Google and Facebook secrets revealed

"This shit just got serious"
UKjamiezZ 3 days ago 2

Comment on YouTube page. ;)

(not very thoughtful, sorry)

I do agree with his 'sort by' checklist.
I cant believe i watched that whole thing! Long video... but well worth it.
I cant believe i watched that whole thing! Long video... but well worth it.

Short attention span? ;)
It was a lot of information in a short period of time.
I will watch it again.
I cant believe i watched that whole thing! Long video... but well worth it.

Short attention span? ;)
It was a lot of information in a short period of time.
I will watch it again.

No... not fast enough! All of that info could have been presented in about half the time.

You're probably right.
I've had my wrapped around number crunching, ordinances and resolutions today.
My brain is tired!! :eusa_shhh:
Great video QW thanks for posting that!
I agreed with his point that the internet was supposed to give us a huge variety but thanks to algorythms we're losing that. Sorta' like we're going back to the days of only 3 broadcast networks, ABC, CBS and NBC.

I have a FaceBook and just for fun I went back to see what my "sponsored links" are that FaceBook thinks i'd like:
Yes We Cain! (I'm a Ron Paul supporter)
Aviation History and More! (I'm an aviation nut!) and Rent to Yoga Enthusiasts (Only because my cousin "liked" that)
A whole bunch of Long Beach, California ads (I have relatives there)
Master of Divinity On Line
But then:
Join the Insurrection (A Christian Protest site even though I'm baptised and have no problem with the Church) Hmmm.
Spartan Race (I guess cause I've been to CrossFit sites)
Takes the Flouride Out (I've googled the subject a bunch!)

So it's fairly accurate but as you can see, FaceBook seems to have a problem with religion (I think)

One think I'm thinking of doing to throw a wrench into FaceBook and Google algorythms is this: I'm gonna' post a folder of photos showing famous people and complete strangers then I will "tag" them as myself. Apparently FaceBook uses the photos you tagged in their advertising algorythms. Maybe that'll work cause I don't wanna' get rid of my FaceBook, at least not yet.
Great video QW thanks for posting that!
I agreed with his point that the internet was supposed to give us a huge variety but thanks to algorythms we're losing that. Sorta' like we're going back to the days of only 3 broadcast networks, ABC, CBS and NBC.

I have a FaceBook and just for fun I went back to see what my "sponsored links" are that FaceBook thinks i'd like:
Yes We Cain! (I'm a Ron Paul supporter)
Aviation History and More! (I'm an aviation nut!) and Rent to Yoga Enthusiasts (Only because my cousin "liked" that)
A whole bunch of Long Beach, California ads (I have relatives there)
Master of Divinity On Line
But then:
Join the Insurrection (A Christian Protest site even though I'm baptised and have no problem with the Church) Hmmm.
Spartan Race (I guess cause I've been to CrossFit sites)
Takes the Flouride Out (I've googled the subject a bunch!)

So it's fairly accurate but as you can see, FaceBook seems to have a problem with religion (I think)

One think I'm thinking of doing to throw a wrench into FaceBook and Google algorythms is this: I'm gonna' post a folder of photos showing famous people and complete strangers then I will "tag" them as myself. Apparently FaceBook uses the photos you tagged in their advertising algorythms. Maybe that'll work cause I don't wanna' get rid of my FaceBook, at least not yet.

There are alternatives to getting rid of Facebook. I use ShareMeNot in Firefox to keep Facebook from tracking me across sites. That works so well that when I actually use Facebook to enter a contests. I also never search or surf from Facebook.

You really should check out Google+ though. I predict that it will actually be the network of the future, and it is actually forcing Facebook to play catch up. Most people already do their searching and email from Google, using Goggle+ actually makes it easier. That is coming from a guy who never used social media before.

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