'GOP Casts Sanders As 2020 Boogeyman' .... For Democrats As Well As America


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The article opines that Sanders winning the Democratic Party 2020 Presidential nomination is a 'poison pill' for the Democratic Party:

'GOP lawmakers and strategists believe Sanders, who identifies as a democratic socialist, is not only beatable in November but could have a disastrous down-ballot impact for Democrats in key congressional races. “I would think that in a lot of those swing states it’s a very complicated factor to have him at the top of the ticket if you’re a down-ballot Democrat running for House or Senate.'

The predictions that a Sanders nomination would be a headache for Democrats comes as he holds a lead in the hunt for delegates while moderates remain torn among several potential alternatives: 1) They can 'steal' the nomination from him again as they did in 2016 and potentially cause a 'civil war' inside the Democratic Party that could possibly destroy the Party OR 2) attempt to distance themselves from him, especially in Trump-supporting districts.

Choosing to thrust the Party into a 'civil war' for the soul of the Party that could destroy the Party isn't desirable. 'Stealing' another nomination from Bernie proves the GOP and WH's Impeachment Counsel - who warned the Democrats were trying to steal 2 elections, 2016 & 2020 - were right and risks destroying the party.

Attempting to distance themselves from Sanders to try to salvage keeping control of the House and perhaps win the Senate is proving to be a Herculean task...and Bernie is making it even MORE difficult every day.

-- Case in point, Sanders' recent praise for Communist Fidel Castro and his oppressive Communist regime has made it IMPOSSIBLE for Democrat Florida Reps.
Donna Shalala and Stephanie Murphy to support and 'ride the coat tails' of the 'Castro Fanboy' (nickname given to Sanders by the NRCC). Hell, just trying to KEEP their seats down in Florida with a Pro-Castro Presidential Nominee / leader of your party might be a problem.


The guy is a self-identified SOCIALIST , many of whose policies / goals more emulate COMMUNISM.

Case in Point: 'MEDICARE FOR ALL'

The Democrats caused a massive problem by passing Obamacare, a socialist agenda-driven, minority-supported law they did not even read before they rammed it down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it. Harry Reid openly declared it was designed to fail, began to fail faster than they expected, and was mean as the 1st step in herding Americans toward socialist Democrat-controlled 'single payer'. Under Obama's plan, though, Americans still had a CHOICE of buying it / complying or not.

Under the 2020 Democrats / Bernie's plan, however, all US Citizens' CHOICE will be eliminated - their plan is to make your right to choose ILLEGAL, make private ownership of a product against the law, to FORCE Americans into compliance and under the FORCED control of the government. Your right to make decisions about your own health care would be stripped away - your life no longer your own.

The sad / scary thing is this is no scary bedtime or campfire story - it's what is at stake in November.

GOP casts Sanders as 2020 boogeyman

GOP should LOOOOVE Sanders until the Dimm convention.

Sanders is the most qualified Dimm candidate in history and his policies are great for America.

Free college, healthcare, and student debt forgiveness.

Only $100 trillion over the first 10 years. That’s fine. Vote Bernie!
GOP should LOOOOVE Sanders until the Dimm convention.

Sanders is the most qualified Dimm candidate in history and his policies are great for America.

Free college, healthcare, and student debt forgiveness.

Only $100 trillion over the first 10 years. That’s fine. Vote Bernie!
what is trump doing to curtail that debt, btw?
GOP should LOOOOVE Sanders until the Dimm convention.

Sanders is the most qualified Dimm candidate in history and his policies are great for America.

Free college, healthcare, and student debt forgiveness.

Only $100 trillion over the first 10 years. That’s fine. Vote Bernie!

Of your three the only one that has a chance in the next 10 years might be student debt forgiveness. I don't see the other's happening in my lifetime.
GOP should LOOOOVE Sanders until the Dimm convention.

Sanders is the most qualified Dimm candidate in history and his policies are great for America.

Free college, healthcare, and student debt forgiveness.

Only $100 trillion over the first 10 years. That’s fine. Vote Bernie!
what is trump doing to curtail that debt, btw?

Come on no one cares what Trump does?
what is trump doing to curtail that debt, btw?
The US House of Representatives is responsible for passing a budget- they control the Budget, spending, the purse strings, the economy.....Look to them 1st.....oh, but they have agonized over the debt / budget......while adding millions for the sole partisan purpose of removing a democratically elected President from office because they are still pissed Trump side-stepped all attempts to keep him from winning, evaded the Obama-initiated coup attempt, and every attempt since then - to include the Democrats' Impeachment gambit failure. They have been a little too pre-occupied to worry about the budget / economy / debt.
Of your three the only one that has a chance in the next 10 years might be student debt forgiveness. I don't see the other's happening in my lifetime.
So the federal govt is simply going to wipe off the books / eliminate a debt? Does that consist of only govt grants/loans/debt, or are they going to tell private lending institutions (and their stockholders) they are just going to eat all that money lost?
They are playing those "Cambridge Analytica" games with Democrats. It's a shame! They didn't learn from the last election. And Trump is championing the Republicans for doing it. Just a shame!
what is trump doing to curtail that debt, btw?
The US House of Representatives is responsible for passing a budget- they control the Budget, spending, the purse strings, the economy.....Look to them 1st.....oh, but they have agonized over the debt / budget......while adding millions for the sole partisan purpose of removing a democratically elected President from office because they are still pissed Trump side-stepped all attempts to keep him from winning, evaded the Obama-initiated coup attempt, and every attempt since then - to include the Democrats' Impeachment gambit failure. They have been a little too pre-occupied to worry about the budget / economy / debt.
yea, cause "The Right" didn't put this on obama. : )
Of your three the only one that has a chance in the next 10 years might be student debt forgiveness. I don't see the other's happening in my lifetime.
So the federal govt is simply going to wipe off the books / eliminate a debt? Does that consist of only govt grants/loans/debt, or are they going to tell private lending institutions (and their stockholders) they are just going to eat all that money lost?

It’s such pie in the sky bullshit and buying votes.
Of your three the only one that has a chance in the next 10 years might be student debt forgiveness. I don't see the other's happening in my lifetime.
So the federal govt is simply going to wipe off the books / eliminate a debt? Does that consist of only govt grants/loans/debt, or are they going to tell private lending institutions (and their stockholders) they are just going to eat all that money lost?

It’s such pie in the sky bullshit and buying votes.

Like trump didn't buy votes when he said when he said he had a great health care plan. Yep, they all do it.
what is trump doing to curtail that debt, btw?
The US House of Representatives is responsible for passing a budget- they control the Budget, spending, the purse strings, the economy.....Look to them 1st.....oh, but they have agonized over the debt / budget......while adding millions for the sole partisan purpose of removing a democratically elected President from office because they are still pissed Trump side-stepped all attempts to keep him from winning, evaded the Obama-initiated coup attempt, and every attempt since then - to include the Democrats' Impeachment gambit failure. They have been a little too pre-occupied to worry about the budget / economy / debt.
yea, cause "The Right" didn't put this on obama. : )

Ok whoever the President is once they sign a budget it's on them.
Like trump didn't buy votes when he said when he said he had a great health care plan. Yep, they all do it.
Trump has delivered on most of his promises, more than any other President. Let's hope Bernie does not get the chance to deliver on his promises, that include stripping all Americans of their personal health care choices - making them criminals for buying / owning their own policies...to submit to the power of the United Socialist States of America.....to bankrupt this nation through massive socialist programs that can not be achieved, to reverse all of the successes achieved so far - make America look more like Castro's Cuba then what it is now.
Of your three the only one that has a chance in the next 10 years might be student debt forgiveness. I don't see the other's happening in my lifetime.
So the federal govt is simply going to wipe off the books / eliminate a debt? Does that consist of only govt grants/loans/debt, or are they going to tell private lending institutions (and their stockholders) they are just going to eat all that money lost?

It’s such pie in the sky bullshit and buying votes.

Like trump didn't buy votes when he said when he said he had a great health care plan. Yep, they all do it.

What did he say was his healthcare plan?
Of your three the only one that has a chance in the next 10 years might be student debt forgiveness. I don't see the other's happening in my lifetime.
So the federal govt is simply going to wipe off the books / eliminate a debt? Does that consist of only govt grants/loans/debt, or are they going to tell private lending institutions (and their stockholders) they are just going to eat all that money lost?

It’s such pie in the sky bullshit and buying votes.

Like trump didn't buy votes when he said when he said he had a great health care plan. Yep, they all do it.

Sorry, but there's a difference between making policy propositions and offering bribes, and the Democrats not only crossed that line, they zoomed across it like the finish line at the Indy 500.
Like trump didn't buy votes when he said when he said he had a great health care plan. Yep, they all do it.
Trump has delivered on most of his promises, more than any other President. Let's hope Bernie does not get the chance to deliver on his promises, that include stripping all Americans of their personal health care choices - making them criminals for buying / owning their own policies...to submit to the power of the United Socialist States of America.....to bankrupt this nation through massive socialist programs that can not be achieved, to reverse all of the successes achieved so far - make America look more like Castro's Cuba then what it is now.
When you got an good old boys network in the Republican Senate that let Trump do whatever he wants - I would expect him to accomplish all those things. Obama had to fight those Whyte Devil's to get anything done. I know you guys didn't forget. Do we have to go to the tape and show how the Republicans in the House and Senate and that ghoul Speaker of the House Mitch McConnell - the Filibuster King - blocked everything Obama tried to do.

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