God help us is this is who the american people elect tomorrow

Biden has been a career politician and has done nothing except make his relatives rich.

Now he is a feeble old fart ready for the old folks home.

Who isn't a career politician other than Trump. But make no mistake, Trump is the swamp.

I kinda agree about Biden, but I'm hoping he will just calm things down a bit and maybe in 2024 both parties will have a decent candidate. Or maybe even a third-party might come around.
Trump is not “ the swamp “ which is why the actual “ swamp” hates him...See Joe Biden,Nancy Pelosi,Mitt Romney and John McCain.

Biden isnt going to calm things down...the man doesn’t even know where he is. Nancy is gearing up to remove him if Americans are stupid enough to elect him.
Maybe God will Rapture ya'll and then leave the rest of us alone to deal with the problems old "Twinkle Toes" Trump leaves us
Old Joe told a sparse Philly crowd that he was wearing a Philadelphia Eagles jacket. Turns out he was wearing something from Delaware.
Trump is not “ the swamp “ which is why the actual “ swamp” hates him...See Joe Biden,Nancy Pelosi,Mitt Romney and John McCain.

Biden isnt going to calm things down...the man doesn’t even know where he is. Nancy is gearing up to remove him if Americans are stupid enough to elect him.

Uh-uh. That dog won't hunt. All Trump cares about is himself. He barely cares about his own family in terms of getting a leg up. He is definitely part of the swamp.

Well, the American people were stupid enough to vote in Trump, so anything is possible.
Try reading my reply again, government educated failure.

I said his words were essentially correct out of context, but not exact. A quote is an EXACT recitation of the words. That is the definition of a quote.

I said it was out of context if you read the full statement. He said that doctors would default to listing covid as cause of death, his PARAPHRASE out of contest implied Trump was accusing doctors of murdering people, they weren't.

I just repeated what I said the first time because apparently Kiwi government schools suck as much as ours do and you didn't learn to read either

And I reiterate, I didn't get that out of Toro's piece. I think he just thought it was a dumb, stupid, thing to say all on its own.

PS: I went to a private school...;o)

Wow. Can you get your money back?
Trump is not “ the swamp “ which is why the actual “ swamp” hates him...See Joe Biden,Nancy Pelosi,Mitt Romney and John McCain.

Biden isnt going to calm things down...the man doesn’t even know where he is. Nancy is gearing up to remove him if Americans are stupid enough to elect him.

Uh-uh. That dog won't hunt. All Trump cares about is himself. He barely cares about his own family in terms of getting a leg up. He is definitely part of the swamp.

Well, the American people were stupid enough to vote in Trump, so anything is possible.

A New Zealand mind reader. Thanks for that useless shit. I call bull to your mind reading claim.

I'm thinking of a number between one and a million. What is is?

And you think Biden cares about other people? That's why you love him??? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump is not “ the swamp “ which is why the actual “ swamp” hates him...See Joe Biden,Nancy Pelosi,Mitt Romney and John McCain.

Biden isnt going to calm things down...the man doesn’t even know where he is. Nancy is gearing up to remove him if Americans are stupid enough to elect him.

Uh-uh. That dog won't hunt. All Trump cares about is himself. He barely cares about his own family in terms of getting a leg up. He is definitely part of the swamp.

Well, the American people were stupid enough to vote in Trump, so anything is possible.

A New Zealand mind reader. Thanks for that useless shit. I call bull to your mind reading claim.

I'm thinking of a number between one and a million. What is is?

And you think Biden cares about other people? That's why you love him??? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I have stated many times on this board I am no fan of Biden. You should try reading yourself for a change instead of getting your nurse to do it for you.
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
READ:... so therefore let's vote in an individual whose senility is so bad that he is unable to even speak properly. Over and over.
Let's vote in a man who can't answer basic questions without screwing up. A man who repeatedly says unintelligible gibberish because his mind simply can't process what he is reading fast enough to say it right.

and that is what MAC1958 is saying.
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
READ:... so therefore let's vote in an individual whose senility is so bad that he is unable to even speak properly. Over and over.
Let's vote in a man who can't answer basic questions without screwing up. A man who repeatedly says unintelligible gibberish because his mind simply can't process what he is reading fast enough to say it right.

and that is what MAC1958 is saying.
Yes. The alternative is that bad, that ugly.
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
READ:... so therefore let's vote in an individual whose senility is so bad that he is unable to even speak properly. Over and over.
Let's vote in a man who can't answer basic questions without screwing up. A man who repeatedly says unintelligible gibberish because his mind simply can't process what he is reading fast enough to say it right.

and that is what MAC1958 is saying.
Yes. The alternative is that bad, that ugly.
Specifically. What? Specifically. Not rhetorical bull, not something he said... BUT WHAT SPECIFIC POLICY IS THAT OFFENSIVE?
You don't know.
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
thats 2 lousy candidates in a row......if the democrats lose tomorrow who are they going to blame?...
They should blame themselves, but they won't. Neither would the GOP.
if trump loses tomorrow he has no one to blame but himself....

If Trump loses tomorrow, then it will only be another 2+ months of rampant COVID spread and only another 100,000 dead before Biden and Harris will do something about it.
Like Taiwan did. And South Korea. And Australia. And New Zealand.

If Trump loses tomorrow the dozen or so indictments from the federal district courts are gonna FLY to Mar A Lago and the Manhattan D.A. is going to charge your fat lying fuck with insurance and bank fraud.
yea joey will end this thing.....Europe is supposedly doing everything right and they are having more cases spring up.....
And BTW - in Cleveland at his little fake rally... when the cameras were shut off.... but oops... they forgot the images were still being live streamed on the internet... we can see pretty much the only people in the "crowd".... were photographers and journalist.
There was no crowd.
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
READ:... so therefore let's vote in an individual whose senility is so bad that he is unable to even speak properly. Over and over.
Let's vote in a man who can't answer basic questions without screwing up. A man who repeatedly says unintelligible gibberish because his mind simply can't process what he is reading fast enough to say it right.

and that is what MAC1958 is saying.
Yes. The alternative is that bad, that ugly.
Specifically. What? Specifically. Not rhetorical bull, not something he said... BUT WHAT SPECIFIC POLICY IS THAT OFFENSIVE?
You don't know.
I've only answered this silly question a hundred times or so, and you guys keep playing dumb.

My positions on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. If you were to read them (don't worry, I'm not holding my breath), you would see I disagree with him on a majority of them.

Add to that, of course, the fact that he clearly lacks the intellectual and temperamental capacity for the position, and as a result represents a clear and present danger to my country.

I'm hoping that this is the last time I have to answer that stupid question, but I won't hold my breath on that, either.
Yes hopefully Trump loses and we can go back to sanity. Senility over evil 2020
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
READ:... so therefore let's vote in an individual whose senility is so bad that he is unable to even speak properly. Over and over.
Let's vote in a man who can't answer basic questions without screwing up. A man who repeatedly says unintelligible gibberish because his mind simply can't process what he is reading fast enough to say it right.

and that is what MAC1958 is saying.
Yes. The alternative is that bad, that ugly.
Specifically. What? Specifically. Not rhetorical bull, not something he said... BUT WHAT SPECIFIC POLICY IS THAT OFFENSIVE?
You don't know.
I've only answered this silly question a hundred times or so, and you guys keep playing dumb.

My positions on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. If you were to read them (don't worry, I'm not holding my breath), you would see I disagree with him on a majority of them.

Add to that, of course, the fact that he clearly lacks the intellectual and temperamental capacity for the position, and as a result represents a clear and present danger to my country.

I'm hoping that this is the last time I have to answer that stupid question, but I won't hold my breath on that, either.
Blah blah... :rolleyes:
Trump is not “ the swamp “ which is why the actual “ swamp” hates him...See Joe Biden,Nancy Pelosi,Mitt Romney and John McCain.
Biden isnt going to calm things down...the man doesn’t even know where he is. Nancy is gearing up to remove him if Americans are stupid enough to elect him.

100% correct.

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