Globalist set Alex jones percent to activate censorship grid


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

The MSM has been lying for months to set the “Alex Jones Statute” in order to ban other voices they disagree with. They accuse Trump of “treason” and other crimes while past administrations were not held to the same standard.

Globalists Set ‘Alex Jones Precedent’ To Activate Censorship Grid

Censorship sucks, it's comical to watch Trump haters spew their rabid bs because they think they're sooooo sooo special they can' tget away with saying things that would tech. get peopel throw in jail if they dare said or did the things these Trump hating scum do today.

But, the funny part is how stupid you morons are as you eat yourselves alive and you all can't even figure out how it's happening or why, lol

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