Kamala Tells The Truth


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Perhaps you actually understand the Democrat Party, and what you are voting for. If that is the case, you know that the party intends to pick up where the Bolsheviks left off, doing what ever is necessary to enforce Karl Marx’s doctrines.

But perhaps you don’t believe that, and see some shading of the terminology….not communism, just ‘socialism.’ Just a bit higher taxation, to help the less fortunate. Along the lines of charity. Biblical and all.

Well, then you should pay careful attention to the words of the most Liberal member of the Senate, Kamala Harris, who, shortly after Joe Biden wins and is shunted off to the retirement home, will be President. Kamala let the cat out of the bag: it’s going to be full blown communism.

2. “Kamala Harris, risks violating that traditional rule with an animated video narrated in her voice that she posted Sunday on social media. “There’s a big difference between equality and equity,” she says in the video.

Equality, she suggests, is problematic. “Equality suggests, oh, everyone should get the same amount. The problem with that, not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount, but you started out back there and I started out over here, we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me,” she says.” Harris, in Video, Starts Showing Marxist Streak

3. “Sounds just like Karl Marx. A century of history has shown where that path leads. We all embrace equal opportunity, but government-enforced equality of outcomes is Marxism,” replied a Republican member of Congress from Wyoming, Liz Cheney. Ms. Cheney, a daughter of Vice President Cheney, is a member of the House Republican leadership.

The writer Andrew Sullivan, no Trump fan, commented, “Why would a vice presidential candidate seemingly endorse full-on Marxism days before a general election? Does she believe government should enforce equality of outcome for everyone? Seriously?”

Mr. Sullivan went on, “‘Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.’ That’s equality of *outcomes* enforced by the government. They used to call that communism.” Harris, in Video, Starts Showing Marxist Streak

that little cartoon reminds me of FILM-STRIP day in the first grade. It is so idiotic that it is
INSULTING to the intelligence of the people of
the United States
1.Perhaps you actually understand the Democrat Party, and what you are voting for. If that is the case, you know that the party intends to pick up where the Bolsheviks left off, doing what ever is necessary to enforce Karl Marx’s doctrines.

But perhaps you don’t believe that, and see some shading of the terminology….not communism, just ‘socialism.’ Just a bit higher taxation, to help the less fortunate. Along the lines of charity. Biblical and all.

Well, then you should pay careful attention to the words of the most Liberal member of the Senate, Kamala Harris, who, shortly after Joe Biden wins and is shunted off to the retirement home, will be President. Kamala let the cat out of the bag: it’s going to be full blown communism.

2. “Kamala Harris, risks violating that traditional rule with an animated video narrated in her voice that she posted Sunday on social media. “There’s a big difference between equality and equity,” she says in the video.

Equality, she suggests, is problematic. “Equality suggests, oh, everyone should get the same amount. The problem with that, not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount, but you started out back there and I started out over here, we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me,” she says.” Harris, in Video, Starts Showing Marxist Streak

3. “Sounds just like Karl Marx. A century of history has shown where that path leads. We all embrace equal opportunity, but government-enforced equality of outcomes is Marxism,” replied a Republican member of Congress from Wyoming, Liz Cheney. Ms. Cheney, a daughter of Vice President Cheney, is a member of the House Republican leadership.

The writer Andrew Sullivan, no Trump fan, commented, “Why would a vice presidential candidate seemingly endorse full-on Marxism days before a general election? Does she believe government should enforce equality of outcome for everyone? Seriously?”

Mr. Sullivan went on, “‘Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.’ That’s equality of *outcomes* enforced by the government. They used to call that communism.” Harris, in Video, Starts Showing Marxist Streak


It's called Socialism. What she doesn't take into account is we should not end up in the same place if I work twice as hard as the other person, or if the other person just doesn't want to work. Her video is a nice way of redistributing my hard-earned $$$$ to someone who either doesn't work as hard or who has made bad decisions.
BTW----I visited Delaware for the first time IN MY LIFE a few weeks ago-----WHAT A SHIT HOLE.
PLAUDITS and shrines to the CONCEPT of racial
equality all over the place------in the midst of
clear racial lines and extreme levels of VIOLENCE. sheeeesh---speaking of "only a concept"
1.Perhaps you actually understand the Democrat Party, and what you are voting for. If that is the case, you know that the party intends to pick up where the Bolsheviks left off, doing what ever is necessary to enforce Karl Marx’s doctrines.

But perhaps you don’t believe that, and see some shading of the terminology….not communism, just ‘socialism.’ Just a bit higher taxation, to help the less fortunate. Along the lines of charity. Biblical and all.

Well, then you should pay careful attention to the words of the most Liberal member of the Senate, Kamala Harris, who, shortly after Joe Biden wins and is shunted off to the retirement home, will be President. Kamala let the cat out of the bag: it’s going to be full blown communism.

2. “Kamala Harris, risks violating that traditional rule with an animated video narrated in her voice that she posted Sunday on social media. “There’s a big difference between equality and equity,” she says in the video.

Equality, she suggests, is problematic. “Equality suggests, oh, everyone should get the same amount. The problem with that, not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount, but you started out back there and I started out over here, we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me,” she says.” Harris, in Video, Starts Showing Marxist Streak

3. “Sounds just like Karl Marx. A century of history has shown where that path leads. We all embrace equal opportunity, but government-enforced equality of outcomes is Marxism,” replied a Republican member of Congress from Wyoming, Liz Cheney. Ms. Cheney, a daughter of Vice President Cheney, is a member of the House Republican leadership.

The writer Andrew Sullivan, no Trump fan, commented, “Why would a vice presidential candidate seemingly endorse full-on Marxism days before a general election? Does she believe government should enforce equality of outcome for everyone? Seriously?”

Mr. Sullivan went on, “‘Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.’ That’s equality of *outcomes* enforced by the government. They used to call that communism.” Harris, in Video, Starts Showing Marxist Streak


It's called Socialism. What she doesn't take into account is we should not end up in the same place if I work twice as hard as the other person, or if the other person just doesn't want to work. Her video is a nice way of redistributing my hard-earned $$$$ to someone who either doesn't work as hard or who has made bad decisions.

Nay, nay, Fang

You don't understand Cackle-a......er, Kamala....

In case you've forgotten about the party's Green New Deal.....they made clear the other Democrat voters don't have to work "if they don't care to,'

that little cartoon reminds me of FILM-STRIP day in the first grade. It is so idiotic that it is
INSULTING to the intelligence of the people of
the United States

Does that include Democrat voters????

YES!!!!! I am older than 70 and have been a registered democrat since age 21. ----of course---lately LAPSED-------BUT I have never considered democrats to be UNIVERSALLY stupid for all time ------the donkey is TEMPORARILY-----pixilated
4. “The opinion editor of the Daily Telegraph, James Morrow, quipped: “‘Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place,’ says Kamala Harris, not understanding that that same place always winds up being a gulag or a bread line.”

The animated video could be a calculated move by the Biden campaign to try to whip up enthusiasm from Bernie Sanders-supporting or Elizabeth Warren-supporting far-left voters who are at risk of staying home and costing the Biden-Harris ticket the election.

The Harris cartoon view of the world doesn’t allow for people ending up in different places because some people work harder or have more natural ability or better or worse luck or make different choices. It suggests that all different outcomes are the result of inequalities of resources, which should be eradicated, so that we can all end up in the same place.”
Op. Cit.

that little cartoon reminds me of FILM-STRIP day in the first grade. It is so idiotic that it is
INSULTING to the intelligence of the people of
the United States

Does that include Democrat voters????

YES!!!!! I am older than 70 and have been a registered democrat since age 21. ----of course---lately LAPSED-------BUT I have never considered democrats to be UNIVERSALLY stupid for all time ------the donkey is TEMPORARILY-----pixilated
JFK is rolling over in his grave.
4. “The opinion editor of the Daily Telegraph, James Morrow, quipped: “‘Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place,’ says Kamala Harris, not understanding that that same place always winds up being a gulag or a bread line.”

The animated video could be a calculated move by the Biden campaign to try to whip up enthusiasm from Bernie Sanders-supporting or Elizabeth Warren-supporting far-left voters who are at risk of staying home and costing the Biden-Harris ticket the election.

The Harris cartoon view of the world doesn’t allow for people ending up in different places because some people work harder or have more natural ability or better or worse luck or make different choices. It suggests that all different outcomes are the result of inequalities of resources, which should be eradicated, so that we can all end up in the same place.”
Op. Cit.

View attachment 410212

sad to say----I have come across STAUNCH bernie cultists amongst highly educated people-------lots of them (ugh...) OFFICERS OF THE COURT ------whatdahell is wrong with them?
Here she is getting her ghetto accent going. At 1:02, the hot sauce starts flowing for descendant of slave owners.

I refuse to take the blame for that FIASCO ---
biden/kodzilla. Will the "we' belonging to
Kodzilla show their grandchildren the dead bodies lying in the gutter and the destroyed
Here she is getting her ghetto accent going. At 1:02, the hot sauce starts flowing for descendant of slave owners.

I refuse to take the blame for that FIASCO ---
biden/kodzilla. Will the "we' belonging to
Kodzilla show their grandchildren the dead bodies lying in the gutter and the destroyed

Kodzilla!! Thats a good one. I never owned any so I aint paying.
4. “The opinion editor of the Daily Telegraph, James Morrow, quipped: “‘Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place,’ says Kamala Harris, not understanding that that same place always winds up being a gulag or a bread line.”

The animated video could be a calculated move by the Biden campaign to try to whip up enthusiasm from Bernie Sanders-supporting or Elizabeth Warren-supporting far-left voters who are at risk of staying home and costing the Biden-Harris ticket the election.

The Harris cartoon view of the world doesn’t allow for people ending up in different places because some people work harder or have more natural ability or better or worse luck or make different choices. It suggests that all different outcomes are the result of inequalities of resources, which should be eradicated, so that we can all end up in the same place.”
Op. Cit.

View attachment 410212

sad to say----I have come across STAUNCH bernie cultists amongst highly educated people-------lots of them (ugh...) OFFICERS OF THE COURT ------whatdahell is wrong with them?

I attribute it to this change in character.

Well, in a democracy, once a portion of the electorate views the success of another, and compares same to himself, it begins ".. to impute [own lack of] success mainly to some one of his defects; and an odious mixture is thus formed of the ideas of turpitude and power, unworthiness and success, utility and dishonor"...and this is the very explanation of "Occupy Wall Street," they appeal to those in power ready to ignore right and wrong, laws, and tradition, and pander to the envious.

Everyone, it seems, wants to believe that he is just as good as the next guy, and in a democracy, the government adds its authority by the ‘leveling’ process.

“But what his heart whispers to him, and the law proclaims, the society around him incessantly denies: certain people are richer, more powerful than he, others are reputed to be wiser, more intelligent. The contradiction between social reality and the combined wishes of his heart and the law, therefore incites and nourishes a devouring passion in everyone: the passion for equality. It will never cease until social reality is made to conform with his and the law’s wishes.”
Pierre Manent, “An Intellectual History of Liberalism,” p. 107-8.

Of course, there are curs who see this flaw of human nature as their path to power.....they practice, successfully, 'Identity Politics,' based on stirring up enmity between people, and pandering.
Sadly, it works.

“Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.”
Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179

And these individuals will believe the promises and vote Democrat.

Envy is one of those human characteristics which should be held in check. But when 'democracy' looks the other way, and accepts it, it becomes the basis for governmental action.
4. “The opinion editor of the Daily Telegraph, James Morrow, quipped: “‘Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place,’ says Kamala Harris, not understanding that that same place always winds up being a gulag or a bread line.”

The animated video could be a calculated move by the Biden campaign to try to whip up enthusiasm from Bernie Sanders-supporting or Elizabeth Warren-supporting far-left voters who are at risk of staying home and costing the Biden-Harris ticket the election.

The Harris cartoon view of the world doesn’t allow for people ending up in different places because some people work harder or have more natural ability or better or worse luck or make different choices. It suggests that all different outcomes are the result of inequalities of resources, which should be eradicated, so that we can all end up in the same place.”
Op. Cit.

View attachment 410212

sad to say----I have come across STAUNCH bernie cultists amongst highly educated people-------lots of them (ugh...) OFFICERS OF THE COURT ------whatdahell is wrong with them?
What's wrong with them is that they're not highly educated. They're indoctrinated.

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