GOP “Establishment” to Jam Jeb! Down Voter's Throats


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I have no idea how valid this is but it seems to be following what web sites have been reporting about upcoming elections across the country.

The latest approach comes from Virginia – home of GOPe HQ, where they have now developed a “Statement of Intent” which all Republican voters will be forced to sign prior to voting in the primary.

Read the story @ Doug Ross @ Journal: DOCUMENT LEAK: Virginia GOP Establishment’s "Loyalty Oath" Scheme to Suppress Insurgents Trump and Cruz

And then, there's this: LOSING THE PRIMARY TO WIN THE GENERAL? Why ¡Jeb’s failed campaign hasn’t called it quits @ Doug Ross @ Journal: LOSING THE PRIMARY TO WIN THE GENERAL? Why ¡Jeb’s failed campaign hasn’t called it quits
Trump, Carson and Cruz

What a disaster for Republicans
more rw "pledges".

They won't be able to strategize Bush into a primary win. Nobody wants him.
The nominee is chosen at the convention, not in the primaries and caucuses.
Technically, yes. But they're chosen based upon how many votes they get in the primary. If Trump gets the most votes and the delegates nominate Bush anyway, that will be the end of the GOP.
They won't be able to strategize Bush into a primary win. Nobody wants him.
The nominee is chosen at the convention, not in the primaries and caucuses.
Technically, yes. But they're chosen based upon how many votes they get in the primary. If Trump gets the most votes and the delegates nominate Bush anyway, that will be the end of the GOP.
Many believe that GOP is already at an end.

To get the nomination a potential candidate needs 1,144 delegate votes to win the nomination. According to rules, the delegates only are required to vote for the nominee they were sent to the convention to vote for in the first round of voting. If Trump can't secure that many delegates going into the convention, (and it's looking like he probably won't be able to unless A LOT more candidates drop out,) then there might be more voting and horse trading.

After that? Well, it's a free for all.

But, whose to say, there is a lot of stuff that can happen.
The first guy to show up in a cowboy hat wins ! Yay merca !
O'course, The Real Jeb would show up in a sombrero......
They won't be able to strategize Bush into a primary win. Nobody wants him.
The nominee is chosen at the convention, not in the primaries and caucuses.
Technically, yes. But they're chosen based upon how many votes they get in the primary. If Trump gets the most votes and the delegates nominate Bush anyway, that will be the end of the GOP.
Many believe that GOP is already at an end.

To get the nomination a potential candidate needs 1,144 delegate votes to win the nomination. According to rules, the delegates only are required to vote for the nominee they were sent to the convention to vote for in the first round of voting. If Trump can't secure that many delegates going into the convention, (and it's looking like he probably won't be able to unless A LOT more candidates drop out,) then there might be more voting and horse trading.

After that? Well, it's a free for all.

But, whose to say, there is a lot of stuff that can happen.
My point is if the GOP says to the voters "Fuck you, we don't care WHO you want, we're nominating Jeb anyway", they'll all be voted out of office.
"Why Jeb’s failed campaign hasn’t called it quits."

Because Bush knows the nomination is won by winning primaries, not opinion polls.

Yes, and one definitely has an excellent chance of winning primaries when one can't even get people to name him on a freaking poll. Bush is toast. Overriding the votes of the people in the primary would only serve to destroy the party and have it replaced by a new party that listens to its members.
They won't be able to strategize Bush into a primary win. Nobody wants him.
The nominee is chosen at the convention, not in the primaries and caucuses.
Technically, yes. But they're chosen based upon how many votes they get in the primary. If Trump gets the most votes and the delegates nominate Bush anyway, that will be the end of the GOP.
Many believe that GOP is already at an end.

To get the nomination a potential candidate needs 1,144 delegate votes to win the nomination. According to rules, the delegates only are required to vote for the nominee they were sent to the convention to vote for in the first round of voting. If Trump can't secure that many delegates going into the convention, (and it's looking like he probably won't be able to unless A LOT more candidates drop out,) then there might be more voting and horse trading.

After that? Well, it's a free for all.

But, whose to say, there is a lot of stuff that can happen.
My point is if the GOP says to the voters "Fuck you, we don't care WHO you want, we're nominating Jeb anyway", they'll all be voted out of office.

And frankly, I could see whoever the rightful winner is - the guy who actually won the primaries - running third party and just taking all the GOP votes away from the anointed candidate. This ain't the Democrat Party, and conservatives don't follow marching orders very well.
Trump will not have the delegates by convention time, if he is even in the hunt then.

It will be a draft for Bush or Rubio or Romney.

It certainly will not be a Trump or Cruz or Carson.

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