Seriously?? The whole transgender thing is a result of gay marriage? You'll have to explain that a little better. It is a false cause logical fallacy

Simple enough. YOu people NEED to be constantly "outraged" over some pretend crisis.

SO, once the "terrible oppression of gay marriage" was ended, you needed a new issue de jure, to have your hissy fits about.

What part of that, doesn't ring true to you?
Simple enough. YOu people NEED to be constantly "outraged" over some pretend crisis.

SO, once the "terrible oppression of gay marriage" was ended, you needed a new issue de jure, to have your hissy fits about.

What part of that, doesn't ring true to you?
Bullshit. YOU PEOPLE need the outrage. You need to have a target for your bigotry. You lost the fight against marriage equality. Gays became more accepted, Then you turned on trans people as a convenient victim.,
Bullshit. YOU PEOPLE need the outrage. You need to have a target for your bigotry. You lost the fight against marriage equality. Gays became more accepted, Then you turned on trans people as a convenient victim.,

And what did we do? Push to have trans people use the wrong bathrooms so we could them fight to keep them out?

What the hell are you talking about?
And what did we do? Push to have trans people use the wrong bathrooms so we could them fight to keep them out?

What the hell are you talking about?
The bathroom issue is bullshit, just like the sports issue is bullshit. It is not really about bathrooms and sports any more than it was about lunch counters and water fountains when the bigots were pushing Jim Crow. It's about marginalizing and punishing a minority as revenge for gains that they made
The bathroom issue is bullshit, just like the sports issue is bullshit. It is not really about bathrooms and sports any more than it was about lunch counters and water fountains when the bigots were pushing Jim Crow. It's about marginalizing and punishing a minority as revenge for gains that they made

Both issues are serious. Women deserve to have privacy from men when they go to the freaking bathroom and female athletes deserve to compete against women, not men.

Claiming a man that is not allowed in the lady's room or to compete in women's golf is "jim crow" is absurd and an insult to those that actually suffered real oppression.
Democrats very much want to move forward on the economy and a whole host of other issues that matter to all Americans.

And we are now experiencing the consequences of allowing Democraps to “move forward” as far as they have done so already.

And you say that we Republicans want to go “backward”? When it is this undeniably clear that we are going “forward” down an entirely wrong road, sometimes “backward” is the way that we need to go instead.

“No matter how far down the wrong road you’ve gone, turn back.” — Turkish Proverb
I didn't say that LGBT issues are the only concern of Republicans, but do not try to tell me that they are not targeting gay and trans people, especially the latter.

Maybe you subhuman perverts should not have started targeting innocent children.

As soon as you even started approaching that line, we should have done much more than we did to stop you.
Maybe you subhuman perverts should not have started targeting innocent children.

As soon as you even started approaching that line, we should have done much more than we did to stop you.
Watch that shit Blayock. You are the ones targeting children by pushing you filthy bigoted agenda
And we are now experiencing the consequences of allowing Democraps to “move forward” as far as they have done so already.

And you say that we Republicans want to go “backward”? When it is this undeniably clear that we are going “forward” down an entirely wrong road, sometimes “backward” is the way that we need to go instead.

“No matter how far down the wrong road you’ve gone, turn back.” — Turkish Proverb
Thank you for admitting that you are backward
Both issues are serious. Women deserve to have privacy from men when they go to the freaking bathroom and female athletes deserve to compete against women, not men.

Claiming a man that is not allowed in the lady's room or to compete in women's golf is "jim crow" is absurd and an insult to those that actually suffered real oppression.
Trans women are women!
Trans women are women!

Transwomen are women
Simple enough. YOu people NEED to be constantly "outraged" over some pretend crisis.

SO, once the "terrible oppression of gay marriage" was ended, you needed a new issue de jure, to have your hissy fits about.

What part of that, doesn't ring true to you?
Once again, YOU PEOPLE Need the outrage. You created these transgender issues. YOU are constantly looking for ways to marginalize, demean and punish LGBT people. First it was bathrooms, then it was sports, now it is gender affirming health care which is viewed as medically necessary and dangerous to withhold. The motives are very clear
Once again, YOU PEOPLE Need the outrage. You created these transgender issues. YOU are constantly looking for ways to marginalize, demean and punish LGBT people. First it was bathrooms, then it was sports, now it is gender affirming health care which is viewed as medically necessary and dangerous to withhold. The motives are very clear

Dude. We are the ones happy to discuss policy. You are the ones DESPERATE to avoid that, for obvious reasons.

You are the ones that ALWAYS try to make it personal, to pretend that any opposition are evul or wacist, or phobes, or some such shit.

Your claim is nonsense.
Separate but equal ,Bubba? That worked real well in the civil rights era. And don't forget that many of those religious bights were opposed to any form of legal recognition.
Fags got the politicians to REDEFINE MARRIAGE. You always had the right to pretend among yourselves that you were "married." The problem is, marriage has a definition that is THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD, and your commitment isn't "marriage"
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Nope. Just not buying your bullshit.

My point stands. Women deserve privacy when they go to the bath room. Female Athletes deserve fair competition.

The issues of supposedly trans men, does not outweigh that.
I maintain that they are both bullshit issues. Trans women are women. Chances are that other women there will not even notice them, and the trans women are not going to bother anyone.. Women's rooms have stalls for privacy

For sports, there are other solutions than outright bans. They can determine the appropriateness of having a trans woman on a women's team by considering size, muscle mass and weight class. They can and have checked hormonal levels.

It is all a bunch of made up bovine excrement
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