GOP Senator is right, it's time to take the gloves off

Yes and being in a cult the way you tds cult went unhinged in 2017 has never been seen before.
Well, by all means, pray to your orange Lard and Savior. Hold Him On High, because He loves you. It's on video and everything. Magaturds must 'pwn da libz' at all costs. I get it. :rolleyes:

This is why you're so super rational and well balanced to us 'normies'.

Because we all believe you're a fucking political genius. :rolleyes:
Well, by all means, pray to your orange Lard and Savior. Hold Him On High, because He loves you. It's on video and everything. Magaturds must 'pwn da libz' at all costs. I get it. :rolleyes:

This is why you're so super rational and well balanced to us 'normies'.

Because we all believe you're a fucking political genius.:rolleyes:
You should stop with the projection now. It's not healthy
Dude I know it isn't. It's the life of the Republic at steak
You MAGAs are so cute. The chief crazies are always telling you the sky is falling, and you goobers always believe them. You better do something to reduce your blood pressure, or you'll have a heart attack.
Of course the labor rep was too chicken to fight man to man. But he could run his mouth for six minutes. And Bernie was there to side with the socialist.

---GOP senator challenges Teamsters head to a fight in a fiery exchange at a hearing---​

He made $10mm while in Office. How?
Really?... when republicans are in charge the unions don't find a need to strike because the economy is better and costs are down.... so who really cares about the little guy?.....
Repubs have a long history of killing unions. Do you remember Reagan?
You MAGAs are so cute. The chief crazies are always telling you the sky is falling, and you goobers always believe them. You better do something to reduce your blood pressure, or you'll have a heart attack.
You leftists are out of touch with reality. You believe what your democrat masters tell you to believe.
Really that's some funny CONspriscy you have collusion cultist
Yes it is funny. I'm constantly amazed at the absurd things you MAGAs will fall for. Walmart tunnels? Trump bucks? Hillary's amazing recovery from the Parkinsons disease that you crazies were so positive she had should embarrass you, but you are too dumb to recognize how much goofy shit they feed you.
Yes it is funny. I'm constantly amazed at the absurd things you MAGAs will fall for. Walmart tunnels? Trump bucks? Hillary's amazing recovery from the Parkinsons disease that you crazies were so positive she had should embarrass you, but you are too dumb to recognize how much goofy shit they feed you.
You're a fruit loop

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