God is a communist!


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
OK, just for fun, kick this idea around.

The statement 'from each according to his ability to each according to his need' is often associated with 'communism'. We won't go into trying to define that word for now, but the phrase is first found in the New Testament.

Anyway, back to The Big One. God created everything out of the capacity to do so. Every creature benefits from this abundance according to her/his/its need.


P.S. I am not now nor have I ever been a 'communist' (though I refuse to 'name names'). Just had this thought and wanted to explore the ramifications.
OK, just for fun, kick this idea around.

The statement 'from each according to his ability to each according to his need' is often associated with 'communism'. We won't go into trying to define that word for now, but the phrase is first found in the New Testament.

Anyway, back to The Big One. God created everything out of the capacity to do so. Every creature benefits from this abundance according to her/his/its need.


P.S. I am not now nor have I ever been a 'communist' (though I refuse to 'name names'). Just had this thought and wanted to explore the ramifications.

In the Bible, there are many parables relating to people making the most of their efforts to better themselves by work or through investing. At the same time, the Bible also tells us not to be greedy and to help others less fortunate.
No. Every creature benefits from abundance depending on their ability to work for it. There is not a living creature that need do nothing to benefit from abundance. If an animal in the wild doesn't hunt, it doesn't eat. If the animal does not go to the watering hole, it will thirst. Only humans think they should be able to lay on the sofa eating bon bons until the sofa grows up around them and becomes part of their skin. God doesn't take anything from productive people to give to people whose extremities have become a LazEBoy.

God isn't a communist. God is a dictator who is quite content to let us suffer the consequences of our own foolish behavior.
OK, just for fun, kick this idea around.

The statement 'from each according to his ability to each according to his need' is often associated with 'communism'. We won't go into trying to define that word for now, but the phrase is first found in the New Testament.

Anyway, back to The Big One. God created everything out of the capacity to do so. Every creature benefits from this abundance according to her/his/its need.


P.S. I am not now nor have I ever been a 'communist' (though I refuse to 'name names'). Just had this thought and wanted to explore the ramifications.
Be the first to quote the chapter and verse where it was deemed acceptable to use a proxy to shake down you neighbor, to pay for your notion of "charity" and you'd have a point.

But you can't, so you don't...All you have is the stale old blasphemous chestnut that the proactive aggression and coercion of men can be used to do God's works.
Whew, over reaction!

OK, I guess the idea of a communist society is where everything is delivered to your door?

Whales swim the sea with their mouth open and get all they need to eat. Yeah, they have to swim, but...

Everything we need is present (or we wouldn't be here). If God also created free will, that accounts for effort to differentiate our course toward gratification. Gold is there for free, you just have to dig it up, not invent it! In fact, even inventions are made from pre-existing matter.

Perhaps I should say that I am not a 'believer' in any classic sense of the word; this is more of an exercise in metaphysical experimentation. If God is God, isn't everything from God and provided without creation on man's part?
What it is is an exercise in sophistry.

If God believes in free will, then he certainly would not favor "charity" via coercion of the state or any other third parties.

But don't the faithful believe that God will provide?
Matthew 6:26(KJV)

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
God is a communist!
Seems so:

Is The Bible's God a Communist?
by Bob Johnson

Most Christian fundamentalists are fervent anti-Communists. But can the same be said about their god? Let us open our Bible to Acts 4:34 - 5:11.
Is The Bible's God a Communist?
Interesting when one considers that either everything belongs to everyone or nothing does.

The idea here is not promotion of Marxist-Leninist-type, authoritarian communism. Simply that were are all in the same place together, equally a 'creation' (metaphorically speaking and for lack of a better word).

Since we are obliged to re-invent the world now, we should start with the basics.
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Whew, over reaction!

OK, I guess the idea of a communist society is where everything is delivered to your door?

Whales swim the sea with their mouth open and get all they need to eat. Yeah, they have to swim, but...

Everything we need is present (or we wouldn't be here). If God also created free will, that accounts for effort to differentiate our course toward gratification. Gold is there for free, you just have to dig it up, not invent it! In fact, even inventions are made from pre-existing matter.

Perhaps I should say that I am not a 'believer' in any classic sense of the word; this is more of an exercise in metaphysical experimentation. If God is God, isn't everything from God and provided without creation on man's part?

Trying to bring God down to your level is your first mistake. Due to the sins of Man, toiling is a lifetime occupation. This sounds like an extention of you don't make that it was given to you Obamaspeak. A fail.

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