Good thing these 2 women didn't have a gun...except the getting beaten with a bat part.... more Americans bought, own and carry guns...normal Americans that is....our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate, our violent crime rate went down... Canada...they have strict gun control....the kind that our gun nuts here only dream about...and their gun violence rate and their violent crime rate is going up...


Look them up...spikes in crime...spikes in gun crime. more Americans bought, own and carry guns...normal Americans that is....our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate, our violent crime rate went down... Canada...they have strict gun control....the kind that our gun nuts here only dream about...and their gun violence rate and their violent crime rate is going up...


Look them up...spikes in crime...spikes in gun crime.
You haven't answered my questions. I asked you not to keep spraying me with your pre-recorded fact sheets, but you have. Are you real? You remind me of a robo call.
For a very long time, gun control proponents would insist that having a gun was a mistake,
I've been told this numerous times by LE giving trainings. Cops aren't normally gun control proponents. Wonder why they said that. Wonder why the military bases are virtual gun free zones.
I read your articles and they are examples of guns being used effectively for self-protection. It doesn't actually dilute my argument, either, that massive numbers of people carrying guns also leads to unnecessary shootings. Guns kill people. Who gets killed is the trick to whether we think it's a good thing or a bad thing.
My belief system isn't wrong. Ask Australia. Ask any country with strict gun control about their gun kill rates. It works.

Australia...gun crime going up.

Britain..gun crime going up....

Yes...back in the 90s gun control opponents and up to this day, they still hate guns in private hands.......and they were wrong.....from about the 90s, gun ownership has gone up, to 320,000,000guns in 2013 to 357 million guns in 2014....

Accidental gun deaths went guys were wrong.

gun murder rates went guys were wrong..

The violent crime rate went guys were wrong...

Your entire system of beliefs about normal, law abiding citizens owning and carrying guns is wrong, in the past and today...after decades of people owning and actually carrying guns.

1,500,000 million defensive gun uses each year according to bill clinton.....

in 2014, only 8,124 gun murders.......most of them committed by criminals against other criminals...

Can you tell which number is bigger....

And the other countries you talk about......their criminals have access to Britain, Australia, France...Europe....their criminals just don't commit murder as often..that is the only difference.....gun control doesn't work for what you guys believe it is for...keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.....all it does is ensure normal people can't have guns....criminals...get all they want.
"For a very long time, gun control proponents would insist that having a gun was a mistake,
I've been told this numerous times by LE giving trainings. Cops aren't normally gun control proponents. Wonder why they said that. Wonder why the military bases are virtual gun free zones."
Can you answer my question or not? Don't keep spraying me with your pre-recorded fact sheets. Why do cops encourage us not to carry guns for self protection? Why don't military leaders trust soldiers with guns in their free time? There is a reason, I'm sure.

Gun control doesn't work for what you guys believe it is for...keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.
No, my point is that a lot of people wouldn't BE criminals if they didn't have access to a gun in a moment of anger.

All of trhe cops I know believe people should have guns.......answered that one. more Americans bought, own and carry guns...normal Americans that is....our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate, our violent crime rate went down... Canada...they have strict gun control....the kind that our gun nuts here only dream about...and their gun violence rate and their violent crime rate is going up...


Look them up...spikes in crime...spikes in gun crime.
You haven't answered my questions. I asked you not to keep spraying me with your pre-recorded fact sheets, but you have. Are you real? You remind me of a robo call.

It is sad to think that you are real. You have seen the actual facts and truth about gun ownership in the United States....and despite those still want to keep normal people from defending themselves. more Americans bought, own and carry guns...normal Americans that is....our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate, our violent crime rate went down... Canada...they have strict gun control....the kind that our gun nuts here only dream about...and their gun violence rate and their violent crime rate is going up...


Look them up...spikes in crime...spikes in gun crime.
You haven't answered my questions. I asked you not to keep spraying me with your pre-recorded fact sheets, but you have. Are you real? You remind me of a robo call.

Here is an answer.....This is a cop who doesn't agree with your cop....

Packing heat in Detroit: Motown residents answer police chief's call to arms | Fox News

In a city plagued by chronic unemployment and crime and guarded by a dwindling police force, residents of Detroit are increasingly taking protection of themselves, their families and property into their own hands. Those who do so responsibly have the blessing and backing of Detroit Police Chief James Craig.

“When you look at the city of Detroit, we’re kind of leading the way in terms of urban areas with law-abiding citizens carrying guns,” Craig said recently.

The chief's call to arms, which first came in December, 2013, has been answered by thousands of men and women tired of being victims and eager to reclaim their beleaguered city. In 2014, some new 1,169 handgun permits were issued, while 8,102 guns were registered with Detroit's police department - many to prior permit holders who bought new firearms. So for in 2015, nearly 500 permits have issued by the department and more than 5,000 guns have been registered. more Americans bought, own and carry guns...normal Americans that is....our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate, our violent crime rate went down... Canada...they have strict gun control....the kind that our gun nuts here only dream about...and their gun violence rate and their violent crime rate is going up...


Look them up...spikes in crime...spikes in gun crime.
You haven't answered my questions. I asked you not to keep spraying me with your pre-recorded fact sheets, but you have. Are you real? You remind me of a robo call.

And what has been the result of the police chief of Detroit calling for normal people to start carrying guns...

Detroit Police Chief: Crime Going Down Amid Spike in Legal Gun Ownership

The Detroit police chief has called on the law-abiding people of his community to arm themselves.

Now, James Craig says his city has seen a drop in crime of 12%, as Detroit moves lower on the list of America's deadliest cities.

In 2014, the Detroit police department issued more than 1,100 handgun permits, while more than 8,100 guns were registered in the city.

The number of shootings and robberies dropped from 2013. Home invasions are down 17% so far this year, Craig said, following a drop of 38% last year.

Craig noted that in a survey of 1,800 felons, the respondents pointed to "armed citizens" as the thing they were most afraid of.
In a perfect world, but last summer we had a real mess here where she tried to shoot the ex-boyfriend as he broke in through her bedroom window. She clipped him, but then he took the gun, shot and killed her and her new boyfriend. The bat case is horrible, but when there's a goon like that around, it doesn't usually work well. I don't think, anyway.

The woman in your area failed to take the second step in being a gun owner..... practicing constantly, under every imaginable condition you can think of.... light, dark, one handed, standing, seated, prone, etc.... more Americans bought, own and carry guns...normal Americans that is....our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate, our violent crime rate went down... Canada...they have strict gun control....the kind that our gun nuts here only dream about...and their gun violence rate and their violent crime rate is going up...


Look them up...spikes in crime...spikes in gun crime.
You haven't answered my questions. I asked you not to keep spraying me with your pre-recorded fact sheets, but you have. Are you real? You remind me of a robo call.

Here is one for you....I just posted about a guy, a jeweler and his employee kidnapped by two guys....the jeweler used a concealed gun to kill his kidnappers.....would you go back in time and disarm that jeweler if you could....?

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