GOP Anti-Abortion Witness: DC Electricity Comes From Burning Fetuses


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
“The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators," Catherine Glenn Foster told Congress while under oath on Wednesday.

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday concerning abortion access, an expert witness called by Republicans made a head-scratcher of a claim: Washington, D.C., is literally powered by burning fetuses.

“Bodies [are] thrown in medical waste bins, and in places like Washington, D.C., burned to power the lights of the cities’ homes and streets,” Americans United for Life President Catherine Glenn Foster proclaimed.

“Let that image sink in with you for a moment,” she continued. “The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators, think of what we’re doing to ourselves so callously and so numbly.”

Foster, a Georgetown Law graduate who earns more than $190,000 a year as president of the anti-choice group, followed up the claim by accusing people who support women’s right to bodily autonomy of being “devastating to the fabric of American democracy.”

More at the link below...

GOP Anti-Abortion Witness: DC Electricity Comes From Burning Fetuses

So bizarre! I was going to put this thread in satire, but changed my mind - because it really happened. What do you think?
“The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators," Catherine Glenn Foster told Congress while under oath on Wednesday.

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday concerning abortion access, an expert witness called by Republicans made a head-scratcher of a claim: Washington, D.C., is literally powered by burning fetuses.

“Bodies [are] thrown in medical waste bins, and in places like Washington, D.C., burned to power the lights of the cities’ homes and streets,” Americans United for Life President Catherine Glenn Foster proclaimed.

“Let that image sink in with you for a moment,” she continued. “The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators, think of what we’re doing to ourselves so callously and so numbly.”

Foster, a Georgetown Law graduate who earns more than $190,000 a year as president of the anti-choice group, followed up the claim by accusing people who support women’s right to bodily autonomy of being “devastating to the fabric of American democracy.”

More at the link below...

GOP Anti-Abortion Witness: DC Electricity Comes From Burning Fetuses

So bizarre! I was going to put this thread in satire, but changed my mind - because it really happened. What do you think?

I think you wackos only support selective body autonomy.....killing babies is fine, not getting jabbed is a capital offense.
“The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators," Catherine Glenn Foster told Congress while under oath on Wednesday.
At a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday concerning abortion access, an expert witness called by Republicans made a head-scratcher of a claim: Washington, D.C., is literally powered by burning fetuses.

“Bodies [are] thrown in medical waste bins, and in places like Washington, D.C., burned to power the lights of the cities’ homes and streets,” Americans United for Life President Catherine Glenn Foster proclaimed.

“Let that image sink in with you for a moment,” she continued. “The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators, think of what we’re doing to ourselves so callously and so numbly.”

Foster, a Georgetown Law graduate who earns more than $190,000 a year as president of the anti-choice group, followed up the claim by accusing people who support women’s right to bodily autonomy of being “devastating to the fabric of American democracy.”

More at the link below...

GOP Anti-Abortion Witness: DC Electricity Comes From Burning Fetuses

So bizarre! I was going to put this thread in satire, but changed my mind - because it really happened. What do you think?

I guess you haven't heard of Curtis Bay Energy, who not only picks up "medical waste" (dead babies) from DC abortion mills but also, until recently, bragged about turning this medical waste into clean, green energy on their website.
Her claim is true, the denials are the disinformation. They burn murdered babies for energy.
This liveaction link is very graphic with pictures so be warned.
Denying this was happening is a total lie.

The company is called Curtis Bay Energy, and it operates a unique waste-to-energy technology that utilizes medical waste for energy creation.

As Live Action News previously reported, pro-life activists from Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) were involved in the discovery of the children’s bodies. It has now been confirmed that the apartment from which the bodies were recovered is that of Lauren Handy, director of activism for PAAU. The group contends that they obtained the box containing the babies’ remains from a Curtis Bay Energy driver who had been sent to the abortion facility to pick up medical waste.

It was known in 2014 that aborted fetuses were being burned for power.

Oh oh ohhhh YOU thought that Republicans made it up. How crazy of them. You never once suspected this was true.
“The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators," Catherine Glenn Foster told Congress while under oath on Wednesday.

I guess you haven't heard of Curtis Bay Energy, who not only picks up "medical waste" (dead babies) from DC abortion mills but also, until recently, bragged about turning this medical waste into clean, green energy on their website.
Her claim is true, the denials are the disinformation. They burn murdered babies for energy.

Reminds me of the Nazis.
“The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators," Catherine Glenn Foster told Congress while under oath on Wednesday.

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday concerning abortion access, an expert witness called by Republicans made a head-scratcher of a claim: Washington, D.C., is literally powered by burning fetuses.

“Bodies [are] thrown in medical waste bins, and in places like Washington, D.C., burned to power the lights of the cities’ homes and streets,” Americans United for Life President Catherine Glenn Foster proclaimed.

“Let that image sink in with you for a moment,” she continued. “The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators, think of what we’re doing to ourselves so callously and so numbly.”

Foster, a Georgetown Law graduate who earns more than $190,000 a year as president of the anti-choice group, followed up the claim by accusing people who support women’s right to bodily autonomy of being “devastating to the fabric of American democracy.”

More at the link below...

GOP Anti-Abortion Witness: DC Electricity Comes From Burning Fetuses

So bizarre! I was going to put this thread in satire, but changed my mind - because it really happened. What do you think?

They have a contract with Planned Parenthood.
Republicans wail about the unborn but do they really give a hoot about a human life? They use the unborn because it's no cost to them and they can pretend they're much more humane than democrats. Reality is different though. One link below on how Democrat run states have far better health than these cheap ass republican states.
Sorry bout that,

1. Be upright human.
2. At least take care of the children that would be born of your actions.
3. No sex before marriage, and no divorce.
4. Be responsible humans, not a feral human.
5. You deserve as much, and so does your potential offspring.

I think you wackos only support selective body autonomy.....killing babies is fine, not getting jabbed is a capital offense.
Ah my favorite logical fallacy-an appeal to hypocrisy

If you were able to make an honest argument against abortion, you would stick to the topic of abortion and make your case based on your own reasoning. Rather you are trying to discredit pro choice people on the basis of our stance on another issue.

But if you want to play it that way, let me point out that you antivaxxers are bleating "my body, my choice" but think that the state and the anti choice crowd own women's bodies. And, no one is killing babies, fool!
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