the feds. He is so lucky we now have an adult president.

During an interview on Fox News Tuesday, Trump questioned Cuomo's decision not to fill the state's stockpile before the coronavirus hit New York.

"He had a chance to buy in 2015 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down. I’m not blaming him or anything else. But he shouldn’t be talking about us. He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators. We are going to help," the president said.

He continued, "If you think about it, Gov. Cuomo, we are building him four hospitals. We are building him four medical centers. We're working very, very hard for the people of New York. We're working along with him. And then, I watch him on the show complaining. And he had 16,000 ventilators that he could have had at a great price, and he didn’t buy them."

In a press conference just before Trump spoke, Cuomo called the 400 ventilators the federal government had sent New York a "pat on the back" because they needed 30,000. However, Vice President Mike Pence soon after announced that the federal government will have sent 4,000 ventilators to the state by Wednesday

AND he's QUITE stupid, to boot. Even dumber are the ones who keep voting him into office. They deserve exactly what they get.
Cuomo is a great Governor

Making the hard decisions in desperate times
YOU believe what YOU want to believe, rw. Funny!
Speaking the truth always hurts the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats. In this particular case Trump is correct. Cuomo preferred to invest in failing Solar and Wind technology in Buffalo rather than invest in Public Health Planning. Like all loser gamblers now he blames others for his decisions and losses....

In 2014, New York “partnered” with Soraa, a California light-bulb company, to build a $90 million factory outside Syracuse. Soraa promised to bring more than 400 jobs to the region and agreed to rent the facility for $1 annually. Just as the finishing touches were put on the plant, Soraa pulled out of the deal, leaving New York’s taxpayers with an empty light-bulb factory.

Gov. Cuomo announced in 2016 a $600 million investment in a computer chip factory in Utica, to be run by Austrian technology company Ams AG. Six months after a celebrated groundbreaking, Ams cited “delays” as their reason for saying goodbye to upstate. The state is “working tirelessly on potential alternatives” for the site.

Cuomo launched the infamous Syracuse Film Hub, which was funded with $15 million of public money and built by Cor Development — whose executive Steve Aiello was convicted of bribery in the Percoco case. “Hollywood comes to Onondaga!” exclaimed Cuomo. “Who would have ever guessed?”

Nobody, as it turned out: The Film Hub was a flop and is now being taken over by Onondaga County, which is hoping to get state money to fund the operating expenses on the mostly empty soundstage.

That's exactly what I've been writing about. Had the Governor been more precise and specific in his dealings and commitments from these companies perhaps the deals would have been finalized and improved the employment for the people in Upstate NY.
Just as Cuomo refused to extend pipelines and fracking within the state. The people of the state outside New York City continue to suffer and there is an exodus.
Personally I was able to sell my home and 50 acres and move to North Carolina in 2019. The State, County and Local school taxes were extremely high. I no longer have to pay nearly $9,000 in taxes each year.
Why does the OP hate competence? Meh - Never mind. :rolleyes:

Yet the trump regime sends then 400 masks when they asked for 30,000

instead of dealing with it as an emergency , he takes jabs at Cuomo while people are catching this virus which puts everyone at risk if it is not contained.

Is he deflecting why they didn't send more masks or is there a shortage. He should be working on that issue instead of doing promos

yet after Cuomo complained , they will now be sending 4000 more

well why didn't you send them before, are you playing politics with this issues.

which is more important (what happen 5 years ago is important or the issue of containment now)

its an election year and trump feels that what happen 5 years ago is important now

You know why the Trump administration sent 400 "when they asked for 30,000"? Because that's what they had available. Trump doesn't have a secret stock of ventilators in the White House basement, y'know. And NYC isn't the only place that needs them.

I know you want to believe that it was Cuomo's whining that made Trump break out the secret stores, but have you considered the possibility that maybe he just sent more when he had more available?
Always looking for a handout from the feds. He is so lucky we now have an adult president.

During an interview on Fox News Tuesday, Trump questioned Cuomo's decision not to fill the state's stockpile before the coronavirus hit New York.

"He had a chance to buy in 2015 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down. I’m not blaming him or anything else. But he shouldn’t be talking about us. He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators. We are going to help," the president said.

He continued, "If you think about it, Gov. Cuomo, we are building him four hospitals. We are building him four medical centers. We're working very, very hard for the people of New York. We're working along with him. And then, I watch him on the show complaining. And he had 16,000 ventilators that he could have had at a great price, and he didn’t buy them."

In a press conference just before Trump spoke, Cuomo called the 400 ventilators the federal government had sent New York a "pat on the back" because they needed 30,000. However, Vice President Mike Pence soon after announced that the federal government will have sent 4,000 ventilators to the state by Wednesday

AND he's QUITE stupid, to boot. Even dumber are the ones who keep voting him into office. They deserve exactly what they get.

Fuck this BS - I'm listening to MUSIC ;)
Speaking the truth always hurts the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats. In this particular case Trump is correct. Cuomo preferred to invest in failing Solar and Wind technology in Buffalo rather than invest in Public Health Planning. Like all loser gamblers now he blames others for his decisions and losses....

In 2014, New York “partnered” with Soraa, a California light-bulb company, to build a $90 million factory outside Syracuse. Soraa promised to bring more than 400 jobs to the region and agreed to rent the facility for $1 annually. Just as the finishing touches were put on the plant, Soraa pulled out of the deal, leaving New York’s taxpayers with an empty light-bulb factory.

Gov. Cuomo announced in 2016 a $600 million investment in a computer chip factory in Utica, to be run by Austrian technology company Ams AG. Six months after a celebrated groundbreaking, Ams cited “delays” as their reason for saying goodbye to upstate. The state is “working tirelessly on potential alternatives” for the site.

Cuomo launched the infamous Syracuse Film Hub, which was funded with $15 million of public money and built by Cor Development — whose executive Steve Aiello was convicted of bribery in the Percoco case. “Hollywood comes to Onondaga!” exclaimed Cuomo. “Who would have ever guessed?”

Nobody, as it turned out: The Film Hub was a flop and is now being taken over by Onondaga County, which is hoping to get state money to fund the operating expenses on the mostly empty soundstage.

That's exactly what I've been writing about. Had the Governor been more precise and specific in his dealings and commitments from these companies perhaps the deals would have been finalized and improved the employment for the people in Upstate NY.
Just as Cuomo refused to extend pipelines and fracking within the state. The people of the state outside New York City continue to suffer and there is an exodus.
Personally I was able to sell my home and 50 acres and move to North Carolina in 2019. The State, County and Local school taxes were extremely high. I no longer have to pay nearly $9,000 in taxes each year.
Wow! 9k! I have a nice house in a good area and pay $3K each year. No state taxes, either...Tennessee
Speaking the truth always hurts the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats. In this particular case Trump is correct. Cuomo preferred to invest in failing Solar and Wind technology in Buffalo rather than invest in Public Health Planning. Like all loser gamblers now he blames others for his decisions and losses....

In 2014, New York “partnered” with Soraa, a California light-bulb company, to build a $90 million factory outside Syracuse. Soraa promised to bring more than 400 jobs to the region and agreed to rent the facility for $1 annually. Just as the finishing touches were put on the plant, Soraa pulled out of the deal, leaving New York’s taxpayers with an empty light-bulb factory.

Gov. Cuomo announced in 2016 a $600 million investment in a computer chip factory in Utica, to be run by Austrian technology company Ams AG. Six months after a celebrated groundbreaking, Ams cited “delays” as their reason for saying goodbye to upstate. The state is “working tirelessly on potential alternatives” for the site.

Cuomo launched the infamous Syracuse Film Hub, which was funded with $15 million of public money and built by Cor Development — whose executive Steve Aiello was convicted of bribery in the Percoco case. “Hollywood comes to Onondaga!” exclaimed Cuomo. “Who would have ever guessed?”

Nobody, as it turned out: The Film Hub was a flop and is now being taken over by Onondaga County, which is hoping to get state money to fund the operating expenses on the mostly empty soundstage.

That's exactly what I've been writing about. Had the Governor been more precise and specific in his dealings and commitments from these companies perhaps the deals would have been finalized and improved the employment for the people in Upstate NY.
Just as Cuomo refused to extend pipelines and fracking within the state. The people of the state outside New York City continue to suffer and there is an exodus.
Personally I was able to sell my home and 50 acres and move to North Carolina in 2019. The State, County and Local school taxes were extremely high. I no longer have to pay nearly $9,000 in taxes each year.
Wow! 9k! I have a nice house in a good area and pay $3K each year. No state taxes, either...Tennessee

That is why I sold out and moved to N.C.... Downsizing was a little difficult....

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