You created these transgender issues.

Even by TheOppressiveFaggot standards, that's just plain insane.

No, we sane, decent, normal people did not create this “transgender” bullshit.

This is completely a creation of mentally- and morally- fucked-up freaks, perverts, and crazies from your side.
Fags got the politicians to REDEFINE MARRIAGE. You always had the right to pretend among yourselves that you were "married." The problem is, marriage has a definition that is THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD, and your commitment isn't "marriage"
Bullshit! The definition of marriage has changed many times and varied according to culture and time

Egурtіаn dуnаѕtіс history іѕ trаdіtіоnаllу dаtеd frоm са. 3,200 B.C.E, thе еаrlу уеаrѕ оf thе Eаrlу Dуnаѕtіс Pеrіоd. Mоѕt of thе ѕurvіvіng marriage rесоrdѕ, hоwеvеr, dаtе frоm thе Thіrd Intеrmеdіаtе Pеrіоd (thе 21ѕt tо 25th Dуnаѕtіеѕ, dаtеd frоm 1090 tо 663 B.C.E).

  1. Kіng Sоlоmоn (b. 1011 B.C.E, d. 931 B.C.E.): Sоn of Kіng Dаvіd аnd Bаthѕhеbа, Sоlоmоn, ассоrdіng tо thе Hеbrеw Bіblе, hаd 700 wіvеѕ аnd 300 соnсubіnеѕ.
  2. Eаrlу Rерublісаn Erа Rоmе (са. 5th сеnturу B.C.E.): Mаnuѕ Marriage. Huѕbаnd оwnѕ wіfе (аnd thеіr сhіldrеn undеr Pаtrіа Pоtеѕtаѕ). Wіfе соuld оwn nоthіng, аnd huѕbаnd соuld dеmаnd hеr dеаth
  3. 54 C.E.: Emреrоr Nеrо mаrrіеѕ hіѕ mаlе lоvеr Sроruѕmore

Here is

Same sex marriage was actually a minor tweak in the definition of marriage. It involved no changes in the rights of women and men EXCEPT to take gender out of the equation. As before, it still involves the union of two consenting adults. It simply makes marriage more inclusive and as such, strengthens the marriage as an institution.

Gays could always "pretend to be married" ? How stupid? Marriage is more than just a word in our social and legal system. There is a plethora of rights and protections that being legally married provides

Case in point: Because of marriage equality, tens of thousands of children of gay people can have two legal parents and enjoy all of the legal protections and economic advantages that go with that.

What exactly is your problem with gay marriage? How has it effected you? How has it impacted society?

Let me remind you that the states that tried to ban same sex marriage tried and largely failed to convince the courts that that there was a compelling government interest, or even a rational basis for the bans. Just get over it
Chances are that other women there will not even notice them,
Bullshit! The definition of marriage has changed many times and varied according to culture and time

Egурtіаn dуnаѕtіс history іѕ trаdіtіоnаllу dаtеd frоm са. 3,200 B.C.E, thе еаrlу уеаrѕ оf thе Eаrlу Dуnаѕtіс Pеrіоd. Mоѕt of thе ѕurvіvіng marriage rесоrdѕ, hоwеvеr, dаtе frоm thе Thіrd Intеrmеdіаtе Pеrіоd (thе 21ѕt tо 25th Dуnаѕtіеѕ, dаtеd frоm 1090 tо 663 B.C.E).

  1. Kіng Sоlоmоn (b. 1011 B.C.E, d. 931 B.C.E.): Sоn of Kіng Dаvіd аnd Bаthѕhеbа, Sоlоmоn, ассоrdіng tо thе Hеbrеw Bіblе, hаd 700 wіvеѕ аnd 300 соnсubіnеѕ.
  2. Eаrlу Rерublісаn Erа Rоmе (са. 5th сеnturу B.C.E.): Mаnuѕ Marriage. Huѕbаnd оwnѕ wіfе (аnd thеіr сhіldrеn undеr Pаtrіа Pоtеѕtаѕ). Wіfе соuld оwn nоthіng, аnd huѕbаnd соuld dеmаnd hеr dеаth
  3. 54 C.E.: Emреrоr Nеrо mаrrіеѕ hіѕ mаlе lоvеr Sроruѕmore

Here is

Same sex marriage was actually a minor tweak in the definition of marriage. It involved no changes in the rights of women and men EXCEPT to take gender out of the equation. As before, it still involves the union of two consenting adults. It simply makes marriage more inclusive and as such, strengthens the marriage as an institution.

Gays could always "pretend to be married" ? How stupid? Marriage is more than just a word in our social and legal system. There is a plethora of rights and protections that being legally married provides

Case in point: Because of marriage equality, tens of thousands of children of gay people can have two legal parents and enjoy all of the legal protections and economic advantages that go with that.

What exactly is your problem with gay marriage? How has it effected you? How has it impacted society?

Let me remind you that the states that tried to ban same sex marriage tried and largely failed to convince the courts that that there was a compelling government interest, or even a rational basis for the bans. Just get over it

Christ defined marriage. You're getting gay hysterical 🤣
for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife

BTW, as long as God has a presence in "God's Own Party," it will ALWAYS oppose you people perverting the minds of impressionable young children
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Christ defined marriage. You're getting gay hysterical 🤣
for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife

BTW, as long as God has a presence in "God's Own Party," it will ALWAYS oppose you people perverting the minds of impressionable young children
You might believe that stuff about what Christ said, and you are entitled to do so. What you are not entitled to do is to expect others who do not believe as you do, to live according to your beliefs.

In any case, the fact is that-as I documented- marriage has taken many different forms in different times and places

How fucking arrogant can you be?
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You might believe that stuff about what Christ said, and you are entitled to do so. What you are not entitled to do is to expect others who do not believe as you do, to live according to your beliefs. How fucking arrogant can you be?

An ironic statement from a foul creature that wants to impose some severely depraved notions about sex on other people's children.
What is dear??

  • Children having two married parents who are both their legal guardian?
  • Children having a secure and permanent home?
  • Children having financial security, legal protections, and the social status that comes with have married parents?
  • Children having heal benefits when their birth parent is married to an employee of Huston who happens to be of the same gender?
It is impossible for two people of the same sex to parent a shared child, thus they cannot both be parents to that child.

Sometimes things are really that simple.
I maintain that they are both bullshit issues. Trans women are women. Chances are that other women there will not even notice them, and the trans women are not going to bother anyone.. Women's rooms have stalls for privacy

For sports, there are other solutions than outright bans. They can determine the appropriateness of having a trans woman on a women's team by considering size, muscle mass and weight class. They can and have checked hormonal levels.

It is all a bunch of made up bovine excrement

Repeating your self doesn't change anything. Women and girls deserve privacy in the fucking bathroom.

Hey check this out.

Parents and teachers in the United Kingdom are warning school administrators that gender-neutral toilets in schools have left many girls feeling unsafe and are putting their health at risk.

Girls who are menstruating are so anxious about sharing facilities with boys that some are staying at home for fear of being made to feel 'period shame' by boys according to the Daily Mail.

A growing number of UK primary and secondary schools are in the process of installing unisex toilets. Some girls are even risking infection by refusing to use the toilets at school.

Other girls have even stopped drinking any liquids at school, afraid that they might have to use the unisex toilet. "
Separate but equal ,Bubba? That worked real well in the civil rights era. And don't forget that many of those religious bights were opposed to any form of legal recognition.
Counterfeit sodomite "marriage" is an affront to what G-d ordained as Holy and sacred, and that's the union of one man-one woman! That is the ONLY true and proper definition of marriage.
Counterfeit sodomite "marriage" is an affront to what G-d ordained as Holy and sacred, and that's the union of one man-one woman! That is the ONLY true and proper definition of marriage.
Marriage is a contract between two consenting adults... For some couples it's also a sacrament.
Counterfeit sodomite "marriage" is an affront to what G-d ordained as Holy and sacred, and that's the union of one man-one woman! That is the ONLY true and proper definition of marriage.
OK I get it. You have a god problem

Obsessive compulsive disorder

What is Religious OCD? Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by unwanted, intrusive thoughts and anxiety (obsessions) about something and the behaviors (compulsions) that people who suffer from the condition use to relieve the anxiety.

What is Religious OCD? - The Center for Treatment of Anxiety and …
Repeating your self doesn't change anything. Women and girls deserve privacy in the fucking bathroom.

Hey check this out.

Parents and teachers in the United Kingdom are warning school administrators that gender-neutral toilets in schools have left many girls feeling unsafe and are putting their health at risk.

Girls who are menstruating are so anxious about sharing facilities with boys that some are staying at home for fear of being made to feel 'period shame' by boys according to the Daily Mail.

A growing number of UK primary and secondary schools are in the process of installing unisex toilets. Some girls are even risking infection by refusing to use the toilets at school.

Other girls have even stopped drinking any liquids at school, afraid that they might have to use the unisex toilet. "
Cry babies
OK I get it. You have a god problem

Obsessive compulsive disorder

What is Religious OCD? Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by unwanted, intrusive thoughts and anxiety (obsessions) about something and the behaviors (compulsions) that people who suffer from the condition use to relieve the anxiety.

What is Religious OCD? - The Center for Treatment of Anxiety and …
No. I am Heavenbound and born again. You OTOH are evil wicked and facing G-d's Holy and righteous judgement.

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