"Go back to your home country"

My European ancestors came here when Native Americans, people of African descent, people of Mexican descent, and Chinese and Japanese people were already here, just to name a few. I have not seen anything to suggest that people of European descent are being displaced and commanded to go elsewhere. As for "helping to build this country": hasn't everybody? Who among us, rather than our deceased ancestors, has "helped to build this country"? Don't we continue to do this together?
We had to boot the fucking Mexicans out of here because they were constantly fighting us. Indians are still pretty much useless. Africans are lucky that we saved them from Africa and should be more grateful. The Chinese and all the other zipperheads better keep quiet and well behaved, they don't want to be just another negro-style race, they don't like them either.
My European ancestors came here when Native Americans, people of African descent, people of Mexican descent, and Chinese and Japanese people were already here, just to name a few. I have not seen anything to suggest that people of European descent are being displaced and commanded to go elsewhere. As for "helping to build this country": hasn't everybody? Who among us, rather than our deceased ancestors, has "helped to build this country"? Don't we continue to do this together?
We had to boot the fucking Mexicans out of here because they were constantly fighting us. Indians are still pretty much useless. Africans are lucky that we saved them from Africa and should be more grateful. The Chinese and all the other zipperheads better keep quiet and well behaved, they don't want to be just another negro-style race, they don't like them either.

Just who do you mean by "we" and "us"? These words means everybody. My "we" and "us" folks couldn't get hired because they were Irish. My "we" and "us" folks couldn't vote because we were female. There are many "we" and "us" folks who couldn't vote because they were of African descent. Just who do you mean by this "we" and "us" language?
(If some other member has already posted this news , please combine my thread with his/hers. THANKS)


An Asian man, his wife, and daughter were walking in a suburb of Los Angeles.

A woman came up and told them, "Go back to your home country."

The man explained that he and his wife were born in the States.

The couple started to record the incident. (The Facebook video has had more than 440,000 views so far.)

The woman has been identified as a college professor.

She has told a local TV station the following: "If you would like to have a full normal interview about the displacement of European Americans , then I gladly am available to enlighten the public."

Los Angeles Times, print edition for March 7, 2018.
She is right.

Unfortunately she is in the wrong state to make a difference now.

Unless you are 100% Native American, the same could be said to you.

No. Being born in America makes a person a native American. All so called "Native Americans" living today were born into a predominately white America. Not a matter of race; but a place of birth.
Not really the Native Americans are born in their own sovereign nation in the USA..

So? I was born in the State of Tennessee which is at least as sovereign as any American Indian nation. I am a native American and will not concede my status to any single race. Just another bullspit PC wannabe language change.
And why should she tell them that? They are as much Americans as she is.
It’s just what she meant. As long as the Asians stay in Chinatown, I don’t care.

As American citizens, they can live where ever they can afford. This idea that the country belongs to European-Americans and the rest need to stay in their place is nonsense. This couple is raising a family in Long Beach CA. They are free citizens of the USA.
People need to respect that this country was built by white Europeans. I'm not feeling the love these days.

I was also built by other cultures. You aren't feeling the love? Did YOU build this country? Or are people supposed to show you love becauseyou have the same skin color as people who built much of it?
My ancestors came here and homesteaded, and thus helped build this country. Now everyone can come here because it's better than most places in the world. Some props would be nice, and not being constantly called a racist just because I'm white.

So you want props for what your ancestors did for themselves?
My European ancestors came here when Native Americans, people of African descent, people of Mexican descent, and Chinese and Japanese people were already here, just to name a few. I have not seen anything to suggest that people of European descent are being displaced and commanded to go elsewhere. As for "helping to build this country": hasn't everybody? Who among us, rather than our deceased ancestors, has "helped to build this country"? Don't we continue to do this together?
We had to boot the fucking Mexicans out of here because they were constantly fighting us. Indians are still pretty much useless. Africans are lucky that we saved them from Africa and should be more grateful. The Chinese and all the other zipperheads better keep quiet and well behaved, they don't want to be just another negro-style race, they don't like them either.

Imagine people calling you racist just because your skin is white, huh?
The Asian couple in the OP were both born here. So they are native Americans. The obnoxious woman was harassing native Americans telling them to "go back to their home country".
She meant their ancestral country. Using the right terms always helps get your point across.

And why should she tell them that? They are as much Americans as she is.
It’s just what she meant. As long as the Asians stay in Chinatown, I don’t care.

As American citizens, they can live where ever they can afford. This idea that the country belongs to European-Americans and the rest need to stay in their place is nonsense. This couple is raising a family in Long Beach CA. They are free citizens of the USA.
People need to respect that this country was built by white Europeans. I'm not feeling the love these days.

This country was built by all sorts of people.
My European ancestors came here when Native Americans, people of African descent, people of Mexican descent, and Chinese and Japanese people were already here, just to name a few. I have not seen anything to suggest that people of European descent are being displaced and commanded to go elsewhere. As for "helping to build this country": hasn't everybody? Who among us, rather than our deceased ancestors, has "helped to build this country"? Don't we continue to do this together?
We had to boot the fucking Mexicans out of here because they were constantly fighting us. Indians are still pretty much useless. Africans are lucky that we saved them from Africa and should be more grateful. The Chinese and all the other zipperheads better keep quiet and well behaved, they don't want to be just another negro-style race, they don't like them either.

Imagine people calling you racist just because your skin is white, huh?

Taz will never explain who "we" is supposed to be. I have traced my g-g-grandfather to a "coffin ship" from Ireland that landed in NYC in 1848. I don't know why he came here. I suspect it was the starvation in Ireland. He married an Irish woman and had a three-child family in NYC during the Civil War. Somehow he became a house owner in Jersey City by 1870, according to public records. I suspect he might have used his fists to get his family over the river, Tammany Hall and all. I can never be sure, even though I found his grave in pouring down rain, and asked him, as his descendant. I don't know what other families had to do to survive, including those people who had been freed from bondage.

What Taz doesn't realize is that his lineage is not special. Every family in this country had to fight to survive.
The separate but equal thing was about preserving segregation so that blacks could eventually be sent back. The dogs and fire houses and political lynchings came out of desperation to preserve even the possibility of sending blacks back.

Women's suffrage has to do with all of the later women's rights events. Women originally were not needed to do anything but keep up the home.

Marital rape is a nonsensical idea to everyone but the dumbest of the dumb. You can't rape your spouse when sex is an unspoken condition of marriage.

I guess if the blacks wanted to go back to Africa that would make sense. They didn't. They wanted to be treated equally in the nation that they, their parents, their grandparents, and their great-grandparents helped to build. They wanted their constitutional rights. They wanted to vote on the leaders that would determine the direction of their nation.

If a woman wants to be a homemaker, I have no problem with it. But t o tell her she HAS to do that, or that she only has what her husband gives her is simply wrong.

Marital rape is not nonsense. Marriage does not guarantee a husband that he will get sex anytime he wants, even if she doesn't want it. She is an American citizen, not her husband's property.
It isn't about what the blacks wanted. It is about what the abolitionists wanted(pretty much all of them were opposed to integration). Lincoln wanted blacks to go back as well. Without the abolitionists the blacks would have been slaves for much longer.

It is not any more unfair to the woman than it is to the man who has to use his masculine mind and body to make money to support the family, instead of staying at home.

Sticking your penis in your wife's vagina when she isn't up for sex at the time isn't rape. It may be grounds for divorce and possibly legal action like a restraining order or something, but it isn't rape. Physically harming your spouse and/or forcing them to perform actions that are harmful to them is very different from pouncing on your wife when she has a mental chastity belt on.

This ^^^^^^^ is off-topic trolling, and the worthless spittle of the lowest kind of pathetic weakling scum. No real man believes that ^^^^^^ kind of bullshit, and no weakling loser would ever say it in the presence of a real man (or real woman for that matter).
Tell me little sissy, do you honestly think it is "rape" for a wife to grab her husband's penis when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex or thinks he doesn't have the time or energy?

No real man believes that his wife can decide on a whim that their lovemaking wasn't consensual, or even is some kind of sexual attack against her.

Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.
I guess if the blacks wanted to go back to Africa that would make sense. They didn't. They wanted to be treated equally in the nation that they, their parents, their grandparents, and their great-grandparents helped to build. They wanted their constitutional rights. They wanted to vote on the leaders that would determine the direction of their nation.

If a woman wants to be a homemaker, I have no problem with it. But t o tell her she HAS to do that, or that she only has what her husband gives her is simply wrong.

Marital rape is not nonsense. Marriage does not guarantee a husband that he will get sex anytime he wants, even if she doesn't want it. She is an American citizen, not her husband's property.
It isn't about what the blacks wanted. It is about what the abolitionists wanted(pretty much all of them were opposed to integration). Lincoln wanted blacks to go back as well. Without the abolitionists the blacks would have been slaves for much longer.

It is not any more unfair to the woman than it is to the man who has to use his masculine mind and body to make money to support the family, instead of staying at home.

Sticking your penis in your wife's vagina when she isn't up for sex at the time isn't rape. It may be grounds for divorce and possibly legal action like a restraining order or something, but it isn't rape. Physically harming your spouse and/or forcing them to perform actions that are harmful to them is very different from pouncing on your wife when she has a mental chastity belt on.

This ^^^^^^^ is off-topic trolling, and the worthless spittle of the lowest kind of pathetic weakling scum. No real man believes that ^^^^^^ kind of bullshit, and no weakling loser would ever say it in the presence of a real man (or real woman for that matter).
Tell me little sissy, do you honestly think it is "rape" for a wife to grab her husband's penis when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex or thinks he doesn't have the time or energy?

No real man believes that his wife can decide on a whim that their lovemaking wasn't consensual, or even is some kind of sexual attack against her.

Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

If it isn't rape for a man to have sex with his wife when she does not want it, when is it rape? Isn't making someone have sex with you when they don't want to the very definition of rape?

Who is going to experience genocide without absolute racial separation? For that matter, how are you defining genocide?
You just ignored the entirety of the video that proves that you are wrong about the founding of the country. The founding fathers wanted immigration exclusively from Western Europe, not from fucking Somalia or Mexico.

1,000,000 isn't even a quarter of today's East Asian population in America, and Kennedy's immigration policy didn't really favor East Asia anyway.

In 1960, not only was this country overwhelmingly white compared to today, but also MUCH younger in its whiteness.

White people on average were about my age in 1960, as opposed to almost 50. That is radically different just from a cultural perspective.

And what is the problem with an increased Asian population? They have lower rates per capita of receiving gov't assistance than whites do. They have higher rates of college graduation per capita than whites. They are not a drain on the system and they offer a lot to our society. But you want them gone simply because they are not white?
They aren't European.

They aren't Libertarian leaning(in even the most BASIC sense)

That is more than enough.

White Americans used to have very high graduation rates btw. It is the egalitarian bullshit and the endless rebellion against societal norms that has caused the low graduation rates.
I don’t care.I love the diversity of heritage we Americans have :)
Every western country that is stupid enough to go the route we have has the same "diversity of heritage".

Funny how we don't actually have a culture anymore....

The problem is, you are so angry about the blacks and hispanics, you want to try and lump the asians in with them. Sorry asshole, that just doesn't fly.

You better get used to a diverse population. It isn't going to change.
The problem is that you are idiot reactionary who doesn't understand anything other than the dogma presented to you.

It is not about "lumping" anyone into anywhere, it is about avoiding further racial bloodshed instead of rushing it along.
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So unless you develop it, it is not ours? lmao
Didn't say that. I said that it was theirs....but we made it a nation. Any people can sit on a patch of land living via subsistence. A people produce greatness.

"Go back to your home country" could apply to anyone here.

Sure does...and it would devolve back into an agrarian culture.
A Hideout Is Not a Home

The "American" Indians were originally prehistoric bandit gangs on the run from advanced Asians. These Mongoloids are related to the predators the Great Wall of China was built against. If America had never been discovered by the people it was destined for, today it would be another Somalia.
I guess if the blacks wanted to go back to Africa that would make sense. They didn't. They wanted to be treated equally in the nation that they, their parents, their grandparents, and their great-grandparents helped to build. They wanted their constitutional rights. They wanted to vote on the leaders that would determine the direction of their nation.

If a woman wants to be a homemaker, I have no problem with it. But t o tell her she HAS to do that, or that she only has what her husband gives her is simply wrong.

Marital rape is not nonsense. Marriage does not guarantee a husband that he will get sex anytime he wants, even if she doesn't want it. She is an American citizen, not her husband's property.
It isn't about what the blacks wanted. It is about what the abolitionists wanted(pretty much all of them were opposed to integration). Lincoln wanted blacks to go back as well. Without the abolitionists the blacks would have been slaves for much longer.

It is not any more unfair to the woman than it is to the man who has to use his masculine mind and body to make money to support the family, instead of staying at home.

Sticking your penis in your wife's vagina when she isn't up for sex at the time isn't rape. It may be grounds for divorce and possibly legal action like a restraining order or something, but it isn't rape. Physically harming your spouse and/or forcing them to perform actions that are harmful to them is very different from pouncing on your wife when she has a mental chastity belt on.

This ^^^^^^^ is off-topic trolling, and the worthless spittle of the lowest kind of pathetic weakling scum. No real man believes that ^^^^^^ kind of bullshit, and no weakling loser would ever say it in the presence of a real man (or real woman for that matter).
Tell me little sissy, do you honestly think it is "rape" for a wife to grab her husband's penis when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex or thinks he doesn't have the time or energy?

No real man believes that his wife can decide on a whim that their lovemaking wasn't consensual, or even is some kind of sexual attack against her.

Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

The problems in South Africa stems from decades of outright oppression. Nothing more and nothing less.

If a woman does not want to have sex, and she is forced to have sex, that is rape. The marriage certificate does not change that. And yes, sticking your penis in her when she does not want it is rape.

No, I think you have the same rights every other citizen of this country has. The problem is, you want the rest of the races gone. It is not going to happen. You think you are special because you share the same skin color with people who DID things that are special and brave. That is not the case. You are what you do. But rather than live a happy life, you blame others for your failures, for the way your children turn out ect.

Your children are terrorized? By what? Perhaps because they have been taught that all blacks will kill or rape them?

And just to clarify, the topic is the unwarranted harassment of two American citizens by a spiteful bitch. If you agree with what that woman said to natural born Americans, you are part of the problem.
It isn't about what the blacks wanted. It is about what the abolitionists wanted(pretty much all of them were opposed to integration). Lincoln wanted blacks to go back as well. Without the abolitionists the blacks would have been slaves for much longer.

It is not any more unfair to the woman than it is to the man who has to use his masculine mind and body to make money to support the family, instead of staying at home.

Sticking your penis in your wife's vagina when she isn't up for sex at the time isn't rape. It may be grounds for divorce and possibly legal action like a restraining order or something, but it isn't rape. Physically harming your spouse and/or forcing them to perform actions that are harmful to them is very different from pouncing on your wife when she has a mental chastity belt on.

This ^^^^^^^ is off-topic trolling, and the worthless spittle of the lowest kind of pathetic weakling scum. No real man believes that ^^^^^^ kind of bullshit, and no weakling loser would ever say it in the presence of a real man (or real woman for that matter).
Tell me little sissy, do you honestly think it is "rape" for a wife to grab her husband's penis when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex or thinks he doesn't have the time or energy?

No real man believes that his wife can decide on a whim that their lovemaking wasn't consensual, or even is some kind of sexual attack against her.

Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

If it isn't rape for a man to have sex with his wife when she does not want it, when is it rape? Isn't making someone have sex with you when they don't want to the very definition of rape?

Who is going to experience genocide without absolute racial separation? For that matter, how are you defining genocide?
It is never rape when involving your spouse because chances are they will want to have sex with you the very same day you would have "raped" them. The problem is that you all don't understand human psychology and basic legal terms.

Whoever gets the short end of the stick when it comes to "multiculturalism". So far that is people of European descent.
And what is the problem with an increased Asian population? They have lower rates per capita of receiving gov't assistance than whites do. They have higher rates of college graduation per capita than whites. They are not a drain on the system and they offer a lot to our society. But you want them gone simply because they are not white?
They aren't European.

They aren't Libertarian leaning(in even the most BASIC sense)

That is more than enough.

White Americans used to have very high graduation rates btw. It is the egalitarian bullshit and the endless rebellion against societal norms that has caused the low graduation rates.
I don’t care.I love the diversity of heritage we Americans have :)
Every western country that is stupid enough to go the route we have has the same "diversity of heritage".

Funny how we don't actually have a culture anymore....

The problem is, you are so angry about the blacks and hispanics, you want to try and lump the asians in with them. Sorry asshole, that just doesn't fly.

You better get used to a diverse population. It isn't going to change.
The problem is that you are idiot reactionary who doesn't understand anything other than the dogma presented to you.

It is not about "lumping" anyone into anywhere, it is about avoid further racial bloodshed instead of rushing it along.

I understand things quite well. I do not buy into the idea that people are who they are because of the color of their skin. I have known too many fine, upstanding people of many races, as well as ignorant scum of many races.

If there is racial bloodshed, you don't seem interested in preventing it.
This ^^^^^^^ is off-topic trolling, and the worthless spittle of the lowest kind of pathetic weakling scum. No real man believes that ^^^^^^ kind of bullshit, and no weakling loser would ever say it in the presence of a real man (or real woman for that matter).
Tell me little sissy, do you honestly think it is "rape" for a wife to grab her husband's penis when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex or thinks he doesn't have the time or energy?

No real man believes that his wife can decide on a whim that their lovemaking wasn't consensual, or even is some kind of sexual attack against her.

Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

If it isn't rape for a man to have sex with his wife when she does not want it, when is it rape? Isn't making someone have sex with you when they don't want to the very definition of rape?

Who is going to experience genocide without absolute racial separation? For that matter, how are you defining genocide?
It is never rape when involving your spouse because chances are they will want to have sex with you the very same day you would have "raped" them. The problem is that you all don't understand human psychology and basic legal terms.

Whoever gets the short end of the stick when it comes to "multiculturalism". So far that is people of European descent.

If a woman, or a man for that matter, says they do not want to have sex at that moment, forcing them to have sex is rape. That is the truth and the law. Whether they will want to have sex later is irrelevant. If she says no, then you stop. Period.
She is right about what?
The displacement of European Americans.

By whom? Asian Americans?
By everyone let in by Democrat traitors.

Oh, so the people allowed in by Republicans are ok? Which party let the parents or grandparents or great grandparents of the Asian couple mentioned in the OP into our country?

And just as an FYI, this country is not just for European Americans.
Republicans didn't cause the change in immigration policy.

Ted Kennedy and other snakes in his party did.

You are ignorant about the founding of this country.
Let Every Dynasty Die Nasty

The most important thing about the Kennedys is that they are HeirHeads. Right Winger HeirHeads are no better. They'd all be nothing without their Daddy's Money, so let us make it so.
It isn't about what the blacks wanted. It is about what the abolitionists wanted(pretty much all of them were opposed to integration). Lincoln wanted blacks to go back as well. Without the abolitionists the blacks would have been slaves for much longer.

It is not any more unfair to the woman than it is to the man who has to use his masculine mind and body to make money to support the family, instead of staying at home.

Sticking your penis in your wife's vagina when she isn't up for sex at the time isn't rape. It may be grounds for divorce and possibly legal action like a restraining order or something, but it isn't rape. Physically harming your spouse and/or forcing them to perform actions that are harmful to them is very different from pouncing on your wife when she has a mental chastity belt on.

This ^^^^^^^ is off-topic trolling, and the worthless spittle of the lowest kind of pathetic weakling scum. No real man believes that ^^^^^^ kind of bullshit, and no weakling loser would ever say it in the presence of a real man (or real woman for that matter).
Tell me little sissy, do you honestly think it is "rape" for a wife to grab her husband's penis when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex or thinks he doesn't have the time or energy?

No real man believes that his wife can decide on a whim that their lovemaking wasn't consensual, or even is some kind of sexual attack against her.

Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

The problems in South Africa stems from decades of outright oppression. Nothing more and nothing less.

If a woman does not want to have sex, and she is forced to have sex, that is rape. The marriage certificate does not change that. And yes, sticking your penis in her when she does not want it is rape.

No, I think you have the same rights every other citizen of this country has. The problem is, you want the rest of the races gone. It is not going to happen. You think you are special because you share the same skin color with people who DID things that are special and brave. That is not the case. You are what you do. But rather than live a happy life, you blame others for your failures, for the way your children turn out ect.

Your children are terrorized? By what? Perhaps because they have been taught that all blacks will kill or rape them?

And just to clarify, the topic is the unwarranted harassment of two American citizens by a spiteful bitch. If you agree with what that woman said to natural born Americans, you are part of the problem.
The problems stem from the double standard between global support of systemic racism, discrimination and genocidal levels of violence(FAR more numerous than anything any non-white group has had to deal with in this country btw) against a powerless white minority that is largely responsible for all the infrastructure in the country which they reside vs the outright condemnation and sanctioning of a white nation taking measures to make sure it stays white with no intention of subjugating anyone.

Except you don't think that. You are just reciting a bullshit progressive platitude that "progressives" typically violate minutes after they themselves recite it. You disregard or even encourage racism against whites because you believe that is the natural order of things. You think I am a "failure" because I reject your laughably stupid logic about life.

My children don't exist yet, but my nieces and nephews will indeed be terrorized as they enter their teenage years and America and the rest of the western world edge closer to becoming another South Africa.
She is right.

Unfortunately she is in the wrong state to make a difference now.

She is right about what?
The displacement of European Americans.
Go back to Europe.
Stop invading Europe first.

bodecea is invading Europe? What is she doing, going door to door asking for surrenders? :p

Nagological Warfare


Romans: 10,000, well-trained and well-armed
Britons: 230,000 woman-worshipers, led by Queen Boadicea

Roman dead: 400
Mama's Boy dead: 80,000
Tell me little sissy, do you honestly think it is "rape" for a wife to grab her husband's penis when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex or thinks he doesn't have the time or energy?

No real man believes that his wife can decide on a whim that their lovemaking wasn't consensual, or even is some kind of sexual attack against her.

Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

If it isn't rape for a man to have sex with his wife when she does not want it, when is it rape? Isn't making someone have sex with you when they don't want to the very definition of rape?

Who is going to experience genocide without absolute racial separation? For that matter, how are you defining genocide?
It is never rape when involving your spouse because chances are they will want to have sex with you the very same day you would have "raped" them. The problem is that you all don't understand human psychology and basic legal terms.

Whoever gets the short end of the stick when it comes to "multiculturalism". So far that is people of European descent.

If a woman, or a man for that matter, says they do not want to have sex at that moment, forcing them to have sex is rape. That is the truth and the law. Whether they will want to have sex later is irrelevant. If she says no, then you stop. Period.
It is the law thanks to morally bankrupt Democrats and the useful idiots who voted them in. Just like it is now the law for minors to be able to abort babies without having to tell their parents in some states.

It is much easier to assume that people were simply backwards before the "progressive era" than to actually think and do some research to understand the mindsets of those people and the variables involved.

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