GOP Votes To Slash Veterans Benefits

The republicans are going to slash Medicare!
The republicans are going to slash Social Security!
The republicans are going to slash food stamps!
The republicans are going to slash meals on wheels!
The republicans are going to slash school lunches!
The republicans are going to slash VA bennies!
The republicans are going to slash Nathan MacKinnon on a breakaway and not get a penalty called!
The republicans are going to throw grammy over a cliff!
The republicans are going to throw the cheeeeldrennnnn out into the streets nekked!
The republicans ate my babby!

The republicans are going to slash Medicare!
The republicans are going to slash Social Security!
The republicans are going to slash food stamps!
The republicans are going to slash meals on wheels!
The republicans are going to slash school lunches!
The republicans are going to slash VA bennies!
The republicans are going to slash Nathan MacKinnon on a breakaway and not get a penalty called!
The republicans are going to throw grammy over a cliff!
The republicans are going tot hrow the cheeeeldrennnnn out into the streets nekked!
The republicans ate my babby!


"Cut" = reducing rate of increase from 7.9% to 7.7%
House Republicans voted Wednesday to cut veterans’ services significantly and limit their health care. That’s just one aspect of Barely Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s debt ceiling and budget cuts extortion package that passed 217-215, with all but four Republicans voting for it. Those four didn’t think the cuts were deep enough.

The bill would roll back spending for the 2024 fiscal year to 2022 levels, except for defense spending. Because it’s exempted, everything else would be cut by much more. That’s an estimated 22% cut, which the Veterans Administration says would mean the immediate loss of $2 billion in funding for veterans services, and 30 million fewer veteran outpatient visits. The VA would lose 81,000 jobs. That would mean fewer employees to answer veterans’ phone calls, schedule health visits, process their disability claims, and provide other critical services.

Here’s the link I n the article from the VA

Let’s see the Magascum from usmb have to say about this.
The first sentence in the link states:

While the President’s Budget details a plan to honor our country’s sacred obligation to care for America’s Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors, the proposal to cut a broad range of critical programs by 22% would threaten critical services for Veterans – both at VA and across the federal government.

Biden sure honor's the country's sacred obligation to care for American Veterans ... just like he demonstrated in his action plan to evacuate from Afghanistan, killing 13+ veterans and leaving billions of dollars of military munitions / hardware for the Taliban to have.

Also .. the article talks about President Biden's budget .. this is a precursor to being reviewed and approved by Congress .. Are Republicans in the House approving the budget Biden proposed or have they slashed items proposed? Your article doesn't seem to be clear (DK article), yet the VA article states it is the proposed budget (which would be Biden).
Well, it's Daily Kooks, so you'll have that.
VA.Gov states its the budget proposal ... if Republicans in the House approve his budget .. how are they "slashing" VA benefits? It just demonstrates how little many know about the budget process.

I bet the same people know more about sports and pop culture than they do about the people they vote into office.
VA.Gov states its the budget proposal ... if Republicans in the House approve his budget .. how are they "slashing" VA benefits?
They're not...McCarthy has said the he wants to go pre-binge 2022 spending levels as a baseline....Not increasing spending is "slashing spending" to these compulsive liars.
Thirty million fewer healthcare visits. Fewer staff, increased claims backlog, longer wait times for benefits. Almost a $30 billion shortfall for veterans funding. That’s the uncertainty that awaits America’s veterans, should Congressional Republicans succeed in dramatically slashing federal spending as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy proposed on April 19.

Cutting care and services by nearly a quarter is a disservice to the men and women who have served this country, and befuddling given how often Republicans wrap themselves in the flag and embrace the veteran community.

Here’s what House Republican’s proposed cuts would mean for veterans — reduced veterans’ access to care, fewer staff to process claims, longer wait times for benefits, less support for national cemeteries, weakened VA cybersecurity and telehealth services, and a further deteriorated VA infrastructure. VA Secretary McDonough says the cuts could mean a potential reduction of 30 million healthcare visit for veterans and the loss of over 81,000 VA employees providing benefits to veterans.

This news is guaranteed to land with a thud in veterans’ communities nationwide. As members of Congress who sit on committees with jurisdiction over veterans issues, we hear from veterans, and the organizations that advocate on their behalf every day. We encourage our House Republican colleagues to ask our country’s 19 million veterans whether they think slashing investments in their well-being makes sense. Our guess is they won’t like the answer.

There’s a saying, “either put up or...” It’s time for Republicans to put their money where their mouth is, and demonstrate their commitment to America’s veterans by producing a budget that honors those who served, lest they allow veterans’ healthcare and benefits to be held hostage by the extreme wing of their party.

Veterans’ care and benefits are sacred promises we pay to our veterans as part of the cost of war and in acknowledgment of their sacrifice. We owe it to our nation’s veterans to honorably recognize their service — not subject them to political hijinks with potentially disastrous consequences.

They actually have 'think tanks' where they discuss whom is the easiest to deprive. Veterans always come up because they don't complain.
Thirty million fewer healthcare visits. Fewer staff, increased claims backlog, longer wait times for benefits. Almost a $30 billion shortfall for veterans funding. That’s the uncertainty that awaits America’s veterans, should Congressional Republicans succeed in dramatically slashing federal spending as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy proposed on April 19.

Cutting care and services by nearly a quarter is a disservice to the men and women who have served this country, and befuddling given how often Republicans wrap themselves in the flag and embrace the veteran community.

Here’s what House Republican’s proposed cuts would mean for veterans — reduced veterans’ access to care, fewer staff to process claims, longer wait times for benefits, less support for national cemeteries, weakened VA cybersecurity and telehealth services, and a further deteriorated VA infrastructure. VA Secretary McDonough says the cuts could mean a potential reduction of 30 million healthcare visit for veterans and the loss of over 81,000 VA employees providing benefits to veterans.

This news is guaranteed to land with a thud in veterans’ communities nationwide. As members of Congress who sit on committees with jurisdiction over veterans issues, we hear from veterans, and the organizations that advocate on their behalf every day. We encourage our House Republican colleagues to ask our country’s 19 million veterans whether they think slashing investments in their well-being makes sense. Our guess is they won’t like the answer.

There’s a saying, “either put up or...” It’s time for Republicans to put their money where their mouth is, and demonstrate their commitment to America’s veterans by producing a budget that honors those who served, lest they allow veterans’ healthcare and benefits to be held hostage by the extreme wing of their party.

Veterans’ care and benefits are sacred promises we pay to our veterans as part of the cost of war and in acknowledgment of their sacrifice. We owe it to our nation’s veterans to honorably recognize their service — not subject them to political hijinks with potentially disastrous consequences.

There's no "slashing" you repulsive fucking liar.
United States Army. 1st Air Cavalry. Later served the Pentagon. U.S. Army Communications Command, Pentagon TeleCommunications Center Room5A910.

You on the other hand are coward, who supports a draft dodger.
You bet yer bippy. I dodged the draft and am damn proud of it. I support Biden too. Greatest president since before George Washington,
Same old tired fucking lies from the same old tired fucking demagogues.

Really, dude, you liberoidal nose pickers need to get a script that isn't 40 fucking years old.

Oh yeah, Daily Kooks....Gotta spread the spam in for your corporate paymasters,

From The Military Times:

Thirty million fewer healthcare visits. Fewer staff, increased claims backlog, longer wait times for benefits. Almost a $30 billion shortfall for veterans funding. That’s the uncertainty that awaits America’s veterans, should Congressional Republicans succeed in dramatically slashing federal spending as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy proposed on April 19.

Last Congress, we honored our promise to toxic-exposed veterans by providing benefits and care to approximately three million veterans exposed to toxins, including burn pits. However, this achievement is meaningless if the funding to implement it is gutted. Republicans have promised to reduce funding to fiscal year 2022 levels — which risks a 22% decrease in resources for veterans’ care and benefits. And many of them are calling for even deeper cuts.

the Military Times is hardly a Liberal Publication.

You cut benefits to vets, you hate the vets.
They actually have 'think tanks' where they discuss whom is the easiest to deprive. Veterans always come up because they don't complain.
You moonbats have "think" tanks where they discuss how to frame only spending $20 billion more when they want $50 billion.

It's gets called "slashing spending".

Fucking compulsive liars.
From The Military Times:

Thirty million fewer healthcare visits. Fewer staff, increased claims backlog, longer wait times for benefits. Almost a $30 billion shortfall for veterans funding. That’s the uncertainty that awaits America’s veterans, should Congressional Republicans succeed in dramatically slashing federal spending as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy proposed on April 19.

Last Congress, we honored our promise to toxic-exposed veterans by providing benefits and care to approximately three million veterans exposed to toxins, including burn pits. However, this achievement is meaningless if the funding to implement it is gutted. Republicans have promised to reduce funding to fiscal year 2022 levels — which risks a 22% decrease in resources for veterans’ care and benefits. And many of them are calling for even deeper cuts.

the Military Times is hardly a Liberal Publication.

You cut benefits to vets, you hate the vets.
So fucking what.

Only spending $20 billion instead of the $50 billion you're demanding isn't "slashing" a fucking thing, you fucking liar.

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