GOP Election Officials Receive Death Threats -- Are Dems Behind It??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"In Arizona, a stay-at-home dad and part-time Lyft driver told the state’s chief election officer she would hang for treason. In Utah, a youth treatment center staffer warned Colorado’s election chief that he knew where she lived and watched her as she slept. In Vermont, a man who says he works in construction told workers at the state election office and at Dominion Voting Systems that they were about to die.

They were among nine people who told Reuters in interviews that they made threats or left other hostile messages to election workers. In all, they are responsible for nearly two dozen harassing communications to six election officials in four states - the threats explicit enough to put a reasonable person in fear of bodily harm or death, the U.S. federal standard for criminal prosecution."

What was not included in this story is the high number of death threats that were made against election officials in Virginia; upset that the Governor there lost the election....some are saying at least 3 or 4 election officials were probably physically attacked, if not killed by angry Dem voters...but the media isn't reporting it.

However, we do know that GOP election officials in states like Arizona and Georgia had their lives threatened by angry Dem voters; posing as Republican voters to try to make Trump supporters look unhinged...and were any of these people punished for this? No....Dems swept these false threats under the rug and now thru reporting like this -- these fake death threats are being exposed....these people are so bold that they give their names, they go on record and admit they made these fake death threats; because they know the Deep State FBI and the Dems in Congress will protect them -- because it was their idea to do this in the first place.
Nobody has to make the Trump supporters look unhinged. They do a fine job all by themselves.'re just mad that you don't have cool paintings like these in your home....

Nothing should surprise us any more, and we can't take anything for granted.

Zealots exist on both ends, and zealots will do whatever it takes to "win" (at least in their minds).

Unless and until the zealots are effectively marginalized, we're not going to come back from this.

Meanwhile, we continue to circle the drain, as the world looks on with horror. They need a strong America, too.
I'm glad they are catching these people who are making threats.

I hope they get long jail sentences.
Nothing should surprise us any more, and we can't take anything for granted.

Zealots exist on both ends, and zealots will do whatever it takes to "win" (at least in their minds).

Unless and until the zealots are effectively marginalized, we're not going to come back from this.

Meanwhile, we continue to circle the drain, as the world looks on with horror. They need a strong America, too.

That’s it right there. As long as tribalism is SOP the song remains the same…
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That’s it right there. As long as tribalism is SOP the song remains the same…
Except there are no both sides to this particular story....

The Democrats lost the governor's race in Va...yet, not a single report of election officials having their lives threatened by voters who were mad that their candidate lost.....

When folks continue to try to excuse this all away as a both sides issue -- it takes the focus off the fact that there is ONLY ONE side who continuously does this type of shit..
I would really like to know where the hell Merrick Garland and Chris Wray are hiding. They claim most of these violent Trumptards were untraceable, but Reuters had no problem finding them and they appear to be proud as hell. Several say they will continue to make these calls.

Time to start rounding them up and tossing them in prison before somebody gets killed.

"In Arizona, a stay-at-home dad and part-time Lyft driver told the state’s chief election officer she would hang for treason. In Utah, a youth treatment center staffer warned Colorado’s election chief that he knew where she lived and watched her as she slept. In Vermont, a man who says he works in construction told workers at the state election office and at Dominion Voting Systems that they were about to die.

They were among nine people who told Reuters in interviews that they made threats or left other hostile messages to election workers. In all, they are responsible for nearly two dozen harassing communications to six election officials in four states - the threats explicit enough to put a reasonable person in fear of bodily harm or death, the U.S. federal standard for criminal prosecution."

What was not included in this story is the high number of death threats that were made against election officials in Virginia; upset that the Governor there lost the election....some are saying at least 3 or 4 election officials were probably physically attacked, if not killed by angry Dem voters...but the media isn't reporting it.

However, we do know that GOP election officials in states like Arizona and Georgia had their lives threatened by angry Dem voters; posing as Republican voters to try to make Trump supporters look unhinged...and were any of these people punished for this? No....Dems swept these false threats under the rug and now thru reporting like this -- these fake death threats are being exposed....these people are so bold that they give their names, they go on record and admit they made these fake death threats; because they know the Deep State FBI and the Dems in Congress will protect them -- because it was their idea to do this in the first place.
5th Ave Syndrome.....won't even stop when someone gets killed.

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