God help us is this is who the american people elect tomorrow

Couldn't possibly be any worse than a buffoon who says retarded things like "Do you know that doctors get paid more money if more people die of COVID?"

So I know you're hysterical and melting down and all. Bless your family dealing with your TDS.

But what Trump said was doctors are more likely to rule a multi-factor death as covid. Your quote implies he's saying they kill people. Not what he said.

Also, while your paraphrase was reasonably close to his words, if not the context, it still wasn't a quote. You don't quote paraphrases

Um...but even that is retarded. Are you saying that he said doctors get paid more if they rule a death COVID-relate than any other cause?

I have no idea. I just did something Toro didn't do. I Googled it and read what Trump actually said.

I don't have to agree with something to read it like you government educated failures have to do.

It's bizarre to me you'd even write that, that being able to read what Trump said automatically implies I agree with it. I mean in an odd way it is an admission on your part how leftists are, and you clearly are
Um...but even that is retarded. Are you saying that he said doctors get paid more if they rule a death COVID-relate than any other cause?

He's talking about a disinformation campaign in which Trump-hating assholes engaged in massive fear-mongering - inflating numbers, lying about mortality rates, villainizing known beneficial medication regimens, locking down businesses - Political Fear-Mongering'.
Oh please, you're supporting a man who wears orange make up, has capped teeth, wears a girdle around his fat ass and lifts in his shoes, dyes his hair yellow and has an 18" comb-over that is plastered down with a whole can of Aquanet every day.

I can SEE all of Biden's skin blems have all plainly disappeared from his face.

The guy speaks clearly at debates then slurs and garbles his speech incoherently out on the road!

Everything you claim only exists in your diseased TDS brain.
Couldn't possibly be any worse than a buffoon who says retarded things like "Do you know that doctors get paid more money if more people die of COVID?"

So I know you're hysterical and melting down and all. Bless your family dealing with your TDS.

But what Trump said was doctors are more likely to rule a multi-factor death as covid. Your quote implies he's saying they kill people. Not what he said.

Also, while your paraphrase was reasonably close to his words, if not the context, it still wasn't a quote. You don't quote paraphrases

Um...but even that is retarded. Are you saying that he said doctors get paid more if they rule a death COVID-relate than any other cause?

I have no idea. I just did something Toro didn't do. I Googled it and read what Trump actually said.

I don't have to agree with something to read it like you government educated failures have to do.

It's bizarre to me you'd even write that, that being able to read what Trump said automatically implies I agree with it. I mean in an odd way it is an admission on your part how leftists are, and you clearly are

Ah, you might want to rethink that. Here is the exact quote ""Our doctors get more money if someone dies from Covid. You know that, right?"
Toro said, "So you know that doctors get paid more money if more people die of COVID?"

Care to enlighten the government-educated failures on the difference. Take your time.
Also, I don't see anywhere where Toro implied they kill people at all. I didn't even factor that in. I just thought it was a dumb, stupid, asinine statement all on its own - but with Trump it's a daily occurence so I'm used to it. Interesting how that was YOUR take. Would be interesting to know if that was what Toro meant. I seriously doubt it because he doesn't think like you. Then again, only he knows.
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Um...but even that is retarded. Are you saying that he said doctors get paid more if they rule a death COVID-relate than any other cause?

He's talking about a disinformation campaign in which Trump-hating assholes engaged in massive fear-mongering - inflating numbers, lying about mortality rates, villainizing known beneficial medication regimens, locking down businesses - Political Fear-Mongering'.

According to who? Some dudes on a messageboard. Every time the Fat Orange Buffoon opens his mouth he lies. I mean, sounds like kindergarten, but he started it. Maybe he should just either supply facts or STFU. Where do you get your information about the above from?
You need to figure out the quote function, I didn't write that. You have been reported.

Oh shut the fuck up your narking piece of shit. It was an honest mistake. Typical neocon Deplorable. Goes crying to the mods. Grow a pair you fucking wimp.
I do not "go crying" to the mods about anything, except for folks that purposely impugn my integrity.

. . . and, chances are, if you were actually an American, and not a foreign troll, mixing up hate here? I would have let it slide.

It bothers me that you interfere in our internal affairs, and have the audacity to talk about foreign interference. :gay: That's some hypocritical bullshit there.

. . . so, If I can find any reason to get your ass kicked out of our house because you purposely lie, spread misinformation and cause disharmony? Gladly.

Oh please, you're supporting a man who wears orange make up, has capped teeth, wears a girdle around his fat ass and lifts in his shoes, dyes his hair yellow and has an 18" comb-over that is plastered down with a whole can of Aquanet every day.

Look, Trump sweated and his makeup rubbed off on his collar.


Bwuhahahahahaha......THOSE are your biggest complaints when the Democrat candidate is a child-sniffing/groping, REAL pu$$y-grabbing, failed political coup-conspiring, racist, confessed extorting, dementia-suffering, politician who has done nothing significant in 47 years in politics - wrong on every foreign policy decision he has made, while enriching himself and his family through Influence peddling, extortion, money laundering, and taking literally over a BILLION from foreign enemies like Soros, Russia, Iran, and china......


Um...but even that is retarded. Are you saying that he said doctors get paid more if they rule a death COVID-relate than any other cause?

He's talking about a disinformation campaign in which Trump-hating assholes engaged in massive fear-mongering - inflating numbers, lying about mortality rates, villainizing known beneficial medication regimens, locking down businesses - Political Fear-Mongering'.

According to who? Some dudes on a messageboard. Every time the Fat Orange Buffoon opens his mouth he lies. I mean, sounds like kindergarten, but he started it. Maybe he should just either supply facts or STFU. Where do you get your information about the above from?
Funny how you call Trump a liar when Joe hides in his basement to escape the press asking him questions about his lies about Hunter, selling out to China, etc....considering in his last Debate Biden told the exact same lies Barry did: "Under my plan you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan...."

Funny how you call Trump a liar when Joe hides in his basement to escape the press asking him questions about his lies about Hunter, selling out to China, etc....considering in his last Debate Biden told the exact same lies Barry did: "Under my plan you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan...."


Fake News about his son. I wouldn't call being prudent and practicing social distancing 'hiding'. The media is littered with 'non-believers' who ended up dead. Remember that pastor near the beginning of the pandemic who said it was BS, then caught it and died? He sure showed us, didn't he?
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Couldn't possibly be any worse than a buffoon who says retarded things like "Do you know that doctors get paid more money if more people die of COVID?"

So I know you're hysterical and melting down and all. Bless your family dealing with your TDS.

But what Trump said was doctors are more likely to rule a multi-factor death as covid. Your quote implies he's saying they kill people. Not what he said.

Also, while your paraphrase was reasonably close to his words, if not the context, it still wasn't a quote. You don't quote paraphrases

Um...but even that is retarded. Are you saying that he said doctors get paid more if they rule a death COVID-relate than any other cause?

I have no idea. I just did something Toro didn't do. I Googled it and read what Trump actually said.

I don't have to agree with something to read it like you government educated failures have to do.

It's bizarre to me you'd even write that, that being able to read what Trump said automatically implies I agree with it. I mean in an odd way it is an admission on your part how leftists are, and you clearly are

Ah, you might want to rethink that. Here is the exact quote ""Our doctors get more money if someone dies from Covid. You know that, right?"
Toro said, "So you know that doctors get paid more money if more people die of COVID?"

Care to enlighten the government-educated failures on the difference. Take your time.
Also, I don't see anywhere where Toro implied they kill people at all. I didn't even factor that in. I just thought it was a dumb, stupid, asinine statement all on its own. Interesting how that was YOUR take. Would be interesting to know if that was what Toro meant. I seriously doubt it because he doesn't think like you. Then again, only he knows.

Try reading my reply again, government educated failure.

I said his words were essentially correct out of context, but not exact. A quote is an EXACT recitation of the words. That is the definition of a quote.

I said it was out of context if you read the full statement. He said that doctors would default to listing covid as cause of death, his PARAPHRASE out of contest implied Trump was accusing doctors of murdering people, they weren't.

I just repeated what I said the first time because apparently Kiwi government schools suck as much as ours do and you didn't learn to read either
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
More Decent? Thoughtful? Intelligent?

If we elect Biden, how will it demonstrate ANY of those?

So, you're okay with being a communist, as long as you're a DECENT communist?
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
That made about as much sense as Biden’s incoherent rambling.


Dems suck...but vote for them anyway..

A few too many pills or not enough? Either way the thought of him "leading" it laughable.

This is where the TDS has lead to, frothing at the mouth idiots thinking that a gibbering incoherent half-dead idiot is qualified to be President, of course the walking corpse won't be in charge, his handlers will and the TDS idiots don't even care who the handlers are.

Nor do they ask.
I do not "go crying" to the mods about anything, except for folks that purposely impugn my integrity.

. . . and, chances are, if you were actually an American, and not a foreign troll, mixing up hate here? I would have let it slide.

It bothers me that you interfere in our internal affairs, and have the audacity to talk about foreign interference. :gay: That's some hypocritical bullshit there.

. . . so, If I can find any reason to get your ass kicked out of our house because you purposely lie, spread misinformation and cause disharmony? Gladly.

Can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen, pussy.
This is messageboard you dumb, inbred, deplorable fuck. I have absolutely no affect on your election. Zero. Nada. Nothing. Nothing hypocritical at all. If I bought ads on US TV networks, sure, valid point. But me being stuck in Australia has an effect on your election? Fuck, I mean, how dumb can you seriously be.

BTW, they won't do a damn thing about it. Deliberate breaking of rules, sure, they'll kick my arse. An accident? I mean, again, how fucking dumb can you be.
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.
When the marxists come to kill you, and they are, bye!
Um, okay!
You think this is a joke, you think the incivility is on Trump, which demonstrates two things, first you are just fucking stupid, and second you have it entirely ass backward. Trump fights back, all of the incivility, all of the hate, began with you fucktards, and ends with you fucktards! You started it with the refusal to peacefully transfer power in 2016 that you fucktards labeled "the resistance," then cower in basement and claim the men, and women you have pissed upon unrelentingly for four years are uncivil, which is ludicrous on its face. You hateful bastards started it all, we are going to end it, you are not gonna be a happy fema camper..... :wink:

Oh fuck off. This started with Clinton. You right-wing started way back then and it's gone downhill since then. Trump is a new low. Biden won't be as low, but he's still not that great.

Love the FEMA camp bit. At least you're honest about it. Have you had your uniform made up yet? Also, did you have many issues trying to get those swastika's made up? Not too many people would make them I imagine....
No you fuck off, Clinton was an even bigger traitor than Obama, he was almost certainly a rapist, and is the sole reason why communist China can lob ICBM's anywhere withing the United States they so choose with just as much accuracy as we can do in China! There is not one creature, not fucking one, that emerges from that fascist party who has not sold out the United States! Everything that party stands for, stands against the American people, and dumb ass just so you cannot just mock your way out of humiliation you have rained down upon imbecilic self, if anything you believe in, anything at all, was true and honest, then why do you fascists need to lie, and lie, and lie your lips off about all of it?

Why does the democratic party run media wage information warfare against American people, why are they censoring Americans on twitter, facebook, and youtube, wilst simultaneously suppressing devastating evidence of Bidens treason??? You are so fucking impossibly stupid, it all begins and ends with democrats, how do you think it is China is fielding our own technology against us, by hacking fucking computers? Such is mpossible idiocy, they do it by buying it from traitors with names like, Diane Feinstein, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, and most especially Joseph Biden, and a long, long list of other democratic party psychopaths who were more than willing to sell it to them....:fu:
Try reading my reply again, government educated failure.

I said his words were essentially correct out of context, but not exact. A quote is an EXACT recitation of the words. That is the definition of a quote.

I said it was out of context if you read the full statement. He said that doctors would default to listing covid as cause of death, his PARAPHRASE out of contest implied Trump was accusing doctors of murdering people, they weren't.

I just repeated what I said the first time because apparently Kiwi government schools suck as much as ours do and you didn't learn to read either

And I reiterate, I didn't get that out of Toro's piece. I think he just thought it was a dumb, stupid, thing to say all on its own.

PS: I went to a private school...;o)
Biden has been a career politician and has done nothing except make his relatives rich.

Now he is a feeble old fart ready for the old folks home.

Who isn't a career politician other than Trump. But make no mistake, Trump is the swamp.

I kinda agree about Biden, but I'm hoping he will just calm things down a bit and maybe in 2024 both parties will have a decent candidate. Or maybe even a third-party might come around.

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