GOP Congressman Takes Credit For Infrastructure Bill He Voted Against - To Own The Libs


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"After Democrats passed their COVID-19 relief legislation earlier this year, Republicans took credit for provisions in the popular bill even though they voted against it. Now, Republican lawmakers are starting to do so again with the infrastructure bill President Joe Biden signed into law this week.

In a press release issued by his office on Monday, Alabama Rep. Gary Palmer touted funding in the bill aimed at connecting communities in the Appalachian region to national interstate highways -- something that will benefit his district. An accompanying tweet issued by the congressman also touted funding for the project, though it left out the fact that he voted against it."


My favorite part of the tweet is that he claimed this infrastructure project has long been a priority of his -- even tho he voted against it and demonized the infrastructure bill as evil, blah blah -- the usual hyperbolic goofy shit.... However, it is a smart move on his part to take credit for something he played no part in -- because his base voters either won't know they are being lied to or more accurately, don't care they are being lied long as they think being a lying hypocrite and taking credit for something they actively worked to block; is somehow owning the libs...

Reminds me of the years and years of Republicans demonizing the Affordable Care Act and naming it Obamacare because black man scary; and claiming it was the worst thing to happen since slavery....only to turn around in 2018 and campaign on protecting Obamacare because of how shitty their own healthcare plan turned out to be.......

Maybe Republicans should just adopt Medicare For All and name it "The Anti-CRT Pro Freedom & Jesus Healthcare For America -- But Only The Good Ones And Definitely Not Filthy Brown People Act" -- then maybe we all could have some affordable universal health coverage instead of leaving the hospital and owing them 20K for a bout of the flu.....
GOP elected officials and their base voters being hypocritical pieces of shit is par for the course.....we get it....
They acted like politicians do. It's tre amusing when people are so excited that they discover it.
They acted like politicians do. It's tre amusing when people are so excited that they discover it.

Why would someone take credit for something from a bill that is evil and is destroying America??

How is there anything in it of any value to "Real Americans" for a God-fearing Christian conservative patriot to lie and take credit for??

Unless of course....he (as are many of you) is full of shit
Why would someone take credit for something from a bill that is evil and is destroying America??

How is there anything in it of any value to "Real Americans" for a God-fearing Christian conservative patriot to lie and take credit for??

Unless of course....he (as are many of you) is full of shit
Did you forget that you're talking about politicians? These are the people who, like Harry Reid, change the rules to benefit themselves then scream bloody murder when the new rules are used against them. It's the nature of the political beast to take credit for anything that looks like it might actually work and blame the other guy for stuff that doesn't. It simply doesn't matter if they voted for it or not because they're counting on the voters to not have the patience or care enough to find out if they did.
Did you forget that you're talking about politicians? These are the people who, like Harry Reid, change the rules to benefit themselves then scream bloody murder when the new rules are used against them. It's the nature of the political beast to take credit for anything that looks like it might actually work and blame the other guy for stuff that doesn't. It simply doesn't matter if they voted for it or not because they're counting on the voters to not have the patience or care enough to find out if they did.

The same folks you cheerlead for and defend on a daily basis........just because they have a R by their name and they hate the same kind of minorities you hate....

But when it comes to policies...we sure see a lot of those R-politicians taking credit for policies they claim to be against.....

It's almost like despite all of the hyperbolic bullshit they spout -- those policies remain so popular, they lie and take credit for it.....

The same folks you cheerlead for and defend on a daily basis........just because they have a R by their name and they hate the same kind of minorities you hate....

But when it comes to policies...we sure see a lot of those R-politicians taking credit for policies they claim to be against.....

It's almost like despite all of the hyperbolic bullshit they spout -- those policies remain so popular, they lie and take credit for it.....
Now I remember where I saw you. You were buying that mind reading helmet in the Spy vs Spy store the other day. You do know that doesn't really work, right? Tell you what, I'll give you a chance to tell me which minorities I hate. Here's a sample list, so pay attention, they might be in here, they might not.

Left-handed Hottentots.
Peripatetic Perspiring Pensioners
Kids on my lawn
Crab Grass
Now I remember where I saw you. You were buying that mind reading helmet in the Spy vs Spy store the other day. You do know that doesn't really work, right? Tell you what, I'll give you a chance to tell me which minorities I hate. Here's a sample list, so pay attention, they might be in here, they might not.

Left-handed Hottentots.
Peripatetic Perspiring Pensioners
Kids on my lawn
Crab Grass
Don't think I haven't noticed the fact that you haven't refuted a single thing I said...

Did you morons cheer on politicians when they told you this infrastructure bill was communist and was destroying America?? Yes

Did you morons call Republicans who voted for that bill traitors, Deep State RINOS and other goofy shit? Yes...

Now when these "politicians" take credit for policies they voted against....your dumb ass excuse is basically "both sides do it"

You are a clown
Don't think I haven't noticed the fact that you haven't refuted a single thing I said...

Did you morons cheer on politicians when they told you this infrastructure bill was communist and was destroying America?? Yes

Did you morons call Republicans who voted for that bill traitors, Deep State RINOS and other goofy shit? Yes...

Now when these "politicians" take credit for policies they voted against....your dumb ass excuse is basically "both sides do it"

You are a clown
You're committing a debate fallacy by including me in groups that I am not in.

I would welcome you to find quotes of mine where I "cheer on politicians when they told you this infrastructure bill was communist and was destroying America" but I know I didn't. You said "Yes", which indicates your helmet isn't working.

I would welcome you to find quotes of mine where I "call Republicans who voted for that bill traitors, Deep State RINOS and other goofy shit", but I know I didn't. You said "Yes", which indicates your helmet isn't working.

So, there is no reason for me to NOT say ALL politicians attempt to take credit for things they think are popular and blame somebody else for things that are not. You really need to be a bit more careful when you accuse me of stuff, because it's obvious your helmet isn't working.

"After Democrats passed their COVID-19 relief legislation earlier this year, Republicans took credit for provisions in the popular bill even though they voted against it. Now, Republican lawmakers are starting to do so again with the infrastructure bill President Joe Biden signed into law this week.

In a press release issued by his office on Monday, Alabama Rep. Gary Palmer touted funding in the bill aimed at connecting communities in the Appalachian region to national interstate highways -- something that will benefit his district. An accompanying tweet issued by the congressman also touted funding for the project, though it left out the fact that he voted against it."

View attachment 565198

My favorite part of the tweet is that he claimed this infrastructure project has long been a priority of his -- even tho he voted against it and demonized the infrastructure bill as evil, blah blah -- the usual hyperbolic goofy shit.... However, it is a smart move on his part to take credit for something he played no part in -- because his base voters either won't know they are being lied to or more accurately, don't care they are being lied long as they think being a lying hypocrite and taking credit for something they actively worked to block; is somehow owning the libs...

Reminds me of the years and years of Republicans demonizing the Affordable Care Act and naming it Obamacare because black man scary; and claiming it was the worst thing to happen since slavery....only to turn around in 2018 and campaign on protecting Obamacare because of how shitty their own healthcare plan turned out to be.......

Maybe Republicans should just adopt Medicare For All and name it "The Anti-CRT Pro Freedom & Jesus Healthcare For America -- But Only The Good Ones And Definitely Not Filthy Brown People Act" -- then maybe we all could have some affordable universal health coverage instead of leaving the hospital and owing them 20K for a bout of the flu.....
Just big huge brass balls, there. I mean, seriously... you gotta admire the level of "Fuck it" this man has achieved. He is just play-acting, at this point. NO fucks given.

What is concerning is what this means he thinks about his base. Sure, there is a nugget of truth there. But this stuff can simmer or it can boil. This guy obviously takes his base for ignorant, angry people who will defend (much more important than if they actually believe or support it) the words coming out of his mouth. And so he turns them into exactly what he takes them for, in a way. All the while, they are oblivious of what the man they vote for thinks of them: That they are too ignorant or stupid or rabid to care. That they are bigots, and xenophobes, and uninformed, and anti-intellectual.

This is what these guys think of their base. Their base lost it, when Hillary called them "deplorables". Then they follow around people who take them for racist, ignorant, angry, incurious morons.
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Just big huge brass balls, there. I mean, seriously... you gotta admire the level of "Fuck it" this man has achieved. He is just play-acting, at this point. NO fucks given.

What is concerning is what this means he thinks about his base. Sure, there is a nugget of truth there. But this stuff can simmer or it can boil. This guy obviously takes his base for ignorant, angry people who will defend (much more important than if they actually believe or support it) the words coming out of his mouth. And so he turns them into exactly what he takes them for, in a way. All the while, they are oblivious of what the man they vote for thinks of them: That they are too ignorant or stupid or rabid to care. That they are bigots, and xenophobes, and uninformed, and anti-intellectual.

This is what these guys think of their base. Their base lost it, when Hillary called them "deplorables". Then they follow around people who take them for racist, ignorant, angry, incurious morons.
And that fact is the main motivating factor for most evidenced on this very board daily....

They will defend essentially anything if they believe it does 1 of 2 things......Own the libs......or claim that both sides do it....

As long as they can do one of those 2 things, that will literally say or defend anything

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