GOP leader in Texas says colleagues are trying to oust him for being Muslim

I'd oust every member of the death cult.

No way should any of them be in our Government.

That's how they work. From the inside out.

Only fools would elect members of the death cult into our Government.
This news is fine with long as the GOP makes asses of themselves and chase away anyone they perceive as not WASP-like, they will die as a party. Again, that news is fine with me.

Yeah, it's astonishing to me how they can be so blind to this.
The conservatives don't want small government. They want a big government nanny telling everyone how to live. To punish them when they are bad and alienate anyone who isn't like them.

What conservatives actually mean is they don't want to pay taxes or have any regulations on corporations.

So how long have you been clairvoyant and reading the minds of sooo many people? How are you capitalizing on this gift? You should be a multi-millionaire with skills like that.
All you have to do is read their policies.

You don’t need to read their minds.

But then you should know that.
GOP leader in Texas says colleagues are trying to oust him for being Muslim

The Republican Party vice-chairman of Texas's third largest county said there is a movement to have him removed from his position because he's Muslim.

O'Brien has, without evidence, publicly accused Shafi of promoting Sharia law and being affiliated with terrorist groups.

She has written on Facebook that Shafi is a "fake Republican" who might have joined the party at the request of the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate the organization, the Post reported.

A member of the Texas Republican Party's 2018 platform committee came under fire this week after he proudly declared himself a "white nationalist."


I wasn’t sure weather to post this in politics or in discussion. It sounds like something you should see and politics.

So is this how the Republicans grow their party? By attacking current members? Without any evidence? Are they just taking their cue from Donald Trump? After all he is a nationalist too. How do we know? He told us!

How it's anyone's business and news is beyond me.

Do we have posts regarding the leaders of the ladies garden club?
So to review...

One moron makes a petition with which no other Republican in the state agrees - in fact which prominent Republicans have condemned - and the idiot Deanie posts it as indicative of universal Republican sentiment.

He cannot possibly get no stupider. But i'm sure he will prove me wrong.

All you have to do is read the daily comments on this forum to know what conservatives think of Muslims.
I'd oust every member of the death cult.

No way should any of them be in our Government.

That's how they work. From the inside out.

Only fools would elect members of the death cult into our Government.
Once again, the mystified tards explain exactly why minorities don't vote for a party which so clearly HATES them.

Bigoted twats like Claudette are not only tolerated, but coddled, in the modern GOP.



If any pseudocon ever again scoffs at the idea of minorities being hated by the GOP, just point them to this topic.

And we haven't even gotten started on gays and blacks!
This news is fine with long as the GOP makes asses of themselves and chase away anyone they perceive as not WASP-like, they will die as a party. Again, that news is fine with me.

Yea, the Democratic Party has been pretty been built around anti-Wasp bigots
The yooog problem with the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that also they hate each other.
Nation of Islam
La Raza
Black Panthers
Aztlan Nationalist
Muslim Brotherhood
GOP leader in Texas says colleagues are trying to oust him for being Muslim

The Republican Party vice-chairman of Texas's third largest county said there is a movement to have him removed from his position because he's Muslim.

O'Brien has, without evidence, publicly accused Shafi of promoting Sharia law and being affiliated with terrorist groups.

She has written on Facebook that Shafi is a "fake Republican" who might have joined the party at the request of the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate the organization, the Post reported.

A member of the Texas Republican Party's 2018 platform committee came under fire this week after he proudly declared himself a "white nationalist."


I wasn’t sure weather to post this in politics or in discussion. It sounds like something you should see and politics.

So is this how the Republicans grow their party? By attacking current members? Without any evidence? Are they just taking their cue from Donald Trump? After all he is a nationalist too. How do we know? He told us!

Seems to me that they need all the members they can get but this is Texas so maybe they don't.

Personally I don't. understand why a muslim would be a republican. As that person is learning, republicans hate muslims.
I just watched an interview from the guy. He was asked the very same question. He said the reason is because he came from a country with a repressive government. And so he believes in the Republicans small government mantra.

He came here from his country where he was a surgeon. Here he’s been a trauma specialist saving American lives. And he became a citizen in the 90s.

Definitely sounds like somebody that should be a Democrat. Someone that couldn’t fit in with the Republican Party. We’re seeing that now. Is this really a surprise to anybody?

I bet he'd still try to behead his daughter if she wanted to marry a Jew.
And these right wingers are saying you don’t exist. Oh you exist all right. I suspect you’re the majority of the Republican Party.

Fuck you! My very 1st experience with Islam was a doctor trying to behead his daughter @ 2AM because she wanted to marry a non-Muslim.

He would have killed her if I didn't have a gun and played it off. Go fuck yourself, leftist shill faggot liar. He's still there to this day, if he's still alive. His daughter is not.

I am intrigued Marion-----in what country?. The very first muslims I knew well were doctors . I learned about islam and
muslims from them.
Why minorities don't vote for the party which HATES them.


No American should vote for shit like that, you dumbass!

Or are you of the opinion that fathers should be able to behead their daughters with a sword for not marrying who the father arranged for in America?

Are you for fathers murdering their daughters, or not?

There is no in-between on this. Murder is murder.
See? You’re a white winger. You sound exactly like a typical Republican.

So you're saying Muslim dude gets a pass on cutting his daughter's head off with a sword, right?

You should catch a bullet right after him. A 2800 fps one. In. The. Head.
Oh? Who has made the claim that "Muslim dude gets a pass on cutting his daughter's head off with a sword"? Besides YOU, that is.

He did. He didn't say it was wrong. Next!
It was so stupid and out of line I didn’t think I had to.

But if you insist,

OK you’re stupid and out of line.

Seems to me that they need all the members they can get but this is Texas so maybe they don't.

Personally I don't. understand why a muslim would be a republican. As that person is learning, republicans hate muslims.
I just watched an interview from the guy. He was asked the very same question. He said the reason is because he came from a country with a repressive government. And so he believes in the Republicans small government mantra.

He came here from his country where he was a surgeon. Here he’s been a trauma specialist saving American lives. And he became a citizen in the 90s.

Definitely sounds like somebody that should be a Democrat. Someone that couldn’t fit in with the Republican Party. We’re seeing that now. Is this really a surprise to anybody?

I bet he'd still try to behead his daughter if she wanted to marry a Jew.
And these right wingers are saying you don’t exist. Oh you exist all right. I suspect you’re the majority of the Republican Party.

Fuck you! My very 1st experience with Islam was a doctor trying to behead his daughter @ 2AM because she wanted to marry a non-Muslim.

He would have killed her if I didn't have a gun and played it off. Go fuck yourself, leftist shill faggot liar. He's still there to this day, if he's still alive. His daughter is not.

I am intrigued Marion-----in what country?. The very first muslims I knew well were doctors . I learned about islam and
muslims from them.

The US of A, duh! I can rattle off this asshole's address from the top of my head.
I just watched an interview from the guy. He was asked the very same question. He said the reason is because he came from a country with a repressive government. And so he believes in the Republicans small government mantra.

He came here from his country where he was a surgeon. Here he’s been a trauma specialist saving American lives. And he became a citizen in the 90s.

Definitely sounds like somebody that should be a Democrat. Someone that couldn’t fit in with the Republican Party. We’re seeing that now. Is this really a surprise to anybody?

I bet he'd still try to behead his daughter if she wanted to marry a Jew.
And these right wingers are saying you don’t exist. Oh you exist all right. I suspect you’re the majority of the Republican Party.

Fuck you! My very 1st experience with Islam was a doctor trying to behead his daughter @ 2AM because she wanted to marry a non-Muslim.

He would have killed her if I didn't have a gun and played it off. Go fuck yourself, leftist shill faggot liar. He's still there to this day, if he's still alive. His daughter is not.

I am intrigued Marion-----in what country?. The very first muslims I knew well were doctors . I learned about islam and
muslims from them.

The US of A, duh! I can rattle off this asshole's address from the top of my head.

sheeeesh do you know the land of origin of this pious muslim?
GOP leader in Texas says colleagues are trying to oust him for being Muslim

The Republican Party vice-chairman of Texas's third largest county said there is a movement to have him removed from his position because he's Muslim.

O'Brien has, without evidence, publicly accused Shafi of promoting Sharia law and being affiliated with terrorist groups.

She has written on Facebook that Shafi is a "fake Republican" who might have joined the party at the request of the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate the organization, the Post reported.

A member of the Texas Republican Party's 2018 platform committee came under fire this week after he proudly declared himself a "white nationalist."


I wasn’t sure weather to post this in politics or in discussion. It sounds like something you should see and politics.

So is this how the Republicans grow their party? By attacking current members? Without any evidence? Are they just taking their cue from Donald Trump? After all he is a nationalist too. How do we know? He told us!

Seems to me that they need all the members they can get but this is Texas so maybe they don't.

Personally I don't. understand why a muslim would be a republican. As that person is learning, republicans hate muslims.
I just watched an interview from the guy. He was asked the very same question. He said the reason is because he came from a country with a repressive government. And so he believes in the Republicans small government mantra.

He came here from his country where he was a surgeon. Here he’s been a trauma specialist saving American lives. And he became a citizen in the 90s.

Definitely sounds like somebody that should be a Democrat. Someone that couldn’t fit in with the Republican Party. We’re seeing that now. Is this really a surprise to anybody?

I bet he'd still try to behead his daughter if she wanted to marry a Jew.
And these right wingers are saying you don’t exist. Oh you exist all right. I suspect you’re the majority of the Republican Party.

Fuck you! My very 1st experience with Islam was a doctor trying to behead his daughter @ 2AM because she wanted to marry a non-Muslim.

He would have killed her if I didn't have a gun and played it off. Go fuck yourself, leftist shill faggot liar. He's still there to this day, if he's still alive. His daughter is not.
Cool story, bro.
Well, there goes any leftover Muslims. That were voting for Republicans because Republicans are conservative.

Now they know the truth about Republicans. If they didn’t already.
Will the party of LOVE FOR GAYS accept someone from the engrained ideology of KILL ALL GAYS?
You don't think our fundy christians would help throw gays off buildings if our secular laws weren't in the way?

BTW: I do not support the theology of Islam anymore than I do any patriarchal religion. I DO support the 1st Amendment tho.
Well, there goes any leftover Muslims. That were voting for Republicans because Republicans are conservative.

Now they know the truth about Republicans. If they didn’t already.
Will the party of LOVE FOR GAYS accept someone from the engrained ideology of KILL ALL GAYS?
You don't think our fundy christians would help throw gays off buildings if our secular laws weren't in the way?

BTW: I do not support the theology of Islam anymore than I do any patriarchal religion. I DO support the 1st Amendment tho.
Phelps might but no, I do not believe that otherwise
Well, there goes any leftover Muslims. That were voting for Republicans because Republicans are conservative.

Now they know the truth about Republicans. If they didn’t already.
Will the party of LOVE FOR GAYS accept someone from the engrained ideology of KILL ALL GAYS?
I know for a fact Republicans really hate gay people.

But look how Trump loves Arabians. They’re Muslims.

You can’t grow a party if you hate everybody. The Muslim example is the example to others of the very few minorities still in the Republican Party. Your party hate you, it might be time to leave.
I'd oust every member of the death cult.

No way should any of them be in our Government.

That's how they work. From the inside out.

Only fools would elect members of the death cult into our Government.

Thank goodness we have a Constitution to keep people like you in check.
This news is fine with long as the GOP makes asses of themselves and chase away anyone they perceive as not WASP-like, they will die as a party. Again, that news is fine with me.

Yeah, it's astonishing to me how they can be so blind to this.

The ultimate irony is that Muslims as a group generally tend to be social conservatives, same with Hispanics. They'd flock to the Republican party if it weren't so hateful to them. The Dems would have a real battle convincing them to stay with their party.

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