
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Normally I consider California to be the ultimate shit-hole state in the union (yes, including New Jersey). But I've never rooted harder for them than I am with their state-sponsored single-payer system.

For starters, this is how the U.S. Constitution intended the United States to function. As 50 individual states with the flexibility and autonomy to operate as they desire - at the will of the people of each state. It took the great Donald Trump to scare progressives into respecting the U.S. Constitution.

Second, if they are able to get this passed and implemented, it will be one of the greatest social experiments of all time. If it succeeds (and educated, informed people already know that it won't), it becomes the perfect blueprint for healthcare. If it fails (which educated, informed people already know is certain), it stands as indisputable proof of the failures of the left-wing ideology.

If you are a progressive, you probably support this already. If you're a conservative - do everything in your power to support this. It is the ultimate win-win for conservatives and the United States.
Just think about the flow of deadbeats heading to cali for their free healthcare!!
Shits going to be overwhelmed before it gets off the ground.

It ain't free. Additional 15% State Tax on incomes to pay for it, correct?

So what are they going to do with the destitute?
Surely these compassionate liberals wouldnt turn them away?
Just think about the flow of deadbeats heading to cali for their free healthcare!!
Shits going to be overwhelmed before it gets off the ground.

It ain't free. Additional 15% State Tax on incomes to pay for it, correct?

So what are they going to do with the destitute?
Surely these compassionate liberals wouldnt turn them away?

correct, silly me. I forgot.
Workers or those with incomes will pay 15%, others below a number will go free.
edit: no need to show papers. Illegals go to front of all que.
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The economic analysis estimates $40 billion per year of savings for California.


Non-retards can see why. Just look at hospital bills. Signing into an ER will literally cost you $3000, before they even do anything. After that, a a bag of saline will run $200, an aspirin $20. Private companies inflate health care costs by about a factor of 10. Even if government tried, government couldn't possibly screw it up more than the free market has.

And no, there's no proposed 15% income tax. The recommendation is for an additional 2.3% sales tax, with a 2% income tax credit for low income brackets, and a 2.3% gross receipts tax, with the first $2 million exempted.

We liberals support it, of course, as it wil lbe a success, and because it will make the treasonous snowflake bitches here cry even harder. It will be amusing watching P@triot try to spin away yet another failed prediction. Good thing he has so much practice at spinning away conservative failures.
WARNING: California will attempt to stick taxpayers in the other 49 states with the bill for their bankrupt single payer healthcare system, that's the problem.

They have already tried this shit, they lobbied Obama and Dem's to bail out their massively $330 billion dollar under funded pubic employee pension system. California is playing the too big to fail game.
WARNING: California will attempt to stick taxpayers in the other 49 states with the bill for their bankrupt single payer healthcare system, that's the problem.

They have already tried this shit, they lobbied Obama and Dem's to bail out their massively $330 billion dollar under funded pubic employee pension system. California is playing the too big to fail game.

True, but where will they get the votes for funding and what strings will be attached to it?
We liberals support it, of course, as it wil lbe a success, and because it will make the treasonous snowflake bitches here cry even harder. It will be amusing watching P@triot try to spin away yet another failed prediction. Good thing he has so much practice at spinning away conservative failures.
As I stated above Mammaries, if successful, it will be a blueprint for the rest of the nation. I'm happy to see any program which is constitutional and successful (I'm not an asshole immature ideologue like you).

But of course - the educated and informed already know that it won't be successful. It is unsustainable. That's why California is $1.4 trillion in debt. Because their idiotic left-wing policies are all irrational and unsustainable.

California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion | California Policy Center
WARNING: California will attempt to stick taxpayers in the other 49 states with the bill for their bankrupt single payer healthcare system, that's the problem.

They have already tried this shit, they lobbied Obama and Dem's to bail out their massively $330 billion dollar under funded pubic employee pension system. California is playing the too big to fail game.
Notice how Mammaries is dead silent on that fact? She has no response for things she cannot deny and/or spin.

However BluesLegend - when that does happen (notice I didn't say "if"), that will still be the ultimate win for conservatism. It will end the debate/dispute. It will fall flat on its face and the left-wing lunatics will have nothing but the most absurd of excuses for why they needed to beg for a bailout from the federal government.

In other words, even if we lose (and have to bail their failed ideology out), we win.
Just think about the flow of deadbeats heading to cali for their free healthcare!!
Shits going to be overwhelmed before it gets off the ground.
It is just a simple, undeniable reality. And even this one isssue fucks them royally. If they accept all of the illegal aliens and citizens from other states running to California for "free" healthcare, the system is overwhelmed instantly and collapses almost over night.

If they don't accept any of those people - they are exposed as hypocrites. They are fucked either way.
Just think about the flow of deadbeats heading to cali for their free healthcare!!
Shits going to be overwhelmed before it gets off the ground.
It is just a simple, undeniable reality. And even this one isssue fucks them royally. If they accept all of the illegal aliens and citizens from other states running to California for "free" healthcare, the system is overwhelmed instantly and collapses almost over night.

If they don't accept any of those people - they are exposed as hypocrites. They are fucked either way.

Yep...cant wait to witness the carnage.
The economic analysis estimates $40 billion per year of savings for California.


Non-retards can see why. Just look at hospital bills. Signing into an ER will literally cost you $3000, before they even do anything. After that, a a bag of saline will run $200, an aspirin $20. Private companies inflate health care costs by about a factor of 10. Even if government tried, government couldn't possibly screw it up more than the free market has.

And no, there's no proposed 15% income tax. The recommendation is for an additional 2.3% sales tax, with a 2% income tax credit for low income brackets, and a 2.3% gross receipts tax, with the first $2 million exempted.

We liberals support it, of course, as it wil lbe a success, and because it will make the treasonous snowflake bitches here cry even harder. It will be amusing watching P@triot try to spin away yet another failed prediction. Good thing he has so much practice at spinning away conservative failures.

You are welcome in advance. I heard it. I don't just go around making stuff up. Maybe it is not correct?

"The analysis proposes one scenario in which a new payroll tax on employers — with a rate of 15% of earned income — could supply the new revenue. But the measure itself does not contain a specific tax proposal, and therefore would not, at this point, need a two-thirds vote to approve a new tax."
Single-payer healthcare could cost $400 billion to implement in California
Just think about the flow of deadbeats heading to cali for their free healthcare!! Shits going to be overwhelmed before it gets off the ground.
It ain't free. Additional 15% State Tax on incomes to pay for it, correct?
What if you're a bum who earns nothing?
The best part about that bripat9643? If California refuses those individuals in an attempt to keep their healthcare afloat, it exposes their entire narrative as propaganda from hypocrites. If they accept those individuals, the system collapses and it proves their entire narrative is idiotic and unsustainable just as educated people have said.

They are fucked either way.
Normally I consider California to be the ultimate shit-hole state in the union (yes, including New Jersey). But I've never rooted harder for them than I am with their state-sponsored single-payer system.

For starters, this is how the U.S. Constitution intended the United States to function. As 50 individual states with the flexibility and autonomy to operate as they desire - at the will of the people of each state. It took the great Donald Trump to scare progressives into respecting the U.S. Constitution.

Second, if they are able to get this passed and implemented, it will be one of the greatest social experiments of all time. If it succeeds (and educated, informed people already know that it won't), it becomes the perfect blueprint for healthcare. If it fails (which educated, informed people already know is certain), it stands as indisputable proof of the failures of the left-wing ideology.

If you are a progressive, you probably support this already. If you're a conservative - do everything in your power to support this. It is the ultimate win-win for conservatives and the United States.

I'm against single payer because it waters down the health care I already receive. It also includes coverage for illegals. This still has to paid for through higher taxes that will likely exceed my current monthly premium today. So, essentially, I'm still paying for healthcare however, it will be sub-standard relative to the quality of care I currently receive


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