Gone Guy: Ben Affleck Defends Islam Against Bill Maher

Ben Affleck Furiously Defends Islam on Bill Maher Show
Actor outraged after author Sam Harris calls Islam 'the motherload of bad ideas'
  • tom-porter.jpg

    By Tom Porter
    October 5, 2014 17:52 BST
  • 652 17

Ben Affleck on last night's Bill Maher show. (HBO)
Film star Ben Affleck engaged in a furious debate with author Sam Harris and TV host Bill Maher, accusing his opponents of racism after Harris called Islam 'the motherload of bad ideas.'

Maher is also a board member of Project Reason – an organisation aiming to promote scientific knowledge and debunking religious beliefs – which Sam Harris founded.
I agree with Ben Afleck..

Only someone who is retarded to the max would say that the Muslims do not have the right to RETALIATE after the Judeo-American Axis of evil have been shitting on them since 1949.

What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't

Ben Affleck Furiously Defends Islam on Bill Maher Show
Actor outraged after author Sam Harris calls Islam 'the motherload of bad ideas'

Ben Affleck on last night's Bill Maher show. (HBO)
Film star Ben Affleck engaged in a furious debate with author Sam Harris and TV host Bill Maher, accusing his opponents of racism after Harris called Islam 'the motherload of bad ideas.'

Maher is also a board member of Project Reason – an organisation aiming to promote scientific knowledge and debunking religious beliefs – which Sam Harris founded.
I agree with Ben Afleck..

Only someone who is retarded to the max would say that the Muslims do not have the right to RETALIATE after the Judeo-American Axis of evil have been shitting on them since 1949.

What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't


Sounds to me you're condoning murder.
Nazis just loved capitalist oligarchs and aristocrats. Hardly leftists

Sadly, you probably went through democrat controlled public schools, were raised on movies made by democrats/socialists and recieve all of your news via democrat controlled news stations...

the nazis were not capitalists...they were socialists, believed in the state control of all business...as has been put forward...they just didn't need to have direct control of every business the way the international socialists did...

The nazis were of the left, the nazi party platform, if you bothered to read it...reads like the platform of the democrat party...

nazism, fascism, communism are all types of socialism...with different costumes and peculiarities due to the societies they come from....but they are all left wing and they are all socialism...
Bollocks -
Affleck is a typical liberal.

- Criticizing Islam means you are a racist and bigot.

- Criticizing Christianity...well that is just the right thing to do.

Liberals...some of them really are incapable of thinking.
Met some like that, if you point out massacres and atrocities done in the name of Islam or point out acts of persecution against Christians in the Middle East, they deny it even happened.

Not atall! There have been at least nine, if not 19 beheadings by Saudi Arabia, one of OUR, one of the US biggest allies in the ME, in October alone. Why are THEIR human rights abuses not mentioned in our national knews?
They are mentioned in news, but not by news sources that think like Affleck and his fellow apologists - that would have the world believe that 'Christian theocracy in America' is a greater threat than ISIS and Islamic extremism. Even some atheist Marxist types believe that Christianity is the moral equivalent of Islam, having never had to live under a theocracy in Iran, or a tyranny of majority like Malaysia. Christianity has its faults, but a desire for world conquest, persecution of non-Christians, and enslavement of non-believers isn't one of them.

really, putz? it was on every news channel and in pretty much every possible source
The question was basically, why would a news source not show particular news? The obvious answer is those that don't want to for whatever reason.
Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Had Aflack been supporting Christianity, Maher would have used the same argument, just changed a few words.
Affleck is a typical liberal.

- Criticizing Islam means you are a racist and bigot.

- Criticizing Christianity...well that is just the right thing to do.

Liberals...some of them really are incapable of thinking.
Met some like that, if you point out massacres and atrocities done in the name of Islam or point out acts of persecution against Christians in the Middle East, they deny it even happened.

Not atall! There have been at least nine, if not 19 beheadings by Saudi Arabia, one of OUR, one of the US biggest allies in the ME, in October alone. Why are THEIR human rights abuses not mentioned in our national knews?
They are mentioned in news, but not by news sources that think like Affleck and his fellow apologists - that would have the world believe that 'Christian theocracy in America' is a greater threat than ISIS and Islamic extremism. Even some atheist Marxist types believe that Christianity is the moral equivalent of Islam, having never had to live under a theocracy in Iran, or a tyranny of majority like Malaysia. Christianity has its faults, but a desire for world conquest, persecution of non-Christians, and enslavement of non-believers isn't one of them.

At least not for the last couple hundred years....
The Congo Free State is perhaps the worst example back then. But in recent history (post ww2) that sort of stuff has ended in the western world, and the worst of religious violence now exists in parts of Asia and the Middle East.
Maher responds to this by saying: "One reason they [other views] don't get exposed is because they are afraid to speak out. Because it's the only religion that acts like the Mafia. That will f***ing kill if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book."

Maher and Harris are racist, they both have Jewish mothers , and well we now know Jews are a race, and even though they are both atheist, they are both Jews, so
naturally they hate Muslims.

I applaud Affleck for standing his ground to these two racist men.

Not all Jewish people, no matter the level of adherence to the faith involved, "naturally hate" Muslims! That is just as bad as what Maher and Harris were spitting out! And "Jews" are not a "race," (Sammy Davis Jr. was a Jew, dear Penelope) and not merely of a race, but also of a culture, sometimes only the culture, sometimes the religion as well...Jesushchristonapopsicklestick! The whole POINT Affleck made was that you can't take a whole bunch of people and decide something about them based on what some do, and what what you see and hear about those some. Sheesh!

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