Gods Punishment On A Godless Man


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

No leftist speaks for God you may speak for Satan the father of liars but you don't speak for God.
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

No leftist speaks for God you may speak for Satan the father of liars but you don't speak for God.
Yep, a good percentage of Leftists ARE non-believing atheist heathens. And this appears to be the case for the Leftists that post on these threads. They are Godless, faithless, miserable, hateful human beings. Quite sad.
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

No leftist speaks for God you may speak for Satan the father of liars but you don't speak for God.

And you think you do you vile dumb ass?
Covid-19 is God's work. He finally decided that the elderly were a burden on society.
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

No leftist speaks for God you may speak for Satan the father of liars but you don't speak for God.

And you think you do you vile dumb ass?
I can assure you I am where God wants me to be
Ohh look cry baby IM2 the racist is whining about Trump again. Boo hoo Trump is president woo are we. Boo hoo woo are we.
Nothing racist about that post. Just remember this is your punishment too, for supporting this evil man as you put that mask over your face. Enjoy these last few months of trump.
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

No leftist speaks for God you may speak for Satan the father of liars but you don't speak for God.

And you think you do you vile dumb ass?
I can assure you I am where God wants me to be
We are all here where god has put us enduring a punishment because of the choice of leadership people like you made.
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

No leftist speaks for God you may speak for Satan the father of liars but you don't speak for God.
I don't speak for God, God speaks to me. That's where you right wing Pharisees fail in your understanding of god. So look around you Pharisee, we are in a plague, and that plague is our punishment for picking trump.
…...OR better yet...….God's punishment on a Godless world.
Trump is part of the godlessness. And the death of our economy is a punishment God has put upon trump because he was using that to inflict his evil satanic agenda on our country.
Even though I hesitate to bring up the all the "God" stuff following years of assertions by phony cracker "Christians" that every bad that has happened can be attributed to LGBTs or abortion or similar nonsense, the assertions the OP has made are grounded in truth. And it's fate, kismet, karma, or whatever you like.
donald trump is a godless man. He has lied over 16,000 times to us and has been able to get away with it.

Until now.

He lied about how he created a record economy. Now that economy is being taken from him by this pandemic.

He cheated to become president and obstructed justice in the process of finding out his guilt. He broke the law by extorting the President of Ukraine then blocked critical witnesses and information from being exposed in testimony. Now tonight, he fires the Intelligence IG who was the one who reported the whistleblower to congress.

He has locked up children, took them from their parents and still today those children sit in detention facilities.

He has bragged about how his administration is the greatest of all time. He was fully confident that he could be re elected because he kept repeating how great a job he has done for the economy. He cited unemployment, he bragged falsely about how he reduced black and Latino unemployment. He bragged falsely about how he made the stock market rise and now all those things have been taken from him in one fell swoop.

God don't play. God don't like ugly. trump is ugly and unrepentant. He has bragged about not needed to ask for forgiveness. He has bragged about not needing to repent. And so now you are looking at Gods punishment on a godless man.

No leftist speaks for God you may speak for Satan the father of liars but you don't speak for God.

This is one of the most ignorant statements I've ever read on USMB. The thought that anyone involved in U.S. politics speaks for the Creator or "Satan" or anyone else is totally absurd.
Nothing racist about that post. Just remember this is your punishment too, for supporting this evil man as you put that mask over your face. Enjoy these last few months of trump.
He supports the Chinese? God, you hate them too? Well, they're much more successful and a hell of a lot better in math and IQ, but if you go on that basis you'll hate everyone.
…...OR better yet...….God's punishment on a Godless world.
Trump is part of the godlessness. And the death of our economy is a punishment God has put upon trump because he was using that to inflict his evil satanic agenda on our country.
and so are you part of that godlessness...………...….as well as myself and every other human.

I've tried not to participate in godlessness to the extent that I can. For whatever godlessness I have participated in, I have and will receive my punishment. But I am talking about the punishment God has put on trump, because this virus has taken away the very thing he was using to fool people into perhaps electing him to a second term. Now stop trying to excuse what has happened to trump or equating trumps sins to everyone else. trump is being punished for his sins, his godlessness and our nation is being punished of our choice of this man to lead us.

I did not pick him, and I am being punished because of the choices of those who did. And this excuse making for trump, trying to find innocence or equality in my sins and trump is why our nation is being punished. If we had not made countless excuses for this man from the start, we would not be here now. When he came down that escalator and people decided they didn't give a damn about his racism, they put this plague on us.

Those who excused his immorality by voting for him after he bragged about being able to grab women by their genitals, they put this plague on us. Those who voted for him while knowing he was in court for defrauding people out of money, they put this plague on us. Those who excused and supported his lies during the Mueller investigation and excused and supported his obstruction of justice, they put this plague on us. I can keep going.

So it's just not so easy to try including me in the worlds sins as you try looking for a reason to excuse trump again. What we are seeing is God's punishment on an ungodly man. .
…...OR better yet...….God's punishment on a Godless world.
Trump is part of the godlessness. And the death of our economy is a punishment God has put upon trump because he was using that to inflict his evil satanic agenda on our country.
and so are you part of that godlessness...………...….as well as myself and every other human.

I've tried not to participate in godlessness to the extent that I can. For whatever godlessness I have participated in, I have and will receive my punishment. But I am talking about the punishment God has put on trump, because this virus has taken away the very thing he was using to fool people into perhaps electing him to a second term. Now stop trying to excuse what has happened to trump or equating trumps sins to everyone else. trump is being punished for his sins, his godlessness and our nation is being punished of our choice of this man to lead us.

I did not pick him, and I am being punished because of the choices of those who did. And this excuse making for trump, trying to find innocence or equality in my sins and trump is why our nation is being punished. If we had not made countless excuses for this man from the start, we would not be here now. When he came down that escalator and people decided they didn't give a damn about his racism, they put this plague on us.

Those who excused his immorality by voting for him after he bragged about being able to grab women by their genitals, they put this plague on us. Those who voted for him while knowing he was in court for defrauding people out of money, they put this plague on us. Those who excused and supported his lies during the Mueller investigation and excused and supported his obstruction of justice, they put this plague on us. I can keep going.

So it's just not so easy to try including me in the worlds sins as you try looking for a reason to excuse trump again. What we are seeing is God's punishment on an ungodly man. .

You forget this is a global pandemic and worldwide. Other countries governments have made same or similar mistakes in the handling of it. Each are struggling in the face of it. I'm not making excuses for his behaviors or his 'sins' I'm just pointing out it's ridiculous to keep blaming him for everything that happens that you don't like...…..just because you don't like him.

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