Goodbye Bernie Sanders

Why? Sanders vs. Clinton is nothing compared to Trump vs. Bush or Cruz or Rubio. Plus, it was a wingut on your side who quotes Sanders as though he is the exact opposite of Clinton yet ignores the fact that the last thing Sanders wants to see is a Trump presidency.

You're just looking for agreement and desperate hope among wingnuts that Trump has a chance to win.
I'm not really desperate for anything, and regardless of scale, Sanders slamming Clinton is entertaining all the same.
It's time to drop out you socialist piece of shit. :bye1:

Note to his supporters:

If you want a socialist president, go live in a socialist country....because it isn't ever going to happen here.:wink:

There's a lot of socialism here. Social Security, Medicare, public schools. Countries that don't have these socialist programs are all third world backwaters.

Your ignorance of Socialism is not surprising. NONE of the programs you list are examples of Socialism.

See Greece, Venezuela, and several other countries.
Note to his supporters:
If you want a socialist president, go live in a socialist country....because it isn't ever going to happen here.
Depends on the variant of "socialism".
If the 1% continue to ignore the frustrations of the less fortunate, then more gov/worker control may be voted for. Bernie represents that frustration.

I understand he favors the Nordic model of social democracy, which refers to the economic and social policies common to Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden. This includes a combination of free market capitalism with a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level.

If the rich don't wise up, we may see political changes they may not like, regardless of the rich man lobby, or marketing a la Trump.
It's time to drop out you socialist piece of shit. :bye1:

Note to his supporters:

If you want a socialist president, go live in a socialist country....because it isn't ever going to happen here.:wink:

There's a lot of socialism here. Social Security, Medicare, public schools. Countries that don't have these socialist programs are all third world backwaters.


I was talking to you in the original post.:rolleyes-41:

Seriously, get the hell out.:bye1:
Sander's knows a LOT more about what the FBI is about to drop on Hillary than we do.
The FBI is 'leaking' certain things to the Sander's campaign which they are NOT sharing with the Clinton campaign.
Understand that the FBI going back decades have watched the Clintons commit numerous serious crimes and have managed to slither away from being charged and literally sent to prison.
Not this time.
Sander's is staying in the race because he believes when the FBI recommends a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary her political future is over.
The obvious fact that the DNC will never allow Sander's to run against Trump is a matter for a separate thread.
Why? Sanders vs. Clinton is nothing compared to Trump vs. Bush or Cruz or Rubio. Plus, it was a wingut on your side who quotes Sanders as though he is the exact opposite of Clinton yet ignores the fact that the last thing Sanders wants to see is a Trump presidency.

You're just looking for agreement and desperate hope among wingnuts that Trump has a chance to win.
I'm not really desperate for anything, and regardless of scale, Sanders slamming Clinton is entertaining all the same.

If he could only land a blow In the meantime, primaries are over.
It's time to drop out you socialist piece of shit. :bye1:

Note to his supporters:

If you want a socialist president, go live in a socialist country....because it isn't ever going to happen here.:wink:
Nope stay in! The longer the better! Keep splitting the democrat party and when he gets shoved aside at the convention its going to ROYALLY piss off his supporters I can't wait.
It's time to drop out you socialist piece of shit. :bye1:

Note to his supporters:

If you want a socialist president, go live in a socialist country....because it isn't ever going to happen here.:wink:
Nope stay in! The longer the better! Keep splitting the democrat party and when he gets shoved aside at the convention its going to ROYALLY piss off his supporters I can't wait.

You can't wait? More like you desperately need. Anyway, Sanders laying off staff in addition to only going after Trump last night is the writing on the wall.
Socialist Bernie Sanders isn't going anyplace. He'll be contesting the convention. He already has FIVE representatives on the all-important committee that determines the Democrat Platform. This is his chance to turn the Democrat Party into the Socialist Party. He'll do all he can to push that agenda. His followers are looking forward to turning the Democrat Convention upside down. They will.

All that is needed is for the rising generation to become voting age who have all become programmed by the media and public education to vote a proud socialist in verses a closet socialist like Hillary.

Then we can all start eating out of garbage cans like they do in Venezuela.
It's time to drop out you socialist piece of shit. :bye1:

Note to his supporters:

If you want a socialist president, go live in a socialist country....because it isn't ever going to happen here.:wink:

There's a lot of socialism here. Social Security, Medicare, public schools. Countries that don't have these socialist programs are all third world backwaters.

Your ignorance of Socialism is not surprising. NONE of the programs you list are examples of Socialism.

See Greece, Venezuela, and several other countries.

No programs were listed.

However, the countries you listed as examples make the case against it well enough.

Thank you.:)
Bernie likked the Hill-Beasts shoes all the way through the primaries when it came to her server and the Klinton Global Racketeering Fund. He deserves everything he did not get, along with his dumb-downed millenial supporters.
Go ahead and just mention getting rid of social security...political suicide. As it should be. One of the best things we ever did in this country.
Go ahead and just mention getting rid of social security...political suicide. As it should be. One of the best things we ever did in this country.

Sure. Government creating a program that forces individuals to save for retirement, thus implying they are too stupid to do so on their own... That is one of THE BEST things we ever did in this country.
Go ahead and just mention getting rid of social security...political suicide. As it should be. One of the best things we ever did in this country.

Personally, I'm retired and could live w/o S.S.. (it just provides me beer money, anyways). But I think of my fellow American brethren who have worked as hard as I have, even tho' not smarter; and depend on it as their main income source.

The only way I'd agree to getting rid of S.S., would be to simultaneously getting rid of Medicare, Medicaid, and EBT (food stamps). If done, than let the unraveling of the U.S.S.A begin! (The third S truly stand for socialism.....).

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