Goodbye Cuomo!

you named 1.

you bitched at Trump the rest of the time.

don't turn it on me, I didn't make the asinine statement. you did.

and you can't back it up so you simply prove. you flap your lips with whatever virtue signals you need at the moment and attack anyone who asks you to prove it.

progressive playbook.
What a loser, you are. You cannot even name 1? You side has turned to the Dark Side.
MSNBC carried it live *smh*
They are an actual cable news show, not a propaganda outlet. Although CNN MSNBC are pure talking heads, no reporters no foreign offices no news around the world, just inside the beltway argument. Gives GOP propaganda more respect than it deserves. Just for the controversy. Rupert Murdock is now officially the worst thing to happen to American politics. So much misinformation... A disgrace.
“Gropes” his own daughter? Where do you get this shit?
Google "trump gropes Ivanka".
What a loser, you are. You cannot even name 1? You side has turned to the Dark Side.
I didn't make the stupid statement.

that was you.

and you did what I said you'd do, attack me for your failure and try to put this on me.

all because you got called out and couldn't back up what YOU said.

I got no more use for you
Difference is at least Trump loves America, unlike commie demscum.

If he loves America, why did he orchestrate and support the riots at the capitol attempting to destroy democracy? Is that how we should love America?
Why wouldn't all democrats love the country they fought and died for?
Why is loving the country exclusively for repigs? Ay?
You haven't a functioning neuron between your ears. Just plain hate for dems. Have another go you sap.
Well, we know both 'Progressives' and Republicans can't afford to let a popular moderate like Hothul win , so we can expect another loony nutjob as a replacement. Western New York should force NYC out of the state, and let it become a 'free city', like D.C.
Free city. dirty unkempt, garbage strewn, parks taken over by homeless, crazies and radicals, decent people cannot walk down the street without being harassed or attacked, corrupt police force, over taxed, hypocrite corrupt mayors, business dying, corrupt politicians barricading themselves inside. A fire should take it.
I didn't make the stupid statement.

that was you.

and you did what I said you'd do, attack me for your failure and try to put this on me.

all because you got called out and couldn't back up what YOU said.

I got no more use for you
Bye. I gave examples, you couldn't. Typical cultist loser. I guess you will just go away now. I will not miss your trolling.
Bye. I gave examples, you couldn't. Typical cultist loser. I guess you will just go away now. I will not miss your trolling.
you gave one. the rest was trump bashing that i didn't "bait up" for.

i never said i'd ever give examples nor that the other side was any better at it. please provide a quote from me where i made such a statement. we know i can do that for you. since you can't back up what you say, you attack anyone who tries to force you to.

very...child like.

say something stupid and without facts, i'll be back.

see you on your next post, i suppose.
you gave one. the rest was trump bashing that i didn't "bait up" for.

i never said i'd ever give examples nor that the other side was any better at it. please provide a quote from me where i made such a statement. we know i can do that for you. since you can't back up what you say, you attack anyone who tries to force you to.

very...child like.

say something stupid and without facts, i'll be back.

see you on your next post, i suppose.
I don't see you heavy on facts, Bubba. At least I gave some, even if you say I only gave one, it is more than you came up with.
You will be back, as trolling is what you do.
I don't see you heavy on facts, Bubba. At least I gave some, even if you say I only gave one, it is more than you came up with.
You will be back, as trolling is what you do.
facts? you keep pretending i asked this or made some statement i suddenly now need to back up OF WHICH i never did.

i troll trolls. get used to it.
excerpts from the above article:

"My initial reaction was shock, relief, and frustration. Shock, because I never thought it would happen. Relief because of what it means for New Yorkers across the state. And frustration because of how it allows him to escape real accountability through the impeachment process.

The reason it happened now is because Cuomo saw no political path forward. And he saw no path forward in which he could continue to write his own narrative.

His greatest public success happened alongside his greatest failure. While thousands of New Yorkers were dying, he was at his most popular, when any other executive would be at their lowest moment. That is because of his ability to create, control, and disseminate artificial narratives, which benefited him and him alone. He repurposed what was a statewide tragedy into an individual triumph.

But the longer this scandal went on, the longer others would start to write the narrative about it. And even in his resignation announcement, he was trying to write the final chapter of his story from his perspective: That he was doing this for our benefit. Not because it was right — in fact, it was wrong. But it would be selfish of him to show that it was wrong. And therefore, the true thing to do as the man of the people would be to step aside, even though he had done nothing wrong.

Cuomo ruled with an iron fist and with a culture of harassment that was not limited to those who were in his office. The stories of colleagues, of journalists, of state officials at different levels, who are subjected to this kind of harassment — those stories will only continue to come out. We have not seen the end of them

The real Andrew Cuomo legacy is a legacy of injustice, and of austerity, and of being able to evade accountability for almost the entirety of his time in office. This man was built from an individual into an institution, by many other people beyond himself. The only way to ensure that we never find ourselves in a situation like this again, is to ensure that accountability and responsibility is put at the feet of more than just Andrew Cuomo.

We cannot tell ourselves that this is just the story of an individual who will never come back again. Whether or not Andrew Cuomo runs again, the environment that allowed him to succeed continues to exist, and it’s up to us to tear that environment apart and create a new one."
Don't let the door hit you on your way out! :yes_text12:

Ahhhhh, how cute. You were just loving on Cuomo for months. Calling him the greatest, and declaring yourself a cuomosexual.....and now the he is finally being exposed as the dirt bag WE all knew he was, you then try and make it sound like you were as smart as us.

Too late. We all know what feckless retards you all are.
And the trump cultists would have all been on board.....ESPECIALLY the so-called christian fundies.
You are mistaken, madam. Republicans are against elder abuse. Cuomo's arrogant decision to humiliate the Republicans by refusing to use that medical ship in the New York harbor provided by President Trump, and Cuomo's subsequent placement of Covid carriers into New York nursing homes broke a lot of hearts of the New Yorkers whose elderly parents caught this terrible contagious disease and died. The only reason Cuomo didn't get the death penalty for forcing murder on people who paid a fortune to protect their elderly from harm that living alone could cause.

The Democrats protect their incompetent generals unless they become liabilities. The socialist media played along with the Pelosi mob. I'm sick of the criminal left and their push to destroy the Constitution in order to bring the hell of communism upon us with big time cheating of the national to insert a mentally incompetent man into the presidency who brings his theft of taxes experience to make every last one of their criminally inclined public servants in name only filthy rich off all that money in the treasury.
Ahhhhh, how cute. You were just loving on Cuomo for months. Calling him the greatest, and declaring yourself a cuomosexual.....and now the he is finally being exposed as the dirt bag WE all knew he was, you then try and make it sound like you were as smart as us.

Too late. We all know what feckless retards you all are.
DId you ever provide evidence of me "loving on Cuomo for months"? No? So you're just another cult liar.

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