Goodbye Beef - US Cattle Inventory Reaches 73 Year Low

How exactly are Biden policies affecting beef production ?
no, but Trump will have a better energy policy which will help the price of beef
What makes you think so? They weren't pumping as much during any single time in his entire administration. And, when everybody else in the country went back to full production, big oil sat it out, leaving Donny dangling in the wind, waiting for Biden to come in to office before producing anywhere near what they turned off the spickets in February of 2020. Big oil, didn't do jackshit for Donny, they weren't doing for themselves and their shareholders. They just figured out, that competing to produce more at higher costs at lower profits, did not make the same financial sense for their companies as producing less for higher profits, which they recieved after Donny was gone (left swinging in the wind), and are still receiving, producing more, as the other world suppliers produce less to keep the market price high. I assure you Saudi and OPEC will do what is best to keep world supply limited, as the price point is good for Saudi and OPEC. It ain't the politics. It's the business model. Crack a book, sometime.
You and your bed wetter bullshit! When you are meatless, I will still be putting a steer in the deep freeze, grilling steaks and burgers from relatives on farms, as my parents and grandparents did before me. Perhaps you've heard, "A country boy, can survive".
Enjoy your future diet, Soyboy. I am not from the city, so my options will never close.
You really do have a problem with reality and logic don't you?

Did I say I was worried about getting beef in the future?

No, in fact I remain optimistic that bed wetters LIKE YOU will fail, because the actual soy boys who identify WITH YOU, are incompetent beta males people either ignore, or order steak extra rare in front of just too spite. I'm more likely to get sick of eating beef before moonbats cause me to eat less of it. If I have to raise them on my land I will but so will everyone else in the county.

Good God you're such a jabbering fuckin retard.

Maybe if you weren't so desperate to land a good retort you might not look as stupid.

You really do have a problem with reality and logic don't you?

Did I say I was worried about getting beef in the future?

No, in fact I remain optimistic that bed wetters LIKE YOU will fail, because the actual soy boys who identify WITH YOU, are incompetent beta males people either ignore, or order steak extra rare in front of just too spite. I'm more likely to get sick of eating beef before moonbats cause me to eat less of it. If I have to raise them on my land I will but so will everyone else in the county.

Good God you're such a jabbering fuckin retard.

Maybe if you weren't so desperate to land a good retort you might not look as stupid.

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Yeah. And…?
The meat industry can't survive. It's not viable on account of the hamburgers industries not enough to pay the bills to keep cattle on valuable land.

What the average person seems to be blissfully unaware of is that cattle ranching takes up HUGE amounts of land and water.

Plus the animal industries put out massive amounts of waste (literal sh*t) that pollute waterways and create all sorts of other problems.

That is not a left or right wing thing. To me that has nothing to do with politics, it's just the reality.

And a very unpopular thing to say, since roughly 75% of the world eats meat, and I'm sure that percentage is much higher in the US.
GET REAL. Donnie can't save the cattle business just like he couldn't close the border or 15 other things he actually did? :21:
Which things are those? He never closed the border. Millions got through
For some reason your masters want the vegan diet to be trendy, but paleo won out. I didn't watch the vid, but your fellow bed wetters are hostile to meat in general and think only their masters should be able to eat it and it should all be wagyu I guess. We should be happy with bugs.

As with all bed wetter endeavors it will be a failure, but instead of a disaster we may see the demand for beef explode so much that everyone with little more than an acre will be trying to raise a calf for the price per pound, creating a glut in the market and plummeting prices as better, smaller operations refine beef production. As long as you parasites are thwarted in your asinine objectives things might work out for the rest of us.
Talk about bedwetting^^^

Did you know that the weather has been havoc on farming? Did you know that 25% of US citizens are eating less meat, and why? Heart disease and health is the major reason.
I love how misguided people (on both sides, I might add) equate eating meat to manliness, and refer to those who don't partake as 'soy boys.'

That is wrong on so many levels, it's almost comical to me. But very sad. But hey, we live in an upside-down world, so....not at all surprising.

As production of cattle has plummeted to its lowest levels in decades, a rancher is warning that Americans are "going to pay the price" for the beef supply hitting a crisis point.

"This is a bad situation for America's cattle farmers and America because we're producing 1 billion pounds less beef than we were in this country, just a year ago," John Boyd, Jr. – president of the National Black Farmers Association – said during a Thursday interview on "Fox & Friends First."

Boyd has been farming and producing beef for 41 years, and he stressed, "I'm telling you, this is a time when we should be investing in America's cattle, and we're not doing it."

"We're not investing in America's beef and cattle farmers, and Biden policies are hurting America's cattlemen, such as myself," he continued. "They should be invested in America's cattle farmers and making sure that we have the tools needed to stay on the farm."

What don't people understand? The Climate cult long ago said they will have you riding your skate boards instead of cars and eating bugs instead of meat

Did you think they were joking?
Just read this a little while ago:

Speaking of the "eating meat is manly" nonsense......This clip is from a must-see documentary, The Game Changers. Even a few avid meat-eaters I know said it was very good, and eye-opening. Watch til the end. :heehee:

If you haven't caught on yet, Dems and the left envision a world where humans go extinct it's their ultimate goal. First though they have to starve to death a few billion people.
What the average person seems to be blissfully unaware of is that cattle ranching takes up HUGE amounts of land and water.

Plus the animal industries put out massive amounts of waste (literal sh*t) that pollute waterways and create all sorts of other problems.

That is not a left or right wing thing. To me that has nothing to do with politics, it's just the reality.

And a very unpopular thing to say, since roughly 75% of the world eats meat, and I'm sure that percentage is much higher in the US.
So all that ranch space where the buffalo no longer roam, would not have a shit ton of animals on it otherwise? Even if there were no people, there would be lots of animals shitting all over.

What is it with people who seem to believe that things wouldn't be like they are, or things would be better if it wasn't for human whatever?

If it's that bad throw yourself back in the Planned Unparenthood dumpster.
You and your bed wetter bullshit! When you are meatless, I will still be putting a steer in the deep freeze, grilling steaks and burgers from relatives on farms, as my parents and grandparents did before me. Perhaps you've heard, "A country boy, can survive".
Enjoy your future diet, Soyboy. I am not from the city, so my options will never close.

Good grief
WEF/Democrats are getting ready for private livestock ownership bans.

So it will spread to farming bans.

Democrats = WEF
"I'm telling you, this is a time when we should be investing in America's cattle, and we're not doing it."
so get a cow
Farmers all over the world are being put out of business by government.
yup , which is why we all hate big bro
Become a farmer,
It's not that hard
I assure, if Donnie gets back in power, the angels won't sing and little business birds and cherubs won't fly out his ass and sooth your ills.
You know, the problem Biden is trying to address by getting climate addressed.
how's that workin' out Joe?
"A country boy, can survive".
I say we promote you to W7 for that !
Plus the animal industries put out massive amounts of waste (literal sh*t) that pollute waterways and create all sorts of other problems.
Flure de farm is what the dipsh*t tourists love buttercup , and i've no compunction of doing my best Forest Gump for them....
Speaking of the "eating meat is manly" nonsense....
Excuse me while i gnaw on my steak, and am poor company then.....~S~
You really do have a problem with reality and logic don't you?

Did I say I was worried about getting beef in the future?

No, in fact I remain optimistic that bed wetters LIKE YOU will fail, because the actual soy boys who identify WITH YOU, are incompetent beta males people either ignore, or order steak extra rare in front of just too spite. I'm more likely to get sick of eating beef before moonbats cause me to eat less of it. If I have to raise them on my land I will but so will everyone else in the county.

Good God you're such a jabbering fuckin retard.

Maybe if you weren't so desperate to land a good retort you might not look as stupid.

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No. Idiot, my beef supply is assured, as not dependent on the market as most people know it. Also, not responsible for your markets. Good luck to you and yours, alarmist toad.
GET REAL. Donnie can't save the cattle business just like he couldn't close the border or 15 other things he actually did? :21:
Exactly like the borders were not close, and the 15 other thing he didn't do. It don't work like that. It is not a command economy. Sorry, you will have to go to a communist country for government ordered fulfillment. Good luck. Have a safe trip.

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