GOP leaders to skip Selma event


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
‘They’ve lost an opportunity to show the American people that they care,’ one black lawmaker says.

Scores of U.S. lawmakers are converging on tiny Selma, Alabama, for a large commemoration of a civil rights anniversary. But their ranks don’t include a single member of House Republican leadership — a point that isn’t lost on congressional black leaders.

None of the top leaders — House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy or Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who was once thought likely to attend to atone for reports that he once spoke before a white supremacist group — will be in Selma for the three-day event that commemorates the 1965 march and the violence that protesters faced at the hands of white police officers. A number of rank-and-file Republicans have been aggressively lobbying their colleagues to attend, and several black lawmakers concurred.

“It is very disappointing that not a single Republican leader sees the value in participating in this 50th commemoration of the signing of the Voting Rights Act. I had hoped that some of the leadership would attend, but apparently none of them will,” said Congressional Black Caucus Chairman G.K. Butterfield of North Carolina. “The Republicans always talk about trying to change their brand and be more appealing to minority folks and be in touch with the interests of African-Americans. This is very disappointing.”

Former CBC Chair Marsha Fudge (D-Ohio) agreed.

“Not only do they have an opportunity to participate in something that is historic in this country, but certainly they’ve lost an opportunity to show the American people that they care,” she said. “Their loss.”​

More: GOP leaders to skip Selma event - Anna Palmer and Lauren French - POLITICO

So, the new GOP is the same as the old GOP. Not surprised.
Well other than not being the party that fought tooth and nail against the struggle for equality,you might have something,but you don't.just more drumming up usless BS.
Republican where there when it happened when it was needed,now the Dems rush to try and take credit for other accomplishments,typical.
Well other than not being the party that fought tooth and nail against the struggle for equality,you might have something,but you don't.just more drumming up usless BS.
Republican where there when it happened when it was needed,now the Dems rush to try and take credit for other accomplishments,typical.

Ha...nice try. The GOP's tent seems to be getting smaller. What is wrong with this picture?
Well other than not being the party that fought tooth and nail against the struggle for equality,you might have something,but you don't.just more drumming up usless BS.
Republican where there when it happened when it was needed,now the Dems rush to try and take credit for other accomplishments,typical.


Pretty lame for todays Republicans to take credit for what was done 50 years ago

Don't they care?
Obama and Bush are attending

Where are the Republican leaders?
Since we're talking about party leaders not attending things did people forget no one from the Obama administration attended the rally in France after the terrorist attacks there? If that is to far back then you might recall something more recent none of the Democratic leadership attending Bibi"s speech before Congress. Do you really want to cast stones about who hasn't attended what?
‘They’ve lost an opportunity to show the American people that they care,’ one black lawmaker says.

Scores of U.S. lawmakers are converging on tiny Selma, Alabama, for a large commemoration of a civil rights anniversary. But their ranks don’t include a single member of House Republican leadership — a point that isn’t lost on congressional black leaders.

None of the top leaders — House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy or Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who was once thought likely to attend to atone for reports that he once spoke before a white supremacist group — will be in Selma for the three-day event that commemorates the 1965 march and the violence that protesters faced at the hands of white police officers. A number of rank-and-file Republicans have been aggressively lobbying their colleagues to attend, and several black lawmakers concurred.

“It is very disappointing that not a single Republican leader sees the value in participating in this 50th commemoration of the signing of the Voting Rights Act. I had hoped that some of the leadership would attend, but apparently none of them will,” said Congressional Black Caucus Chairman G.K. Butterfield of North Carolina. “The Republicans always talk about trying to change their brand and be more appealing to minority folks and be in touch with the interests of African-Americans. This is very disappointing.”

Former CBC Chair Marsha Fudge (D-Ohio) agreed.

“Not only do they have an opportunity to participate in something that is historic in this country, but certainly they’ve lost an opportunity to show the American people that they care,” she said. “Their loss.”​

More: GOP leaders to skip Selma event - Anna Palmer and Lauren French - POLITICO

So, the new GOP is the same as the old GOP. Not surprised.
Attended a speech by the prime minister of Israel lately?
Well other than not being the party that fought tooth and nail against the struggle for equality,you might have something,but you don't.just more drumming up usless BS.
Republican where there when it happened when it was needed,now the Dems rush to try and take credit for other accomplishments,typical.


Pretty lame for todays Republicans to take credit for what was done 50 years ago

Don't they care?
LOL shit son thats what your doing right now,and your party was against it,so the wow be on you .
Drumming up false scandals ,safe bet if they did go you would be blubbering about them leaving DC and not doing their jobs.
Reasons Republicans would not attend Selma march

1. They don't care
2. They don't want to give the appearance they support civil rights
3. There will be too many blacks there
4. They don't want to be seen with Democrats
Reasons Republicans would not attend Selma march

1. They don't care
2. They don't want to give the appearance they support civil rights
3. There will be too many blacks there
4. They don't want to be seen with Democrats

I wouldn't blame them over #4.

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